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Game of April 2, 2013 at 09:11, 2 players
1. 492 pts fatcat
2. 374 pts marigold

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adelrv   H2    78    78   raveled
 2. eeilnsu   5D    82   160   unseelie
 3. aeginoq   1H    57   217   genoa
 4. acdertw   2F    29   246   warred
 5. aenqrrs   D3    34   280   squarer
 6. bdeinou   C8    79   359   bedouin
 7. aflotuy   6J    42   401   fatly
 8. emoostu  15A    35   436   mesto
 9. aceinoo  14B    22   458   onion
10. ?dikort  12B    74   532   outdrink
11. egloprs   3G    30   562   gasper
12. aaintvx   8A    51   613   vibex
13. aeintty  13I    39   652   yitten
14. aacegow   N1    30   682   cogway
15. abehmuz   O1    46   728   hm
16. aaeehip  N10    32   760   phene
17. abfiltu   1A    41   801   fibula
18. aacijot   O8    42   843   jiao
19. acintuz   F9    35   878   czar

Remaining tiles: intu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6230 Filefatcat      1 15:47  -386  492     1.6230 fatcat      1 15:47  -386  492 
  2.5353 Filemarigold    1 23:15  -504  374            Group: novice
                                             1.5353 marigold    1 23:15  -504  374 

On 1st draw, RAVEL(E)D H2 78 --- RAVEL to separate the threads of [v]
Other tops: RAV(E)LED H2 78, R(I)VALED H2 78, VAL(I)DER H4 78
Other moves: RAVEL(E)D H6 74, RAV(E)LED H6 74, R(I)VALED H6 74, VAL(I)DER H8 74, RAVEL(E)D H3 72
DR(I)VE H4 20 fatcat

On 2nd draw, UNSEELIE 5D 82 --- UNSEELIE evil malevolent fairies, cf SEELIE [n]
Other tops: UNSEELIE 5E 82
Other moves: VEINULES 4H 74, UNSEELIE 5A 66, UNSEELI(E) 7A 59, UNSE(E)LIE 7D 59, UNS(E)ELIE 7E 59
VENUES 4H 18 fatcat

On 3rd draw, GENOA 1H 57 --- GENOA a large triangular sail [n]
Other tops: GONIA 1H 57
Other moves: AGONE 1G 54, NGAIO 1G 54, AGEN 1G 51, AGIN 1G 51, AGIO 1G 51
QUINOA D4 32 marigold
QUAG D4 28 fatcat

On 4th draw, WARRED 2F 29 --- WAR to engage in war (a state of open, armed conflict) [v]
Other tops: WARDER 2F 29, WARTED 2F 29
Other moves: WARED 4K 27, CARDER 2F 26, CARTED 2F 26, TRACED 4J 26, WADER G7 26
WATER 4K 23 fatcat
CAWED 3G 18 marigold

On 5th draw, SQUARER D3 34 --- SQUARER one that squares [n]
Other moves: QUARER D4 32, QUEANS D4 32, QUENAS D4 32, QUERNS D4 32, SQUARE D3 32
SQUARER D3 34 fatcat, marigold

On 6th draw, BEDOUIN C8 79 --- BEDOUIN a nomadic Arab [n]
Other moves: BEDOUIN C6 75, BEDOUIN G7 75, BANED 3G 31, BOUNED 4J 28, BEDUIN 3J 27
BONED 8A 24 fatcat
BODE C6 22 marigold

On 7th draw, FATLY 6J 42 --- FATLY in the manner of one that is fat [adv]
Other tops: FLUTY 6J 42, TABEFY 8A 42
Other moves: FAULTY 6J 37, FLOATY 6J 37, FLUYT 6J 36, LOFTY 6H 36, ALOFT 6G 35
FAULTY 6J 37 fatcat
FLAY 6K 23 marigold

On 8th draw, MESTO 15A 35 --- MESTO sad (music) [adj]
Other tops: MOSTE 15A 35, MUSET 15A 35
Other moves: MOSE 15A 32, MOST 15A 32, MUSE 15A 32, MUSO 15A 32, MUST 15A 32
MOST 15A 32 marigold, fatcat

On 9th draw, ONION 14B 22 --- ONION the edible bulb of a cultivated herb [n] --- ONION to apply an edible bulb to [v]
Other tops: ANION 14B 22, ENIAC E8 22
Other moves: CONEY N2 20, COOEY N2 20, COSIE 3B 19, ANCILE M2 18, COOLIE M3 18
CONEY N2 20 marigold
INN E4 16 fatcat

On 10th draw, OUTDRI(N)K 12B 74 --- OUTDRINK to surpass in drinking [v]
Other moves: RAK(E)D 3G 37, TROIK(A) 1A 34, AK(E)D 3H 32, DAK 3G 32, DARK(S) 3G 31
DI(N)KY N2 24 fatcat
D*(C)K 3K 21 marigold

On 11th draw, GASPER 3G 30 --- GASPER a cigarette [n]
Other moves: GROPE B6 29, SPLORE 4J 29, GOSPEL J10 28, POSER J10 28, PROSE B6 28
GOSPEL J10 28 fatcat
POSER J10 28 marigold

On 12th draw, VIBEX 8A 51 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: XI I7 36, ATAXY N2 30, AVANTI 13I 27, VIBE 8A 27, AVANT 13I 25
XI I7 36 fatcat
TAXI L6 19 marigold

On 13th draw, YITTEN 13I 39 --- YITTEN (English dialect) frightened [adj]
Other moves: YENTA 13I 37, YITTEN 13H 31, NAY 13G 28, TAY 13G 28, AYIN 13H 25
YEN 13I 23 marigold
ENTITY N1 18 fatcat

On 14th draw, COGWAY N1 30 --- COGWAY a railway operating on steep slopes [n]
Other moves: GAWCY N2 28, WAAC G7 25, WAGE G7 25, WAG G7 24, W*G G7 24
WAGS 3A 16 marigold
RAW 7D 15 fatcat

On 15th draw, HM O1 46 --- HM used to express thoughtful consideration [interj]
Other moves: ZOEA 11B 45, MAZHBI G7 44, HAZE G7 41, HAZE I7 41, HE O1 38
HE O1 38 fatcat
ZA 6C 11 marigold

On 16th draw, PHENE N10 32 --- PHENE an old name for benzene [n]
Other moves: AAH 6D 29, HAP G7 26, HAP I7 26, HEP G7 26, HEP I7 26
PATH L11 18 fatcat
HIP B7 13 marigold

On 17th draw, FIBULA 1A 41 --- FIBULA a bone in the leg [n]
Other moves: TUFA 14H 40, AUF 14H 37, FA 14J 28, FAB G7 26, FAB I7 26
FA 14J 28 fatcat
FIBS 3A 18 marigold

On 18th draw, JIAO O8 42 --- JIAO a monetary unit of China [n]
Other moves: JATO O7 37, JIAO O7 37, JOTA O7 37, JAI O8 34, JACKY I9 29
JOTS 3A 22 fatcat
RAJ 7D 19 marigold

On 19th draw, CZAR F9 35 --- CZAR an emperor or king [n]
Other moves: IZAR F9 33, TZAR F9 33, ZINKY I9 31, AZO B10 30, NAZI G7 29
TZAR F9 33 fatcat
ZOA 11B 25 marigold

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