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Game of April 5, 2013 at 09:53, 2 players
1. 315 pts marigold
2. 68 pts charmz

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. iinpstu   H8    20    20   situp
 2. aeiorrs   8A    77    97   rosaries
 3. befgopr   7B    29   126   befog
 4. ?gnosyz   B7    78   204   boozings
 5. ahinott   E6    74   278   hortation
 6. aabeluw  D12    38   316   blaw
 7. deioorr   E4    30   346   dehortation
 8. ?aadees  12H    74   420   paseared
 9. eilnovv   K5   106   526   lovevine
10. deilmpw   8J    48   574   mewled
11. eeikory   D1    42   616   kyrie
12. adeenpr   O1    92   708   pandered
13. cehiott  F10    47   755   hottie
14. celmnou   2H    78   833   columnea
15. agijrtx  J10    53   886   xis
16. afginor   1A    45   931   forking
17. aacituy   J4    31   962   cay
18. aijrtuu   B1    24   986   ouija

Remaining tiles: aqrtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5394 Filemarigold    0 11:58  -671  315     1.6428 charmz      1  2:52  -918   68 
  2.6428 Filecharmz      1  2:52  -918   68            Group: novice
                                             1.5394 marigold    0 11:58  -671  315 

On 1st draw, SITUP H8 20 --- SITUP an exercise in which one moves from a lying to a sitting position [n]
Other tops: PINTS H4 20, PUNTS H4 20
Other moves: INPUTS H3 18, INPUTS H4 18, INPUTS H7 18, INPUTS H8 18, INPUT H4 16
PINTS H4 20 charmz

On 2nd draw, ROSARIES 8A 77 --- ROSARY a series of prayers in the Roman Catholic Church [n]
Other moves: ROARIEST 10A 62, ROTARIES 10F 62, ROSARIES 8F 59, AROUSER 11E 28, AIRERS 13C 22
SORE 13H 13 charmz

On 3rd draw, BEFOG 7B 29 --- BEFOG to envelop in fog [v]
Other moves: BEFOGS C3 28, FORE I9 28, FOP I9 27, FIBER 9G 26, FIBRE 9G 26
PROBE 12H 18 charmz

On 4th draw, BOOZ(I)NGS B7 78 --- BOOZING an act of boozing [n]
Other moves: (A)ZYGOS 13C 46, GYOZ(A)S 13C 44, SNO(O)ZY 13H 44, SN(O)OZY 13H 44, ZYGOSE(S) G3 44

On 5th draw, HORTATION E6 74 --- HORTATION
Other moves: TITHONIA 9G 67, OHIA 9F 25, THIN 9F 25, THIO 9F 25, HAN 9D 22
OH A14 17 charmz

On 6th draw, BLAW D12 38 --- BLAW to blow [v]
Other tops: BLEW D12 38
Other moves: ALEW D12 30, WE F10 28, ABLE D11 26, BLAE D12 26, BLUE D12 26

Other moves: DOOR F10 26, ORDO F12 25, ORD F12 24, DIRER I9 22, DOO F10 22
DOER F12 21 marigold

On 8th draw, PASEA(R)ED 12H 74 --- PASEAR to take a walk [v]
Other moves: AP(P)EASED 12G 70, DES(S)E F10 32, DE(N)SE F10 32, DE(S)SE F10 32, ADAGI(O)S F4 30

On 9th draw, LOVEVINE K5 106 --- LOVEVINE a twining herb [n]
Other moves: INVOLVED O5 95, INVOLVES J5 74, INVOLVE(R) M5 68, LOVEVINE N5 68, LOVEVINE 5B 64
INVOLVED O5 45 marigold

On 10th draw, MEWLED 8J 48 --- MEWL to whimper [v]
Other moves: WIMPLED O6 45, WIMPED O7 42, DIMPLED O6 39, WIPED D1 39, MILDEW J1 37
WIMPLED O6 45 marigold

On 11th draw, KYRIE D1 42 --- KYRIE a religious petition for mercy [n]
Other moves: YOKER D1 40, YORKIE L1 38, REKEY D1 37, REKEY J2 37, DYKE O12 36
DYKE O12 36 marigold

On 12th draw, PANDERED O1 92 --- PANDER to provide gratification for others' desires [v]
Other moves: KNEEPAD 1D 42, PARKED 1A 39, PEAKED 1A 39, PERKED 1A 39, KNEADER 1D 36
PADDER O10 30 marigold

On 13th draw, HOTTIE F10 47 --- HOTTIE a hot-water bottle, a sexually attractive person [n]
Other moves: CHOKE 1A 42, KETCH 1D 42, KOTCH 1D 42, CHIK 1A 39, HECK 1A 39
TICKET 1A 36 marigold

On 14th draw, COLUMNEA 2H 78 --- COLUMNEA a bushy tropical plant [n]
Other moves: LOCKMEN 1A 45, MUCKLE 1A 42, LUCKEN 1A 36, MECK 1A 36, MOCK 1A 36
COLUMN 3J 20 marigold

On 15th draw, XIS J10 53 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other tops: RAJ J4 53, TAJ J4 53
Other moves: JARK 1A 45, JAXY 2A 42, EXTRA 15F 36, XI 13I 36, XI 3I 36
TAX L4 31 marigold

On 16th draw, FORKING 1A 45 --- FORK to work with a fork (a pronged implement) [v]
Other moves: FANG C2 36, FADING O10 33, FAIK 1A 33, FANK 1A 33, FINK 1A 33
F(R)OG M11 14 marigold

On 17th draw, CAY J4 31 --- CAY a small low island [n]
Other moves: TAY J4 29, AY J5 28, TAY 3K 28, ADYTA O11 27, YUAN 3L 27
AY A14 17 marigold

On 18th draw, OUIJA B1 24 --- OUIJA a board used in seances [n]
Other tops: JIRD 4L 24
Other moves: ARTIES C3 23, JEAT N11 22, JU(R)AT M10 22, JA L4 21, JA 1I 20
JAR 3B 20 marigold

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