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Game of Mars 12, 2013 at 09:04, 3 players
1. 525 pts Grace_Tjie
2. 288 pts strykyster
3. 279 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. blnnoos   H4    22    22   bolson
 2. aelnruv   G9    68    90   unravel
 3. ?aeorwy  11D   102   192   overwary
 4. abeioty  15D    42   234   bailey
 5. eimnqtu  12A    58   292   quim
 6. acdegrw  B10    36   328   waured
 7. ?aeeitz  14I    89   417   atheize
 8. adefhlo  15L    61   478   foal
 9. dhilops   7D    71   549   slipshod
10. aeenrru   8J    26   575   nearer
11. finoost   6J    37   612   foison
12. dginpsu  13J    27   639   sung
13. aceegtt   8A    29   668   tecta
14. ddgkotu   F9    25   693   doek
15. acenptu   A2    63   756   punctate
16. eeiimrt   O1    39   795   terminer
17. dhiijtx  A14    29   824   hi
18. dgiijtv   B1    33   857   jig

Remaining tiles: dgitvx

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6319 FileGrace_Tjie  2 17:00  -332  525     1.7182 SQUAW1      1  8:12  -578  279 
  2.5272 Filestrykyster  0  9:35  -569  288            Group: intermediate
  3.7182 FileSQUAW1      1  8:12  -578  279     1.6319 Grace_Tjie  2 17:00  -332  525 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5272 strykyster  0  9:35  -569  288 

On 1st draw, BOLSON H4 22 --- BOLSON a flat arid valley [n]
Other moves: BOLOS H4 20, BOOLS H4 20, BOONS H4 20, BOSON H4 20, BOLSON H3 18
BOONS H4 20 Grace_Tjie
LOBS H5 12 strykyster

On 2nd draw, UNRAVEL G9 68 --- UNRAVEL to separate the threads of [v]
Other tops: UNRAVEL I9 68
Other moves: UNRAVELS 7A 63, VERONAL 5E 40, BRAVE 4H 20, UNRAVEL 6B 20, VALE G3 19
BRAVE 4H 20 strykyster, Grace_Tjie

On 3rd draw, O(V)ERWARY 11D 102 --- OVERWARY too wary [adj]
Other tops: (F)ORWEARY 11E 102
Other moves: OWRELAY(S) 15C 101, OVERWA(R)Y 13F 84, OVER(S)WAY 13F 84, OVE(R)WARY 13F 82, O(V)ERWARY 11A 76
WE(L)LY 15D 42 Grace_Tjie
LAWYER 15G 39 strykyster

On 4th draw, BAILEY 15D 42 --- BAILEY an outer castle wall [n]
Other moves: BAYLE 15D 39, BIALY 15D 39, BOYLA 15D 39, BEATY 12I 31, BELAY 15E 30
YA F14 28 Grace_Tjie
BLAY 15F 27 strykyster

On 5th draw, QUIM 12A 58 --- QUIM female genitalia [n]
Other moves: QUIN 12A 50, QUIM F6 40, QUIN F6 36, QUIT F6 36, MESQUIN 7F 29
QUIM 12A 58 Grace_Tjie
QUOTE D9 28 strykyster

On 6th draw, WAURED B10 36 --- WAUR to war [v]
Other moves: DEWAR 14F 32, CADGER 14C 30, CRUDE B10 28, CADGE 14C 27, DEAW 12I 26
AWED 12K 21 strykyster

On 7th draw, AT(H)EIZE 14I 89 --- ATHEIZE to talk as an atheist [v]
Other moves: LATE(R)IZE 6H 88, (M)ETALIZE 6D 88, AT(H)EIZE C4 81, (L)ATERIZE J7 70, AT(H)EIZES 7A 67
ZETA A7 44 Grace_Tjie
Z(O)L 6F 31 strykyster

On 8th draw, FOAL 15L 61 --- FOAL to give birth to a horse [v]
Other moves: FAH 15M 58, FOH 15M 58, LOAF 15L 55, DAH 15M 50, DOF 15M 50
FOH 15M 58 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie
DOH 15M 50 strykyster

On 9th draw, SLIPSHOD 7D 71 --- SLIPSHOD carelessly done or made [adj]
Other moves: SLIPSHOD 7H 69, DIPSO A6 29, HI A14 29, HO A14 29, PHO A8 29
HI A14 29 strykyster
HO A14 29 Grace_Tjie, SQUAW1

On 10th draw, NEARER 8J 26 --- NEAR situated within a short distance [adj]
Other tops: EARNER 8J 26, REEARN 8J 26
Other moves: ARENE 8K 21, ARERE 8K 21, EARNER 12J 21, ENURE 8K 21, NEAR 13I 21
LANE 6H 18 Grace_Tjie
EE A14 17 strykyster

On 11th draw, FOISON 6J 37 --- FOISON strength [n]
Other moves: FINOS 6J 36, FOINS 6J 36, FOIST 6J 36, FONTS 6J 36, FOOTS 6J 36
FOOT 6J 33 Grace_Tjie
FRO J10 14 strykyster

On 12th draw, SUNG 13J 27 --- SING to utter with musical inflections of the voice [v]
Other tops: GIPSIED F6 27
Other moves: PRINTS J10 26, PRUNTS J10 26, PI A14 25, PUL 6F 25, UPBINDS 4F 24
PI A14 25 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie

On 13th draw, TECTA 8A 29 --- TECTUM a bodily structure resembling or serving as a roof [n]
Other moves: TECTA A6 26, TACT 8A 24, TATE 9J 22, GEAT 8A 21, GETA A7 20
GEAT 8A 21 Grace_Tjie

On 14th draw, DOEK F9 25 --- DOEK an African cloth [n]
Other moves: KGOTLA E3 22, KUDO 5L 22, DO A14 21, DOUKS M2 20, GOUKS M2 20
DO A14 21 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, PUNCTATE A2 63 --- PUNCTATE covered with dots [adj]
Other moves: CAUP 5K 38, TEACUP 10I 29, NEAP 6C 28, PANTUN O1 27, PUNCTA 10I 27
PA A14 25 SQUAW1
PUL 6F 25 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, TERMINER O1 39 --- TERMINER the act of determining [n]
Other moves: EMETIN O1 27, RIME B1 26, TEME B1 26, TIME B1 26, ME A14 25
ME A14 25 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie

On 17th draw, HI A14 29 --- HI used as a greeting [interj]
Other tops: THE 14E 29
Other moves: DIXI F4 28, DIXITS M1 28, DIXIE 2K 26, HE 14F 26, HI F14 26
XI F6 25 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, JIG B1 33 --- JIG to bob [v]
Other moves: JIVE 2L 28, JIGOT 5E 26, VIG B1 25, JIGS M3 24, DIG B1 21
JIG B1 33 SQUAW1, Grace_Tjie

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