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Game of Mars 19, 2013 at 16:36, 1 player
1. 182 pts selvap85

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aehijnn   H4    40    40   jinne
 2. agmopwx   6E    34    74   magnox
 3. aeiortu   4H    24    98   jurat
 4. cdegins   8E    64   162   seceding
 5. aeeiruv   E5    48   210   amusive
 6. filotuw   5K    34   244   woful
 7. adeeino   9H    28   272   eide
 8. aeopruv   O4    42   314   plover
 9. ?aaderu   L8    76   390   graduate
10. ?ehlnrt  13F    80   470   antheral
11. aehlqst  15J    54   524   sheqel
12. abdlort   N2    31   555   aloud
13. afnorwy  14B    56   611   frowy
14. ainopty  H11    33   644   potty
15. aaeerst  15A    25   669   taes
16. abegiir  10I    26   695   begar
17. aciknnt   D2    26   721   nick
18. aimootz   F2    43   764   zamia
19. ainostt   1A    30   794   toast
20. beiiino   G1    26   820   nob

Remaining tiles: eiii

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Fileselvap85    0 23:52  -638  182     1.  -  selvap85    0 23:52  -638  182 

On 1st draw, JINNE H4 40 --- JINNE (Afrikaans) an exclamation expressive of surprise, admiration, shock, etc [interj]
Other moves: HAJI H5 28, HAJI H6 28, HAJI H7 28, HAJI H8 28, HAJ H6 26
JEAN H8 22 selvap85

On 2nd draw, MAGNOX 6E 34 --- MAGNOX material of magnesium based alloys [n]
Other moves: MOXA I1 30, AXON 6E 27, MAXI 5E 26, NOX 6H 26, AX I7 22
WIMP 5G 11 selvap85

On 3rd draw, JURAT 4H 24 --- JURAT a statement on an affidavit [n]
Other moves: OTARINE 7C 23, ROUTINE 7C 23, TAURINE 7C 23, ETUI 5E 21, RATINE 7D 21
ART F6 3 selvap85

On 4th draw, SECEDING 8E 64 --- SECEDE to withdraw formally from an alliance or association [v]
Other moves: SECEDING 8G 63, SMIDGEN E5 44, DESIGN M2 31, GENIC 3I 31, CEDING 9G 28
SENT L1 5 selvap85

On 5th draw, AMUSIVE E5 48 --- AMUSIVE amusing [adj]
Other moves: EREV 5J 30, REVUE 5B 26, MISAVER E6 24, REAVE 5A 24, REIVE 5A 24
SEVER E8 16 selvap85

On 6th draw, WOFUL 5K 34 --- WOFUL full of grief [adj]
Other moves: WOFUL D1 32, WOLF 5K 32, WOF 5K 30, WOFUL D11 29, FLOUT D1 26
WET 11D 6 selvap85

On 7th draw, EIDE 9H 28 --- EIDOS an essence [n]
Other moves: ALIENED O4 27, DELAINE O3 27, ELOINED O4 27, EINA 9H 26, EINE 9H 26
DIVE 10C 10 selvap85

On 8th draw, PLOVER O4 42 --- PLOVER a shore bird [n]
Other moves: OVERLAP O1 39, PULVER O3 36, PLEURA O4 33, PAREV D11 32, REPO 6L 32
DIVER I8 9 selvap85

On 9th draw, GRADUA(T)E L8 76 --- GRADUATE to receive an academic degree or diploma [v]
Other tops: RADU(L)AE N8 76
Other moves: AURA(T)ED N8 72, AURA(T)ED N9 70, EARD(S) 10K 23, ADREA(D) N9 22, AD(J)URE N9 22

On 10th draw, (A)NTHERAL 13F 80 --- ANTHER the part of the stamen that produces pollen [adj] --- ANTHERAL relating to the pollen producing part of the stamen [adj]
Other tops: LE(A)THERN 15G 80
Other moves: H(O)RNLET N8 78, ENTHRAL(L) 13G 74, ENTHRAL(S) 13G 74, ENTHRA(L)L 13G 74, ENTHR(A)L N9 74

On 11th draw, SHEQEL 15J 54 --- SHEQEL an ancient unit of weight and money [n]
Other tops: SHEQEL 15H 54
Other moves: LEASH 14B 44, SELAH 14B 44, AH 14I 31, EH 14I 31, SHEA 14E 31
STEAL J11 7 selvap85

On 12th draw, ALOUD N2 31 --- ALOUD audibly [adv]
Other moves: ABORD 14B 30, BOARD 14B 30, BROAD 14B 30, ABOUT N2 26, TROAD 14B 26
BETS J12 8 selvap85

On 13th draw, FROWY 14B 56 --- FROWY of timber, soft and brittle [adj]
Other tops: FAWNY 14B 56
Other moves: FORAY 14B 50, NOWAY 14B 50, FAWNY D1 41, FAWNY D11 41, FROWY D1 41
WAY 5D 14 selvap85

On 14th draw, POTTY H11 33 --- POTTY a child's chamber pot [n] --- POTTY of little importance [adj]
Other tops: PATTY H11 33
Other moves: PANTY 10K 32, PIOY 13A 32, PANTY D1 31, PIONY D1 31, PONTY D1 31
PORN C12 12 selvap85

On 15th draw, TAES 15A 25 --- TAE to toe the line [v]
Other tops: REES 15A 25, SEER 15A 25, TEER 15A 25, TEES 15A 25
Other moves: RESAY 15D 22, RESTY 15D 22, TARAS 10K 22, TARES 10K 22, ERES 15C 20

On 16th draw, BEGAR 10I 26 --- BEGAR forced labour in India [n]
Other moves: BAGIE D1 24, BARGE D1 24, BIGAE D1 24, GARBE D1 22, BADGER 11J 20
BEAR J1 8 selvap85

On 17th draw, NICK D2 26 --- NICK to make a shallow cut in [v]
Other tops: TACK D2 26, TICK D2 26
Other moves: ICK D3 24, KA M2 22, NAIK D2 22, TAKIN D1 22, TANK D2 22
KIT 9D 9 selvap85

On 18th draw, ZAMIA F2 43 --- ZAMIA a tropical plant [n]
Other moves: ZA M2 37, MOZOS D11 36, NIZAM 2D 36, ZAMIA 2J 36, ZA O1 35
ZIN 2B 24 selvap85

On 19th draw, TOAST 1A 30 --- TOAST to brown by exposing to heat [v]
Other moves: AINS 1A 27, AITS 1A 27, ANIS 1A 27, ANTS 1A 27, IONS 1A 27
VAT 10E 8 selvap85

On 20th draw, NOB G1 26 --- NOB a wealthy person [n]
Other moves: OB G2 25, ZINEB 2F 22, BEN 2B 20, BIN 2B 20, BOI G1 20
OBE B1 10 selvap85

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