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Game of April 4, 2013 at 06:21, 1 player
1. 330 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adluuw   H4    78    78   wudjula
 2. aamnruw   4H    22   100   warman
 3. aeiilow   5K    29   129   awol
 4. adeinsz  10B    90   219   zenaidas
 5. beillnr   E5    36   255   liberal
 6. aefioot   3K    36   291   afoot
 7. aegnnqt   O1    36   327   qat
 8. aeegino   B9    30   357   azione
 9. aeinttv   I8    71   428   tastevin
10. ?eegrsy  15E    95   523   guernsey
11. cefnort   A4    35   558   cronet
12. cdeegin  A12    33   591   geed
13. degirst   C3    82   673   estridge
14. bejostu   D1    44   717   just
15. cehiprx  12H    44   761   xeric
16. bhioopv   B1    30   791   boho
17. ehmnopu   1D    42   833   jupon
18. ehikpvy  13L    35   868   hyke
19. efiimpv  O12    39   907   veep

Remaining tiles: fiiim

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4295 Filedenbay      0 17:57  -577  330     1.4295 denbay      0 17:57  -577  330 

On 1st draw, WUD(J)ULA H4 78 --- WUDJULA a non-Aboriginal person [n]
Other moves: WUD(J)ULA H2 74, WUD(J)ULA H3 72, WUD(J)ULA H6 72, WUD(J)ULA H7 72, WUD(J)ULA H8 72
WAD H7 14 denbay

On 2nd draw, WARMAN 4H 22 --- WARMAN a warrior [n]
Other tops: MAWN I8 22, MAWR I8 22
Other moves: MANWARD 6B 21, MAW I8 21, MANA G3 19, WARMAN I10 19, AWARN I9 18
WARM 10G 15 denbay

On 3rd draw, AWOL 5K 29 --- AWOL one who is absent without leave [n]
Other moves: ALOWE 5K 28, AWE 5K 27, OWE 5K 27, ALEW 5K 26, ALOW 5K 26
MAW K4 16 denbay

On 4th draw, ZENAIDAS 10B 90 --- ZENAIDA a wild dove [n]
Other moves: ZENAIDAS 10E 74, ZEAS 3I 57, ADZES O1 56, DAZES O1 56, NAZES O1 53
DAZES 10G 17 denbay

On 5th draw, LIBERAL E5 36 --- LIBERAL one who is open to ideas of progress or reform [n]
Other moves: ZINEB B10 32, BREN 6J 26, LIBELER C7 26, BERLINE C9 24, BEL 6J 22
BLIND 6D 10 denbay

On 6th draw, AFOOT 3K 36 --- AFOOT on foot [adv]
Other moves: FAE F6 33, FAT F6 33, FEAT 3I 33, FET F6 33, FIE F6 33
FAZE B8 16 denbay

On 7th draw, QAT O1 36 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT D6 31, QAT D4 28, ZANTE B10 28, QAT 11A 25, ETAGE 8A 24
QI 6D 11 denbay

On 8th draw, AZIONE B9 30 --- AZIONE a musical composition [n]
Other tops: ZIGAN B10 30
Other moves: ZOEAE B10 28, ZONAE B10 28, NARGILE 9C 26, NONAGE D8 23, AGENE 8A 21
GAZE B8 14 denbay

On 9th draw, TASTEVIN I8 71 --- TASTEVIN a shallow wine cup [n]
Other moves: VITTAE A4 41, NATIVE A4 32, TENIAE C9 27, AVINE A5 26, NAIVE A5 26
VOTE 12A 22 denbay

On 10th draw, G(U)ERNSEY 15E 95 --- GUERNSEY a woollen shirt [n]
Other moves: ERYNG(O)ES 15F 86, GREYNE(S)S 15E 86, GREY(H)ENS 15C 86, GREYES(T) A3 84, GREYNES(S) 15E 83
GREENY 15E 30 denbay

On 11th draw, CRONET A4 35 --- CRONET hair growing over the top of a horse's hoof [n]
Other tops: CORNET A4 35
Other moves: FEN F6 33, FER F6 33, FET F6 33, FOE F6 33, FON F6 33
CRONE K11 14 denbay

On 12th draw, GEED A12 33 --- GEE to turn to the right [v]
Other tops: DING A12 33, GIED A12 33
Other moves: DIENE A11 31, DEEN A12 30, DENE A12 30, DENI A12 30, DINE A12 30
CEDE 4A 14 denbay

On 13th draw, ESTRIDGE C3 82 --- ESTRIDGE the ostrich [n]
Other moves: REDIGEST C5 76, DIGESTER 12F 74, REDIGEST 12H 74, ESTRIDGE K8 70, GESTE C9 34
RIDGES M10 28 denbay

On 14th draw, JUST D1 44 --- JUST acting in conformity with what is morally good [adj] --- JUST en engage in personal combat [v]
Other tops: JEST D1 44
Other moves: OBJETS M10 42, SJOE O5 41, JETES 12H 40, JOBES M11 40, JUBES M11 40
JOY L13 13 denbay

On 15th draw, XERIC 12H 44 --- XERIC requiring only a small amount of moisture [adj]
Other moves: HEXER 12H 38, EXPIRY L10 36, PREXY L11 34, CERIPH 12H 32, CHIRPY L10 32
PREXY L11 34 denbay

On 16th draw, BOHO B1 30 --- BOHO a Bohemian [n]
Other moves: HOBO B1 29, HOBO 14K 28, HOOP 14K 28, PHI B2 28, PHO B2 28
JOB 1D 12 denbay

On 17th draw, JUPON 1D 42 --- JUPON a tunic [n]
Other moves: HUMP 14D 33, OH A1 32, HEMP 13L 29, HUMP 13L 29, PHENOM 2F 29
MUNCH L9 12 denbay

On 18th draw, HYKE 13L 35 --- HYKE an Arab head covering [n]
Other tops: KYPE 14L 35
Other moves: HYPE 13L 31, HIKE 13L 29, HYP 13L 29, KEPI 14L 29, KEY 14L 29
HICKEY L10 18 denbay

On 19th draw, VEEP O12 39 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other tops: FEME O12 39
Other moves: FEM F6 37, MEVE O12 36, FIE F6 33, MIEVE O11 33, FE F6 30
PIKE N11 20 denbay

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