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Game of Mars 25, 2013 at 19:12, 2 players
1. 60 pts rainbow
2. 34 pts SQUAW1

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ddiorvx   H6    26    26   vox
 2. eilottu   I7    20    46   outlie
 3. eioopsu  H12    34    80   peso
 4. aefhiil  G13    29   109   feh
 5. aeghnqt  14A    32   141   thenages
 6. ailnrtw  A12    33   174   watt
 7. abilpru  13C    28   202   bap
 8. adeimor  13G    36   238   fedarie
 9. eilmnsz   N8    49   287   mizens
10. adgiloy   K8    76   363   goliardy
11. defilnr   J1    68   431   flinder
12. aceiinr  10B    64   495   irenical
13. ?knorsw   3F    90   585   workings
14. ?aeoqtu   A4   136   721   quorate
15. agilors   O5   101   822   girasol
16. cdenoru   1H   185  1007   unforced
17. aeemtuy  12K    36  1043   amene
18. abijtuy   M7    36  1079   jab

Remaining tiles: ittuvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.2769 Filerainbow     0  2:36 -1019   60     1.7299 SQUAW1      1  0:33 -1045   34 
  2.7299 FileSQUAW1      1  0:33 -1045   34            Group: not rated
                                             1.2769 rainbow     0  2:36 -1019   60 

On 1st draw, VOX H6 26 --- VOX voice [n]
Other tops: VOX H7 26, VOX H8 26
Other moves: OXID H5 24, OXID H6 24, OXID H7 24, OXID H8 24, DROID H4 18

On 2nd draw, OUTLIE I7 20 --- OUTLIE to lie beyond [v]
Other tops: OUTLET I7 20, TOILET G7 20, TOUTIE G7 20
Other moves: LOTTE G7 19, LOUIE G7 19, TELOI G7 19, TOILE G7 19, EUOI I7 18

On 3rd draw, PESO H12 34 --- PESO a monetary unit of various Spanish-speaking countries [n]
Other tops: PIES H12 34, PISE H12 34, PISO H12 34, POIS H12 34, POOS H12 34, POSE H12 34
Other moves: POISE H11 31, EPOS H12 24, OOPS H12 24, OPES H12 24, OPUS H12 24

On 4th draw, FEH G13 29 --- FEH a Hebrew letter [n]
Other tops: FAH G13 29
Other moves: FAH G11 27, AHI G12 26, LEAF G10 25, LAH G11 24, AH G12 23

On 5th draw, THENAGES 14A 32 --- THENAGE the land held by a thane [n]
Other moves: EATH J9 25, ETHANES 14B 24, THEGN J11 23, PEAHEN 12H 22, TANH J11 22

On 6th draw, WATT A12 33 --- WATT a unit of power [n]
Other moves: WALTIER C9 28, WAN 13C 26, WAT 13C 26, WIN 13C 26, WINTLE C9 26

On 7th draw, BAP 13C 28 --- BAP a small bun or roll [n]
Other tops: PUB 13C 28
Other moves: AURAL 13A 23, BURLAP J2 23, BAL 13C 22, PABULAR E9 22, PAL 13C 22

On 8th draw, FEDARIE 13G 36 --- FEDARIE an accomplice [n]
Other moves: DAM 15C 24, DIM 15C 24, RADIOMAN D7 24, OM 12C 23, TAED 15A 23

On 9th draw, MIZENS N8 49 --- MIZEN a type of sail [n]
Other moves: ZELS N10 45, ZINS N10 45, NAZE J12 38, NAZI J12 38, SAZ J12 37

On 10th draw, GOLIARDY K8 76 --- GOLIARDY boisterous, irreverent behaviour [n]
Other moves: GLADY O4 57, GODLY O4 57, GOLDY O4 57, DAILY O4 54, DOILY O4 54

On 11th draw, FLINDER J1 68 --- FLINDER a small fragment [n]
Other moves: RIFLED O4 48, REDFIN O4 47, FELID O5 42, FILED O5 42, FINED O5 42

On 12th draw, IRENICAL 10B 64 --- IRENICAL peaceful in purpose [adj]
Other moves: IRENICAL 2C 62, CRENA O6 46, CERIA O4 42, CRANE O4 42, CRENA O4 42

On 13th draw, WORKIN(G)S 3F 90 --- WORKING a mining excavation [n]
Other moves: (F)ORSWINK 3E 69, (F)ORSWINK F5 66, KNOW(E)S O4 62, WROK(E)N O4 59, KNOW(E) O4 57
WIS(E)R 3I 22 rainbow

On 14th draw, QUO(R)ATE A4 136 --- QUORATE having a quorum [adj]
Other moves: EQUATO(R) O5 121, AQU(A)TONE E4 114, (A)QUATONE E4 114, QUO(R)ATE O2 110, QUO(R)ATE 2B 95
QI 9M 21 rainbow

On 15th draw, GIRASOL O5 101 --- GIRASOL a variety of opal [n]
Other moves: GLORIAS O3 91, GIRASOL 2A 79, GLORIAS 2A 79, GASOLIER D4 70, GIRASOLE D3 70
GIO L12 17 rainbow

On 16th draw, UNFORCED 1H 185 --- FORCE to overcome resistance by the exertion of strength [adj] --- UNFORCED not forced [adj]
Other moves: CRUNODE 2B 86, COENDURE D3 74, DECURION F5 63, CORNFED 1F 45, FECUND 1J 45

On 17th draw, AMENE 12K 36 --- AMENE pleasant [adj]
Other moves: QUYTE 4A 34, TYEE B5 33, MY B5 32, QUAY 4A 32, QUEME 4A 32

On 18th draw, JAB M7 36 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other moves: QUAY 4A 32, QUBIT 4A 32, JAB N4 31, JAI B2 31, TAJ 2E 28

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