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Game of February 26, 2013 at 11:05, 1 player
1. 44 pts remij

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. cempstu   H7    26    26   septum
 2. ?koorvy  11G    30    56   kurvey
 3. deeghno  12K    36    92   hedge
 4. einotux  O10    39   131   exeunt
 5. aiostwy   N9    38   169   swag
 6. aabcdmq  14J    36   205   cabman
 7. aagnoor  12D    22   227   groom
 8. abefnor   E7    24   251   forbare
 9. aeinnoo   D4    24   275   ionone
10. adeelrz   C3    58   333   razed
11. dehlost   G2    69   402   slothed
12. ?eeistw   2G    86   488   stewiest
13. aefgiin   1L    45   533   fain
14. aacdlou   E1    44   577   cauda
15. aiilrry   1A    33   610   lyric
16. elopqru  13C    43   653   queer
17. egillno  14A    23   676   noil
18. gilnotv  A10    42   718   loving
19. aeiiipt  15D    40   758   pieta

Remaining tiles: iijnt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4769 Fileremij       0  2:22  -714   44     1.4769 remij       0  2:22  -714   44 

On 1st draw, SEPTUM H7 26 --- SEPTUM a dividing membrane or partition [n]
Other tops: PUCEST H4 26
Other moves: PUCES H4 24, STUMP H8 24, PUCEST H3 22, PUCEST H7 22, PUCEST H8 22
STUMP H8 24 remij

On 2nd draw, KURV(E)Y 11G 30 --- KURVEY to move goods by ox wagon [v]
Other moves: M(I)RKY 12H 26, M(U)RKY 12H 26, YORK(S) 13D 26, ROO(M)Y I8 25, ROO(P)Y I8 25
T(A)KY 10H 20 remij

On 3rd draw, HEDGE 12K 36 --- HEDGE to surround with a hedge (a dense row of shrubs) [v]
Other tops: HONED 12K 36
Other moves: HENGE 12K 34, HOGEN 12K 34, EHED 12L 30, HEED 12K 30, HEND 12K 30

On 4th draw, EXEUNT O10 39 --- EXEUNT they leave the stage -- used as a stage direction [v]
Other tops: EXTINE O7 39, TOXINE O7 39
Other moves: XI 13L 37, EXINE O8 36, EXIT O12 33, EXON O12 33, NEXT 10L 33

On 5th draw, SWAG N9 38 --- SWAG to sway [v]
Other moves: WAG N10 37, W*G N10 37, YAG N10 37, TOWSY N6 34, SWAY N7 31

On 6th draw, CABMAN 14J 36 --- CABMAN a driver of a cab [n]
Other moves: BADMAN 14J 34, MADAM 12D 26, AMBAN 14K 18, CAMAN 14K 18, MAAR I8 18

On 7th draw, GROOM 12D 22 --- GROOM to clean and care for [v]
Other moves: ANGORA I4 19, AGORA I5 18, GOA 15K 17, GOO 15K 17, GORA I6 17

On 8th draw, FORBARE E7 24 --- FORBEAR to refrain from [v]
Other tops: FORBEAR E6 24
Other moves: BOART 15K 23, FOEN 13C 21, FRAE 11B 21, FRAE M7 21, FROE M7 21

On 9th draw, IONONE D4 24 --- IONONE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ANION D4 20, ONION D4 20, NOINT 15K 19, NOOIT 15K 19, IONONE I4 18

On 10th draw, RAZED C3 58 --- RAZE to tear down or demolish [v]
Other tops: LAZED C3 58
Other moves: ADZE C3 44, DAZE C3 43, LEAZE C2 43, LAZE C3 41, RAZE C3 41

On 11th draw, SLOTHED G2 69 --- SLOTH to be lazy [v]
Other moves: HOLDS E1 46, DHOLS E1 45, HODS E2 44, HOLTS E1 43, HELO E2 41

On 12th draw, STEWIES(T) 2G 86 --- STEWY having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing) [adj]
Other tops: S(P)EWIEST 2G 86, S(T)EWIEST 2G 86
Other moves: LEWIS(I)TE 3G 78, LEW(I)SITE 3G 78, OWE(L)TIES 4G 78, SWE(E)TIE I3 75, SWE(E)TIE M3 75

On 13th draw, FAIN 1L 45 --- FAIN joyful [adj] --- FAIN to delight in [v]
Other moves: GENA E2 37, EINA E2 35, FAGIN 2A 35, FAG 2A 31, FEG 2A 31

On 14th draw, CAUDA E1 44 --- CAUDA the area behind an animal's anus [n]
Other moves: DUCAL E1 43, CODA E2 42, COALA E1 41, CALO E2 39, COAL E2 39

On 15th draw, LYRIC 1A 33 --- LYRIC a lyrical poem [n]
Other moves: AY F9 31, LYART 15K 31, RYA 15K 27, AY 1H 26, ILIAC 1A 24

On 16th draw, QUEER 13C 43 --- QUEER deviating from the expected or normal [adj] --- QUEER to spoil the effect or success of [v]
Other moves: QUEP 13C 37, ROQUE 13A 31, TORQUE 5G 30, UPO 1H 30, OUP 3K 28

On 17th draw, NOIL 14A 23 --- NOIL a kind of short fiber [n]
Other tops: GIE 14B 23, GIN 14B 23, LENG 3I 23, LOIN 14A 23, LONG 3I 23, ONIE 14A 23
Other moves: FEELING L1 22, FELLING L1 22, LIE 14B 21, LIN 14B 21, LONE 3I 21

On 18th draw, LOVING A10 42 --- LOVING affectionate [adj] --- LOVING the act of loving [n]
Other moves: LOVING 15D 39, VINO A12 33, VINT A12 33, VOLING A10 33, VOTING A10 33

On 19th draw, PIETA 15D 40 --- PIETA a representation of the Virgin Mary mourning over the body of Christ [n]
Other moves: TEPA 3K 32, ETA 1H 22, ITA 1H 22, OPIATE 4G 22, PAT 3M 22

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