On 1st draw, MONTH H8 28 --- MONTH a period of approximately 30 days [n]
Other tops: MIRTH H8 28
Other moves: MIRTH H4 26, MONTH H4 26, NORTH H8 24, MINOR H4 20, MIRTH H5 20 MONTH H8 28 marigold MIRTH H8 28 fatcat
On 2nd draw, LAUWI(N)E I4 70 --- LAUWINE an avalanche [n]
Other moves: LAUWINE(S) 10C 68, LAUWI(N)E G2 64, LAUWI(N)E I2 64, WALTIE(R) 11E 36, LEWI(S) G7 28 WEAL(T)H 12C 22 fatcat, marigold AWHILE 12F 12 ZEHAVARON
On 3rd draw, SHIELDER 4E 76 --- SHIELDER one that shields [n]
Other tops: HIRSELED 4D 76, RELISHED 4G 76
Other moves: HERSED J6 50, HERSE J6 48, SHERE J5 43, EHED J5 42, SHED J5 42 SHIRED 13H 39 fatcat HEEDS 12H 18 ZEHAVARON HADES 5H 18 marigold
On 4th draw, DEPONE J8 34 --- DEPONE to testify under oath [v]
Other moves: DEPOT J8 33, PED J6 33, POD J6 33, DOPE J8 32, OPENED J9 32 PHONED 12G 24 fatcat POTE H1 18 ZEHAVARON POD 3K 18 marigold
On 7th draw, REATTAIN M8 68 --- ATTAIN to gain or achieve by mental or physical effort [v] --- REATTAIN to attain again [v]
Other moves: RATAN 15K 27, TATAR 15K 27, TATER 15K 27, TERATA 13I 27, TETRA 15K 27 RATAN 15K 27 marigold BATTER 2H 10 fatcat HEAR F4 9 ZEHAVARON
On 8th draw, OVE(R)CURE 1H 95 --- OVERCURE to cure too long [v]
Other tops: OVERCU(R)E 1H 95
Other moves: (D)ECURVE N2 78, (R)ECURVE N2 78, RECU(R)VE N2 74, VERRUC(A)E L1 70, (O)VERCURE L1 66 CREE 8L 27 fatcat CR(A)VE 3A 20 marigold RUE 8M 9 ZEHAVARON
On 9th draw, SYLIS 15E 35 --- SYLI a former monetary unit of Guinea [n]
Other tops: LYSIS 15E 35
Other moves: LINEY 15K 34, LYSE O12 34, RELY N7 32, LYE N9 31, RYE N9 31 RISE O12 25 fatcat SHYERS F3 14 ZEHAVARON GODETIAS 14H 10 marigold
On 10th draw, FRAP 8L 39 --- FRAP in sailing, to bind well [v]
Other moves: FRAG 8L 36, DEAF 14C 34, DEF 14D 33, FADER K11 33, FRAE 8L 33 FRAP 8L 39 fatcat DEFRAY F10 19 ZEHAVARON GRAPE 3A 18 marigold
On 11th draw, CHLORINE F3 67 --- CHLORINE a gaseous element [n]
Other moves: REPLICON O6 63, ORCEIN 14A 29, RECOIN 14A 29, COLIN 14B 27, ORCIN 14B 27 RECOILS E9 18 marigold CLOSER E1 16 fatcat SCORE E4 14 ZEHAVARON
On 12th draw, QUAG E8 43 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: MANGO 15K 37, WAME K11 34, AQUA N5 33, QUA N6 32, QUAGS E11 30 AQUA N5 33 fatcat
On 13th draw, LAIK 14C 39 --- LAIK to play [v]
Other moves: KAWA D10 32, KIAAT L10 32, WAI N10 31, WAKA D10 31, WALK D10 31 WALK 3K 29 fatcat NAW 15M 20 marigold
On 14th draw, BASE O12 37 --- BASE morally low [adj] --- BASE to found [v]
Other moves: BANES 12A 35, BANNS 12A 35, BEANS 12A 35, BONES 12A 35, BANNS 13B 33 BASE O12 37 fatcat BONES 12A 35 marigold BEGS 11C 21 ZEHAVARON
On 15th draw, XI N10 52 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: WEXE K11 49, WAXY N7 47, FEME K11 34, WAXY 10L 33, WEX 3K 33 XI N10 52 fatcat WAXY 10L 33 marigold AXE 10M 26 ZEHAVARON
On 16th draw, TWANG B10 42 --- TWANG to make a sharp, vibrating sound [v]
Other moves: VANG B11 36, VEGA B12 36, WAGE B12 36, WANG B11 36, VAG B12 34 WAVE 3K 27 fatcat WAG 3K 21 marigold WAX 10L 13 ZEHAVARON
On 17th draw, REROOF N1 34 --- REROOF to renew the roof [v] --- ROOF to provide with a roof (the external upper covering of a building) [v]
Other moves: FOODIE A5 32, DEFER K11 31, REFED K11 29, ROOFIE A5 29, FEOD 5K 28 FIRE A7 23 ZEHAVARON FORD 3K 23 fatcat FOOD 3K 23 marigold
On 18th draw, DURION A7 34 --- DURION an East Indian tree [n]
Other moves: VROU A7 23, DONER K11 22, VAIN 12A 22, VAIR 12A 22, NUDER K11 21 (R)OVED K1 16 fatcat RAND 12A 12 ZEHAVARON DO 5M 3 marigold