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Game of Mars 3, 2013 at 09:47, 2 players
1. 267 pts naomiari
2. 33 pts hineao

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeiikrs   H4    30    30   kaiser
 2. ?eeeilx  10C    38    68   ilexes
 3. efhnqwy   C8    38   106   whiney
 4. aeentvz   B6    37   143   zea
 5. ?cloruv   A8   113   256   vocular
 6. acmnopt   C2    33   289   campo
 7. adlmoor   6E    65   354   modiolar
 8. aefiiot  11E    33   387   fit
 9. adelost  12F    81   468   saltoed
10. eiinotu   5C    22   490   peon
11. adgiist  D12    25   515   dags
12. afginpt   K5    44   559   paginate
13. bdennor   8J    30   589   binder
14. eeinuuy   J8    31   620   bey
15. aeiorrt   4A    25   645   timer
16. aegoost   O8    80   725   rootages
17. aefhntu  N12    36   761   fah
18. beiiuvw   L1    34   795   vibier
19. iijnrtu  10N    25   820   jo
20. inqtuuw   2J    68   888   quint
21. iinruuw   A1    21   909   writ

Remaining tiles: inuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6401 Filenaomiari    0 10:14  -642  267     1.6401 naomiari    0 10:14  -642  267 
  2.  -  Filehineao      0  0:20  -876   33            Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  hineao      0  0:20  -876   33 

On 1st draw, KAISER H4 30 --- KAISER an emperor [n]
Other moves: KAIES H4 28, KEIRS H4 28, KESAR H4 28, KIERS H4 28, KAISER H3 22
RAKES H8 20 naomiari

On 2nd draw, ILEXE(S) 10C 38 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: LEXE(S) 10D 37, LEXI(S) 10D 37, EXE(S) 10E 36, XI(S) 10F 35, (S)EX 10H 35
L(A)X I3 24 naomiari

On 3rd draw, WHINEY C8 38 --- WHINEY tending to whine [adj]
Other moves: WIFEY C9 36, HENRY 9E 33, WHEY 9B 33, WHINY 6F 30, WINEY C9 30
WIFEY C9 36 naomiari

On 4th draw, ZEA B6 37 --- ZEA the stigma of a cereal plant [n]
Other tops: NAZE D12 37
Other moves: TEAZE D4 36, VAWTE 8A 36, ZANTE D4 36, NAZE B12 33, ZEIN 6F 33
ZEE 12B 24 naomiari

On 5th draw, VOCUL(A)R A8 113 --- VOCULAR vocal [adj]
Other moves: VACUOL(A)R 5G 74, VOCUL(E) A8 60, V(E)LCRO A8 60, CORVU(S) A8 57, VOC(A)L A8 57
COV(E) A8 48 naomiari

On 6th draw, CAMPO C2 33 --- CAMPO an open space in a town [n] --- CAMPO a level, grassy plain [n]
Other moves: TAMP D12 31, ENCAMP 12C 30, APRON 9F 27, CAMO C3 27, CAPO C3 27
COMA C3 27 naomiari

On 7th draw, MODIOLAR 6E 65 --- MODIOLAR pertaining to the modiolus [adj]
Other moves: MOLD D4 42, MOOD D4 42, MOOLA D3 42, MOLA D4 40, MOOL D3 40
MOO D4 38 naomiari

On 8th draw, FIT 11E 33 --- FIT in a good healthy condition [adj] --- FIT to bring to a required form and size [v]
Other tops: FIE 11E 33
Other moves: AFRIT 9F 31, ALEF D9 31, FATE D12 31, FEAT D12 31, FETA D12 31
FEAT D12 31 naomiari

On 9th draw, SALTOED 12F 81 --- SALTO to perform a daring leap [v]
Other moves: LEOTARDS L1 72, DESOLATE 8G 60, LASTED A1 37, SALTED A1 37, SLATED A1 37
SAD 12F 19 naomiari

On 10th draw, PEON 5C 22 --- PEON an unskilled labourer [n]
Other tops: PIET 5C 22, PION 5C 22, POET 5C 22, POUT 5C 22, PTUI 5C 22
Other moves: IONISE 7D 21, OATEN 5G 21, UNTIE 11I 21, ECONUT 2B 20, INCITE 2A 20

On 11th draw, DAGS D12 25 --- DAG a hanging end or shred [n] --- DAG to remove clotted tufts of wool from a sheep [v]
Other moves: GAIDS 11J 24, DAIS D12 23, DIGIT 11K 23, SAID D12 23, SIDA 11I 23

On 12th draw, PAGINATE K5 44 --- PAGINATE to mark with consecutive numbers [v]
Other moves: AFRIT 9F 35, FASTING 15B 33, APTING 13I 32, FACING 2A 32, APTING 11I 31

On 13th draw, BINDER 8J 30 --- BINDER one that binds [n]
Other tops: BINNED 8J 30, DORB 13K 30
Other moves: DEMON 4A 29, BONDER L1 28, BORDER L1 28, DEB 13K 28, DOB 13K 28

On 14th draw, BEY J8 31 --- BEY a Turkish governor [n]
Other tops: BUY J8 31
Other moves: EYE D3 28, NYE D3 28, MY 4C 24, SEYEN 15D 24, YE D4 24

On 15th draw, TIMER 4A 25 --- TIMER one that times [n]
Other tops: AIMER 4A 25, ARMER 4A 25, ARMET 4A 25, ARMOR 4A 25, ORMER 4A 25, RAMET 4A 25, RIMER 4A 25, TAMER 4A 25
Other moves: OTARINE L3 24, ACROTER 2B 22, IRONER L5 22, OMER 4B 21, SERRATI 15D 21

On 16th draw, ROOTAGES O8 80 --- ROOTAGE a system of roots [n]
Other moves: OOSE 13I 25, SAGE 13K 25, SAGO 13K 25, SARONG L4 25, SEGO 13K 25

On 17th draw, FAH N12 36 --- FAH a musical note [n]
Other tops: FATHER L1 36, HAFTER L1 36
Other moves: SHAFT 15D 33, SHEAF 15D 33, UNETH N6 33, ETHE N8 32, ENUF N11 31

On 18th draw, VIBIER L1 34 --- VIBEY lively, vibrant [adj]
Other moves: SWIVE 15D 33, WIVER L2 26, VIEW N6 23, WISE 7F 22, LIVE H12 21

On 19th draw, JO 10N 25 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JAG 13M 22, TAJ 3B 22, VINT 1L 21, DJIN M8 20, NIT M2 18

On 20th draw, QUINT 2J 68 --- QUINT a group of five [n]
Other moves: SQUINT 15D 45, SQUIT 15D 42, QUIT A1 39, UNIQUE N3 35, TUQUE N4 34
QUIT 2J 33 hineao

On 21th draw, WRIT A1 21 --- WRIT a written legal order [n]
Other moves: WINO I3 19, WIS 7F 17, NISI 7F 16, INCUR 2A 14, RICIN 2A 14

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