On 1st draw, REFUGIA H2 80 --- REFUGIUM a stable area during a period of continental climactic change [n]
Other moves: REFUGIA H8 76, REFUGIA H3 74, REFUGIA H4 74, REFUGIA H6 74, REFUGIA H7 74 FAG H6 14 tonikay FAIR H8 14 selvap85
On 2nd draw, SOLANDER 3B 74 --- SOLANDER a protective box for library materials [n]
Other moves: LADRONES 3B 72, LADRONS G7 67, LARDONS G7 66, GOLDARNS 6H 64, LADRONS G8 62 DONAS G3 27 tonikay FORD 4H 8 selvap85
On 3rd draw, TELEGONY 6D 66 --- TELEGONY the supposed influence of a previous sire on the offspring of later matings of the mother with other males [n]
Other moves: ESLOYNE B2 36, TONEY 2A 29, TOLUENE 5E 28, EYEN 2B 27, FELONY 4H 26 NOY 4C 23 tonikay STOLE B3 7 selvap85
On 5th draw, BEHOTE(S) G8 67 --- BEHOTE behight [v]
Other tops: BEHOTE(S) I8 67
Other moves: EYEB(A)TH K5 56, EYE(S)HOT K5 48, BEHOTE(S) E5 44, EYEBO(L)T K5 44, BO(O)H 5B 37 BEER 2E 19 tonikay
On 6th draw, NEUROMA E5 36 --- NEUROMA a type of tumor [n]
Other moves: MANOR H11 34, MARON H11 34, AMOUR 5J 30, ROUM 5B 30, AROMA F8 29 MANURE 13B 16 tonikay
On 7th draw, VELOCE A4 33 --- VELOCE rapidly -- used as a musical direction [adv]
Other moves: VOCAL A4 30, VOLAGE A4 30, CAGER 8A 27, CLEAR 8A 24, EAGLE 5J 24 GAE F11 12 tonikay
On 8th draw, RUPIAS 5G 34 --- RUPIA a skin ulcer [n]
Other tops: BARPS 12A 34, PARIS H11 34
Other moves: BARPS 5K 32, RUPIA 5G 32, ABRIS 5J 30, BAPS 5K 30, BARP 5K 30 BAPS D9 28 tonikay
On 9th draw, COZED 4K 50 --- COZE to chat [v]
Other moves: DOZE D9 46, COZE 4K 42, COZ 4K 40, CUZ 4K 40, TOUZED D6 40 ZO D11 33 tonikay
On 10th draw, MUSTIE(S)T 14A 72 --- MUSTY having a stale odour [adj]
Other moves: MU(S)TIEST 14E 63, METIS H11 34, MITTS H11 34, METIS 12A 30, MITES 12A 30 MITTS H11 34 tonikay
On 11th draw, WHAMS A11 51 --- WHAM to hit with a loud impact [v]
Other tops: ASHEN 15A 51
Other moves: HAWMS A11 42, SHAME A11 42, WHENS 12A 40, HAME A12 39, HAMS A12 39 HALTS H11 37 tonikay
On 12th draw, INKED 15H 42 --- INK to mark with ink (a colored fluid used for writing) [v]
Other moves: KIDDED O1 39, DINKED O4 36, KINDED O1 36, KEPI D9 34, DIKED O4 33 PEND D9 24 tonikay
On 13th draw, UNITAGES C7 72 --- UNITAGE amount in units [n]
Other moves: DAUTING O4 27, DUETING O4 27, AGENT D8 26, AGUTI D8 26, AUDIENT O2 24 TANG D9 18 tonikay
On 14th draw, AXED O1 36 --- AX to work on with an ax (a type of cutting tool) [v]
Other moves: EXEDRA N2 32, JARPED L10 32, HADJ 10G 31, RAXED 14K 31, RAXED 2H 31 EX H10 23 tonikay
On 15th draw, JOYED N1 64 --- JOY to rejoice [v]
Other moves: JODEL N1 56, JADE N1 54, JA N1 45, JO N1 45, YODEL N1 44 JA N1 45 tonikay