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Game of February 21, 2013 at 23:42, 1 player
1. 321 pts bmurf84

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abejrst   H4    46    46   jabers
 2. dilostw   7C    66   112   dowliest
 3. aaginrt   9A    61   173   granitas
 4. adeilvy   J5    69   242   datively
 5. acenoux   K3    41   283   coax
 6. defilnt   A4    42   325   feting
 7. bensuuy   L4    43   368   byes
 8. einprtw   D6    28   396   townier
 9. ?ciorvz  12G    40   436   coryza
10. ehlorrs   M9    44   480   horse
11. adeinuv   3I    38   518   incaved
12. eilmnoo   2C    63   581   oinomel
13. ?aefgil   O1   194   775   gadflies
14. adentuu   1D    41   816   tuned
15. aegkpru   N5    37   853   ake
16. agmnoqt  K10    36   889   moz
17. aginqrt   4A    34   923   faqir
18. ehnoppt   N9    31   954   eh
19. gnotuuu  O10    30   984   outgun

Remaining tiles: ppu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4323 Filebmurf84     0 14:17  -663  321     1.4323 bmurf84     0 14:17  -663  321 

On 1st draw, JABERS H4 46 --- JABERS part of an Irish oath [n]
Other moves: JEATS H4 40, JABERS H3 32, JABERS H7 32, JABERS H8 32, JABERS H5 30

On 2nd draw, DOWLIEST 7C 66 --- DOWLY (English dialect) dull, low-spirited [adj]
Other moves: JOWLS 4H 30, STOLID I2 30, SOLID I3 29, DOW G5 27, OLID I4 27

On 3rd draw, GRANITAS 9A 61 --- GRANITA an ice confection typically made from fruit [n]
Other moves: ANGARIA 5E 32, TANAGRA 5E 32, JAGIR 4H 26, JAGRA 4H 26, JARINA 4H 26

On 4th draw, DATIVELY J5 69 --- DATIVE a grammatical case [adv] --- DATIVELY in a dative manner [adv]
Other moves: EDGILY A7 45, AVIDLY 8J 44, VEDALIA 5E 44, AGLEY A8 39, GLAIVED A9 39

On 5th draw, COAX K3 41 --- COAX to cajole [v]
Other moves: COX K4 39, CAXON K2 36, COXAE K2 36, CAXON I1 35, NOX K4 35

On 6th draw, FETING A4 42 --- FETE to honor with a celebration [v]
Other moves: FLED L4 40, INFELT 8J 39, FELTING A3 36, FLYTED 12H 34, ELFING A4 33

On 7th draw, BYES L4 43 --- BYE a side issue [n]
Other moves: BYE L4 41, NYES L4 35, SYEN L4 35, NYE L4 33, SYE L4 33

On 8th draw, TOWNIER D6 28 --- TOWNY townish [adj]
Other tops: WINTERY 12D 28
Other moves: WIPER B1 27, INTOWN D4 26, RENOWN D4 26, TWYER 12H 24, TWIER B1 23

On 9th draw, CORYZ(A) 12G 40 --- CORYZA a head cold [n]
Other moves: VIZOR(E)D C1 39, ZORI(S) M1 38, ZY(M)IC 12I 36, COZI(E)D C2 35, C(A)Z 3K 35

On 10th draw, HORSE M9 44 --- HORSE to provide with a horse (a large, hoofed mammal) [v]
Other tops: HERLS M9 44
Other moves: HELOS M10 36, HOLES M10 36, HOSEL M10 36, HOSER M10 36, HELO M10 34
HORSE H11 24 bmurf84

On 11th draw, INCAVED 3I 38 --- INCAVE to secrete [v]
Other moves: DIZEN K10 37, INVADE B1 36, DAZE K10 35, AZIDE K11 34, INCAVE 3I 34
DOVEN H11 27 bmurf84

On 12th draw, OINOMEL 2C 63 --- OINOMEL an ancient Greek beverage [n]
Other moves: MIZEN K10 40, MOZE K10 38, MOZO K10 38, MIZ K10 36, MOZ K10 36
DOMINO O3 30 bmurf84

On 13th draw, GADFLIE(S) O1 194 --- GADFLY a biting fly [n]
Other moves: GA(N)EF 1D 57, FAZI(N)G K10 45, (P)ILAF 1D 45, ALEF 1E 44, FIZ(Z)LE K10 43
GADFLIE(S) O1 144 bmurf84

On 14th draw, TUNED 1D 41 --- TUNE to put into the proper pitch [v]
Other moves: DAZE K10 35, TENDU 1A 33, NAZE K10 32, TEND 1A 28, TUND 1A 28
TAD 1F 27 bmurf84

On 15th draw, AKE N5 37 --- AKE to endure a dull lasting pain [v]
Other moves: AKEE N1 36, GOPAK H11 36, KAE N6 36, KEA N6 36, KA N6 34
POKER H11 33 bmurf84

On 16th draw, MOZ K10 36 --- MOZ a curse [n]
Other moves: AZON K11 30, AZO K11 28, AM N9 25, OM N9 25, FOGMAN 4A 24
GAME 11A 7 bmurf84

On 17th draw, FAQIR 4A 34 --- FAQIR a religious ascetic in India [n]
Other moves: QI 3B 26, FARING 4A 20, FATING 4A 20, QAT B3 19, ANTI 3B 18
ART N13 8 bmurf84

On 18th draw, EH N9 31 --- EH to say 'Eh' [v] --- EH used to express doubt or surprise [interj]
Other tops: OH N9 31
Other moves: HEPT E11 30, TOPHE H11 30, HE N10 28, HEP E11 28, OPE N9 28
PEEP 11C 16 bmurf84

On 19th draw, OUTGUN O10 30 --- OUTGUN to surpass in fire power [v]
Other moves: ONE 13K 19, RUNOUT B9 16, MOZO K10 15, GO 3F 14, GU 3F 14
GOUT H11 5 bmurf84

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