Rtng Username Tops Time Delta Pts Group: intermediate
1.6593 jimbo 1 7:36 -851 242 1.6593 jimbo 1 7:36 -851 242
2.3950 milklady99 0 5:28 -950 143 Group: not rated 1.3950 milklady99 0 5:28 -950 143
On 1st draw, VENTURE H4 78 --- VENTURE to risk [v]
Other moves: VENTURE H2 72, VENTURE H3 72, VENTURE H6 72, VENTURE H7 72, VENTURE H8 72
On 2nd draw, OXIDA(B)LE 10A 81 --- OXIDABLE capable of being oxidized [adj]
Other moves: ALDOXI(M)E 5A 80, AL(K)OXIDE 5A 80, EXO(R)DIAL 5H 80, OXIDA(B)LE 5A 80, ALDOXI(M)E 10A 69
On 3rd draw, OUTWRI(T)E 7F 66 --- OUTWRITE to write better than [v]
Other moves: OU(T)WRITE 7B 63, WEIR(D)O 11E 40, WEIR 11E 38, WEIR(D) 11E 38, WEIR(S) 11E 38
On 4th draw, RANKLES N1 87 --- RANKLE to cause irritation or resentment in [v]
Other tops: RANKLES 3G 87
Other moves: RANKLES 11H 83, KLAVERNS 4E 80, SNORKEL A8 48, LANKER 8A 47, NERKAS 8A 47
On 5th draw, POACHER 1H 54 --- POACHER one that poaches [n]
Other moves: EPOCHA A8 51, PHOCAE 8A 50, EPOCH A8 48, POOCH A8 48, EPOCHA 3C 45
On 6th draw, RETINOID K4 86 --- RETINOID a compound analogous to vitamin A [n]
Other tops: ORIENTED 5E 86
Other moves: RETINOID C7 72, TRENDOID D3 72, TRENDOID D6 72, IN(T)ORTED L5 68, ORIENTED 5B 68
On 7th draw, FEZ 6D 66 --- FEZ a brimless cap worn by men in the Near East [n]
Other moves: L*ZLEZ 6D 63, MATZO A6 48, AZOLE A8 45, AZOTE A8 45, ZEALOT A6 45 ZIT C9 22 milklady99
On 8th draw, CHROMY A7 60 --- CHROMY decorated with chrome [adj]
Other moves: MOCHIER A9 54, OCHERY A10 54, OCHREY A10 54, HOMERIC A9 45, MORICHE A9 45 CHROME A7 42 jimbo HEX B8 13 milklady99
On 9th draw, VIOLENT 2D 74 --- VIOLENT marked by intense physical force or roughness [adj] --- VIOLENT to force [v]
Other moves: LEVIN 13A 33, LIVEN 13A 33, LEVO 13A 31, LIVE 13A 31, LOVE 13A 31 VIDEO D8 26 milklady99
On 10th draw, STOA O1 71 --- STOA an ancient Greek covered walkway [n]
Other moves: SMA O1 66, ST O1 53, POACHERS 1H 45, JOTA 5C 43, FAMES 5E 42 JAMS E9 26 milklady99
On 11th draw, STEWY 12K 40 --- STEWY having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing) [adj]
Other tops: SWERF 12K 40
Other moves: SWIFTY C8 38, WIFEYS C9 38, FEW 11C 36, FEY 11C 36, WIFEY C9 36 WEST 12I 24 jimbo DEWY D10 22 milklady99
On 12th draw, AROBA 5B 39 --- AROBA a heavy wagon [n]
Other tops: ABEAR 11D 39
Other moves: RIBA 5C 37, OBA 5D 35, BEAR 11E 34, BOAR 11E 34, BORA 5C 33 BOWER N10 32 jimbo YEAR O12 21 milklady99
On 13th draw, JAWED N10 64 --- JAW to jabber [v]
Other moves: JUD 4B 47, JAPED M9 46, LAPJE 13A 45, JADED D8 44, JULEP M9 44 JAWED N10 64 jimbo JAY O10 13 milklady99
On 14th draw, MINIMA 11A 43 --- MINIMUM the least possible amount, quantity, or degree [n]
Other tops: ANOMY O8 43
Other moves: MINIM 11A 40, AGONY O8 38, MIRING J5 34, RAMIN 9A 31, ROMAN 9A 31 EM M12 16 jimbo
On 15th draw, FUNGI 12D 41 --- FUNGUS any of the major group of lower plants [n]
Other moves: FUNG 12D 37, FIG 12D 36, FUG 12D 36, LUBING 13A 35, BING 12D 33 BI J10 23 jimbo
On 16th draw, QI J10 65 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: BEATY O8 41, BYTES O11 39, QIS 10J 32, QIS 13B 32, QI 10J 31 BEATY O8 41 jimbo
On 17th draw, BEATY O8 41 --- BEATY of music, having a marked beat [adj]
Other moves: GOATY O8 38, *B*ABO O8 24, ABYE O10 24, BOA O8 24, OBA O8 24
On 18th draw, LEPS 13A 37 --- LEP to leap [v]
Other tops: LOPS 13A 37
Other moves: LEGS 13A 35, LOGS 13A 35, LUGS 13A 35, LOUS 13A 33, LUES 13A 33