On 1st draw, HUSB(A)ND H4 82 --- HUSBAND to be a thrifty manager [v]
Other tops: BUH(U)NDS H2 82, B(U)HUNDS H2 82
Other moves: BUH(U)NDS H4 80, B(U)HUNDS H4 80, BUH(U)NDS H7 78, B(U)HUNDS H7 78, HUSB(A)ND H6 78
On 2nd draw, PHUTTIN(G) 5F 74 --- PHUT to land with a thud [v]
Other moves: PITH(S) 11D 30, T(O)PHI I3 29, HIP(S) 11E 28, PHI(S) 11E 28, (S)HIP 11H 28 (S)HIP 11H 28 dragons11
On 3rd draw, AVISOS 11C 31 --- AVISO advice [n]
Other tops: AVISOS 11E 31, OVISTS 11C 31, OVISTS 11E 31, VISTAS 11C 31, VISTAS 11F 31, VISTOS 11C 31, VISTOS 11F 31
Other moves: AVISO 11E 29, OVIST 11E 29, VASTS 11D 29, VISAS 11D 29, VITAS 11D 29 SAVS 11H 27 dragons11
On 4th draw, MATTIN I3 25 --- MATTIN a morning bird song [n]
Other moves: FITNA 6B 24, WITAN L1 24, FATWA C10 22, WAIFT C10 22, AIMS 6E 21
On 5th draw, VANED D11 22 --- VANE a device for showing the direction of the wind [adj] --- VANED having a vane [adj]
Other tops: DEANS 4K 22, SANDED 10E 22
Other moves: ASTONE 6G 21, SADDEN 10E 21, SODDEN 10E 21, DAVENS D9 20, DEVONS D9 20
On 6th draw, INFANTRY L1 88 --- INFANTRY a branch of the army composed of foot soldiers [n]
Other moves: INFANTRY 13C 82, INFANTRY L4 80, FATTY J2 51, FAINTY J1 46, NATTY J2 42 DIRTY 15D 27 ZEHAVARON
On 7th draw, DUKEDOM 15D 45 --- DUKEDOM the domain of a duke [n]
Other moves: KENDO 2J 40, GEEKDOM 14B 38, DOUKED 15D 36, MIKED 1K 36, OAKUM C10 36 MIKED 1K 36 ZEHAVARON
On 9th draw, JAROOL 14I 45 --- JAROOL a tree with purple blooms [n]
Other moves: JAILER 1J 39, JAILOR 1J 39, AJAR C11 37, RIOJA 1K 36, RAJA C10 35 JAM J13 14 ZEHAVARON
On 10th draw, DIAGNOSE 10H 64 --- DIAGNOSE to recognize a disease by its signs and symptoms [v]
Other moves: AGNISE O10 38, ANISE O11 32, GAINERS K9 32, NOISE O11 32, ONAGERS K9 32 ON 15N 8 ZEHAVARON
On 11th draw, QI J2 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI 10E 28, TELIA 13J 25, QI K1 24, LATI 13J 21, TAIL 13J 21 STEAK F11 11 ZEHAVARON
On 12th draw, BEATER C9 30 --- BEATER one that beats [n]
Other tops: WRATE C9 30
Other moves: TWEE 13L 28, WEB 13M 28, BROW L12 26, BERATE C8 24, GIBER 1K 24 WIRE 1K 7 ZEHAVARON
On 13th draw, DECOY B6 40 --- DECOY to lure into a trap [v]
Other moves: DOGY 13J 39, TYDE J5 38, DEY M1 35, DOY M1 35, TYG J5 35 DICE 1K 7 ZEHAVARON
On 14th draw, PLICAE A1 42 --- PLICA a fold of skin [n]
Other moves: PEAG 15L 41, PLAICE A10 41, PLICAE A10 41, EPICAL A10 39, PAIGLE A10 38 PILE 1K 6 ZEHAVARON
On 15th draw, WAGGER A10 48 --- WAGGER one that wags [n]
Other moves: WEAR 15L 46, WIGGA 1K 30, OWER 13L 28, RAGG 13J 28, WAG 15M 28 ARE A10 10 ZEHAVARON
On 16th draw, WEIR 15L 46 --- WEIR a fence placed in a stream to catch fish [n] --- WEIR to guard [v]
Other tops: WEIL 15L 46
Other moves: LWEI 13L 28, WIEL 13L 25, WURLIE D4 25, WE 13M 22, WRIEST 6D 22 PURE 1A 7 ZEHAVARON
On 17th draw, ROUX 11J 41 --- ROUX a mixture of butter and flour [n]
Other moves: ILEX 1L 33, XU 11J 33, CAREX 4A 28, COXAE 4A 28, COXAL 4A 28 LUX 2A 20 ZEHAVARON
On 18th draw, LIEVE 1K 24 --- LIEVE gladly [adv]
Other tops: VIOLA 1K 24
Other moves: LAV 13J 22, LEV 13J 22, OVA G7 22, CALVE 4A 20, CAVEL 4A 20 LEVEL 2A 16 ZEHAVARON