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Game of February 21, 2013 at 17:29, 3 players
1. 107 pts ChiliB.
2. 34 pts ding
3. 25 pts rainbow

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abehmrt   H7    30    30   breath
 2. dfortuu  12C    24    54   fourth
 3. aefgimo   C9    34    88   moffie
 4. ?adeglr   E5    86   174   feldgrau
 5. aaeghis  15A    51   225   gash
 6. ?cdeoru   8H    89   314   reductor
 7. eilnnot   L8    72   386   contline
 8. aaeinrs   J2    63   449   araneids
 9. aiklouy   H7    51   500   breathily
10. abelouv  14J    32   532   venal
11. eioprsw   N5    73   605   swoopier
12. ceopvxy   F4    60   665   pyx
13. abijktu   B8    55   720   taj
14. einootu   O1    28   748   toonie
15. adeiktv   A5    42   790   kited
16. cdimnos  14B    43   833   mesic
17. aeiouvw   3I    30   863   vrouw
18. abeeinz  13K    54   917   biz
19. adeinqu   B2    51   968   equid

Remaining tiles: aaegnn

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: novice
  1.5025 FileChiliB.     0  4:51  -861  107     1.5025 ChiliB.     0  4:51  -861  107 
  2.4205 Fileding        0  1:41  -934   34            Group: not rated
  3.2769 Filerainbow     0  2:50  -943   25     1.4205 ding        0  1:41  -934   34 
                                             2.2769 rainbow     0  2:50  -943   25 

On 1st draw, BREATH H7 30 --- BREATH air inhaled and exhaled [n]
Other tops: BERTHA H8 30
Other moves: BATHER H4 28, BEATH H8 28, BERTH H8 28, BERTHA H4 28, BREATH H4 28

On 2nd draw, FOURTH 12C 24 --- FOURTH one of four equal parts [n]
Other moves: FOUD G6 23, FRO I9 23, OFT G8 23, FORTH 12D 22, FOUTH 12D 22

On 3rd draw, MOFFIE C9 34 --- MOFFIE (South Africa) a homosexual [n]
Other moves: EGMA 11C 32, FOAM 13A 32, GOAF 13A 31, FEM 13B 30, GOAF G6 29

On 4th draw, (F)ELDGRAU E5 86 --- FELDGRAU the grey colour of German military uniforms [n]
Other moves: LAG(E)RED B4 77, RAG(G)LED B4 77, RAG(U)LED B4 77, R(E)GALED B4 77, GLA(D)DER D4 76

On 5th draw, GASH 15A 51 --- GASH knowing [adj] --- GASH to make a long deep cut in [v]
Other moves: EISH 15A 48, HAES I9 37, HIES I9 37, AHI B9 36, GEISHA 14B 36
SHE 14A 12 rainbow

On 6th draw, REDUC(T)OR 8H 89 --- REDUCTOR an apparatus for the reduction of metallic ions in solution [n]
Other moves: (S)COURED 13H 85, EDUC(T)OR 13H 84, RECOUR(E)D 8H 83, R(E)COURED 8H 83, CRU(N)ODE B5 81
REDE(S) 9G 8 rainbow

On 7th draw, CONTLINE L8 72 --- CONTLINE the space between stowed casks [n]
Other moves: NONTI(T)LE M3 68, INDOLENT J6 63, NON(T)ITLE M5 59, LEONINE 14B 27, ENTOIL 13H 26
(T)ONNE M8 5 rainbow

On 8th draw, ARANEIDS J2 63 --- ARANEID a spider [n]
Other moves: BREATHERS H7 42, BREATHIER H7 42, AERIES I7 33, ANEARS 14A 28, ERNES I8 26

On 9th draw, BREATHILY H7 51 --- BREATHILY [adv]
Other moves: LEAKY 14B 49, YUKO B8 46, KAYO B8 41, YOUK B7 41, YAK B8 40

On 10th draw, VENAL 14J 32 --- VENAL open to bribery [adj]
Other moves: LOBE B8 31, LUBE B8 31, *B* B9 30, BEVEL 15K 30, BEVUE 15K 30
VILE 13K 14 ding

On 11th draw, SWOOPIER N5 73 --- SWOOPY having sweeping lines or features [adj]
Other moves: SPREW B6 37, OWE B9 36, RESOW B6 35, SEROW B6 35, WIPER 13K 35
WARPS 4I 20 ding

On 12th draw, PYX F4 60 --- PYX a container in which the eucharistic bread is kept [n] --- PYX to test newly minted coins [v]
Other moves: VEX F4 55, YEX F4 55, EXO F5 54, EX F5 51, PEEOY 14B 49
AX M14 18 ChiliB.

On 13th draw, TAJ B8 55 --- TAJ a tall, conical cap worn in Muslim countries [n]
Other moves: JAUK B7 45, JEAT 14B 45, JAK B8 44, JEU 14B 43, TAKI B8 43
JETS 9G 23 ChiliB.

On 14th draw, TOONIE O1 28 --- TOONIE a Canadian two-dollar coin [n]
Other moves: TOONIE A3 27, NOOIT A5 26, UNITE A4 24, UNTIE A4 24, NOUT A6 23
TEEN 11L 4 ChiliB.

On 15th draw, KITED A5 42 --- KITE to obtain money or credit fraudulently [v]
Other tops: VITAE A4 42
Other moves: AKED A6 39, DAK A7 39, DATIVE A3 39, KAED A6 39, KAID A6 39
TAD A7 24 ChiliB.

On 16th draw, MESIC 14B 43 --- MESIC characterized by a medium supply of moisture [adj]
Other tops: COSMID B1 43
Other moves: DEMIC 15K 39, MEDIC 15K 39, MESIC 15K 35, COSMIN B1 34, MICRONS 3G 34
SEX 6D 10 ChiliB.

On 17th draw, VROUW 3I 30 --- VROUW a Dutch woman [n]
Other moves: VAE D6 26, WAE D6 26, WAI D6 26, AWAVE 4H 24, EW(T) M6 24

On 18th draw, BIZ 13K 54 --- BIZ slang for business [n]
Other moves: ZEA D6 38, ZEE D6 38, BUAZE L2 32, NAZI B2 32, ZA D6 32

On 19th draw, EQUID B2 51 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: QUEAN B2 42, QADI B2 34, QUENA B1 34, QUINA B1 34, EQUID L1 32
QUID L2 28 ChiliB.

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