On 2nd draw, OUTLIE I7 20 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other tops: OUTLET I7 20, TOILET G7 20, TOUTIE G7 20
Other moves: LOTTE G7 19, LOUIE G7 19, TELOI G7 19, TOILE G7 19, EUOI I7 18
On 3rd draw, PESO H12 34 --- PESO a monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries [n]
Other tops: PIES H12 34, PISE H12 34, PISO H12 34, POIS H12 34, POOS H12 34, POSE H12 34
Other moves: POISE H11 31, EPOS H12 24, OOPS H12 24, OPES H12 24, OPUS H12 24 PIES H12 34 SQUAW1
On 4th draw, FEH G13 29 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FAH G13 29
Other moves: FAH G11 27, AHI G12 26, LEAF G10 25, LAH G11 24, AH G12 23
On 5th draw, THENAGES 14A 32 --- THENAGE the land held by a thane [n]
Other moves: EATH J9 25, ETHANES 14B 24, THEGN J11 23, PEAHEN 12H 22, TANH J11 22
On 6th draw, WATT A12 33 --- WATT a unit of power [n]
Other moves: WALTIER C9 28, WAN 13C 26, WAT 13C 26, WIN 13C 26, WINTLE C9 26
On 7th draw, BAP 13C 28 --- BAP a small bun or roll [n]
Other tops: PUB 13C 28
Other moves: AURAL 13A 23, BURLAP J2 23, BAL 13C 22, PABULAR E9 22, PAL 13C 22
On 8th draw, FEDARIE 13G 36 --- FEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: DAM 15C 24, DIM 15C 24, RADIOMAN D7 24, OM 12C 23, TAED 15A 23
On 9th draw, MIZENS N8 49 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other moves: ZELS N10 45, ZINS N10 45, NAZE J12 38, NAZI J12 38, SAZ J12 37
On 11th draw, FLINDER J1 68 --- FLINDER a small fragment [n]
Other moves: RIFLED O4 48, REDFIN O4 47, FELID O5 42, FILED O5 42, FINED O5 42
On 12th draw, IRENICAL 10B 64 --- IRENICAL peaceful in purpose [adj]
Other moves: IRENICAL 2C 62, CRENA O6 46, CERIA O4 42, CRANE O4 42, CRENA O4 42
On 13th draw, WORKIN(G)S 3F 90 --- WORKING a mining excavation [n]
Other moves: (F)ORSWINK 3E 69, (F)ORSWINK F5 66, KNOW(E)S O4 62, WROK(E)N O4 59, KNOW(E) O4 57 WIS(E)R 3I 22 rainbow
On 14th draw, QUO(R)ATE A4 136 --- QUORATE having a quorum [adj]
Other moves: EQUATO(R) O5 121, AQU(A)TONE E4 114, (A)QUATONE E4 114, QUO(R)ATE O2 110, QUO(R)ATE 2B 95 QI 9M 21 rainbow
On 15th draw, GIRASOL O5 101 --- GIRASOL a variety of opal [n]
Other moves: GLORIAS O3 91, GIRASOL 2A 79, GLORIAS 2A 79, GASOLIER D4 70, GIRASOLE D3 70 GIO L12 17 rainbow
On 16th draw, UNFORCED 1H 185 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [adj] --- UNFORCED not forced [adj]
Other moves: CRUNODE 2B 86, COENDURE D3 74, DECURION F5 63, CORNFED 1F 45, FECUND 1J 45
On 17th draw, AMENE 12K 36 --- AMENE pleasant [adj]
Other moves: QUYTE 4A 34, TYEE B5 33, MY B5 32, QUAY 4A 32, QUEME 4A 32
On 18th draw, JAB M7 36 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: QUAY 4A 32, QUBIT 4A 32, JAB N4 31, JAI B2 31, TAJ 2E 28