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Game of Mars 24, 2013 at 08:18, 4 players
1. 601 pts kellybelly
2. 523 pts fatcat
3. 233 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abdfgno   H4    26    26   fonda
 2. alnoopv   5D    24    50   vanpool
 3. abejoru   4J    34    84   abjure
 4. ?ehloos   O1   140   224   holesome
 5. ?efinrx   E4    84   308   carnifex
 6. ehiiirt  F10    37   345   hire
 7. acdgiir  14B    37   382   acrid
 8. enorsuy   L4    69   451   journeys
 9. aeiorwz   N2   119   570   warez
10. beinnos   N8    76   646   bonnies
11. aimostv  15J    52   698   vomits
12. ddeiotu   8A    30   728   outdid
13. aegikqr  15A    35   763   qi
14. aeggilt   A1    83   846   taleggio
15. aceetuy   M8    28   874   ace
16. aeimptw  13I    34   908   wampee
17. egilrty   2A    34   942   artily
18. aegiktu   1F    36   978   kagu

Remaining tiles: eeitt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7451 Filekellybelly  4 18:23  -377  601     1.7451 kellybelly  4 18:23  -377  601 
  2.6257 Filefatcat      3 20:22  -455  523            Group: intermediate
  3.5373 Filemarigold    0  8:30  -745  233     1.6257 fatcat      3 20:22  -455  523 
  4.6591 Filejimbo       0  0:39  -912   66     2.6591 jimbo       0  0:39  -912   66 
                                                    Group: novice
                                             1.5373 marigold    0  8:30  -745  233 

On 1st draw, FONDA H4 26 --- FONDA a tavern [n]
Other tops: BANDOG H4 26, FANGO H4 26, GANOF H8 26
Other moves: BANDOG H7 24, BANDOG H3 22, BANDOG H8 22, BOGAN H4 22, GANOF H4 22
FANGO H4 26 kellybelly
FONDA H4 26 fatcat
FOG H8 14 marigold

On 2nd draw, VANPOOL 5D 24 --- VANPOOL an arrangement whereby several commuters travel in one van [n]
Other tops: NAPOO I3 24, VANPOOL 5C 24
Other moves: VANPOOL 6F 22, PAOLO G5 21, PAOLO I5 21, VOLA G3 20, LOOP G5 19
VAN I3 17 kellybelly, marigold
LOOP G2 16 fatcat

On 3rd draw, ABJURE 4J 34 --- ABJURE to renounce under oath [v]
Other moves: ABJURE G7 32, ABJURE I7 32, OBJURE G7 32, OBJURE I7 32, BANJO F3 30
BANJO F3 30 fatcat
JEAN F2 27 kellybelly
JAB G8 22 marigold

On 4th draw, HOLESO(M)E O1 140 --- HOLESOME wholesome [adj]
Other moves: SHOOLE(D) 9H 74, SHOOLE(S) 9H 74, SHOO(G)LE 9H 74, (G)OLOSHE 9D 74, (S)HOOLES 9B 74
HOBS K2 44 marigold, fatcat
HOVELS D3 26 kellybelly

On 5th draw, (C)ARNIFEX E4 84 --- CARNIFEX an executioner [n]
Other moves: XER(A)FIN I8 77, XERAFIN(S) 8E 67, XERAFIN(S) E2 67, FRU(T)EX M2 46, FIX(I)VE D1 44
FIB(S) K2 40 kellybelly
FIXER N8 36 fatcat
FALX J3 30 jimbo
XU M3 18 marigold

On 6th draw, HIRE F10 37 --- HIRE to engage the services of for payment [v]
Other moves: HIE F10 36, HIRE D8 36, HIT F10 36, HI F10 35, EH F9 31
HIRE F10 37 fatcat, kellybelly
HIT F10 36 jimbo
HER D10 26 marigold

On 7th draw, ACRID 14B 37 --- ACRID sharp and harsh to the taste or smell [adj]
Other tops: CAIRD 14B 37
Other moves: RIGID 14B 35, IRIDIC 8A 33, DARIC 14F 31, CARDI 8A 30, CARDIO 2J 30
RIGID 14B 35 fatcat
DARIC N6 28 kellybelly
CADGER 13B 22 marigold

On 8th draw, JOURNEYS L4 69 --- JOURNEY to travel [v]
Other moves: YOBS K2 44, NEBS K2 38, NOBS K2 38, NUBS K2 38, ORBS K2 38
YOBS K2 44 kellybelly, fatcat
YE 15A 17 marigold

On 9th draw, WAREZ N2 119 --- WAREZ illegally copied computer software which has had its protection codes de-activated [n]
Other moves: ZOWIE N6 76, RAZER N4 70, RAZOR N4 70, RAZE N4 67, RIZA N4 67
WAREZ N2 119 kellybelly
ZOWIE N6 76 fatcat
ZA 15A 35 marigold

On 10th draw, BONNIES N8 76 --- BONNY a sweetheart [n]
Other tops: BENISON N8 76
Other moves: BENISONS 11H 70, BENISON I8 65, BONNIES I8 65, BESONIAN B8 62, BENNIS 8A 27
BONNIE 8A 27 kellybelly
BINES K10 25 fatcat
BE 15A 14 marigold

On 11th draw, VOMITS 15J 52 --- VOMIT to eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth [v]
Other moves: MOIST M9 43, VATS 15L 43, VITA 15L 43, OMITS 15K 40, MATS 15L 37
SMIT O12 30 kellybelly
MOVES 13K 20 fatcat
EM 13N 4 marigold

On 12th draw, OUTDID 8A 30 --- OUTDO to exceed in performance [v]
Other moves: DUD M3 23, DOIT K9 22, DOUT K9 22, ODD M11 22, TOED K9 21
OUTDID 8A 30 fatcat
DEDUCT C10 20 kellybelly

On 13th draw, QI 15A 35 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: AKE K9 29, KAIE K10 29, KEG K10 29, KEIR K10 29, KIER K10 29
QI 15A 35 kellybelly
RACK C12 20 fatcat

On 14th draw, TALEGGIO A1 83 --- TALEGGIO a soft creamy cheese [n]
Other moves: AGE M8 24, GEAL M9 24, GEAT M9 24, GEIT M9 24, GATELEG 13I 22
TAIL K9 19 kellybelly
EAGLE 13J 12 fatcat

On 15th draw, ACE M8 28 --- ACE to score a point against in a single stroke [v]
Other moves: YAE B2 26, YAE K9 26, CEE M9 25, YAE M11 24, AERY D12 22
YAE K9 26 kellybelly
CAYS 11I 18 fatcat

On 16th draw, WAMPEE 13I 34 --- WAMPEE edible Asiatic fruit [n]
Other moves: AMIE B1 26, EMIT B1 26, WAE B2 26, WAMPEE 13J 26, WAT B2 26
WAT B2 26 kellybelly
WARM D12 24 fatcat

On 17th draw, ARTILY 2A 34 --- ARTILY in an arty manner [adv]
Other tops: AERILY 2A 34
Other moves: GUY M3 29, ARGYLE 2A 24, ALLERGY J4 21, DEY D8 21, ALERTLY J4 20
DEY D8 21 kellybelly
YET I8 12 fatcat

On 18th draw, KAGU 1F 36 --- KAGU a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: KAIE 1F 33, KATI 1F 33, KEG 1F 33, KETA 1F 33, KITE 1F 33
KITE 1F 33 kellybelly
TAKES 11H 18 fatcat

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