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Game of April 5, 2013 at 11:21, 2 players
1. 618 pts quirky
2. 71 pts ding

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abeiruz   H4    54    54   zeriba
 2. eeilnsv   9G    67   121   vaseline
 3. ?ceijkr   N8    62   183   rejoice
 4. agiortt   6A    63   246   grattoir
 5. aeklnsy   O3   113   359   alkynes
 6. ?afhoot   D3    78   437   footpath
 7. ehimosw  15K    61   498   whose
 8. degnrtu   K4    90   588   gruntled
 9. ailoopu   A4    33   621   pugil
10. ddiinow   C2    35   656   downa
11. aegoors   I3    30   686   gars
12. aaelnux   2I    33   719   axle
13. addmnot   1L    37   756   mand
14. acenoou   B1    22   778   coo
15. adefnuv  10J    31   809   fed
16. aabeeit   E8    23   832   beet
17. aeiimpr   B8    86   918   imperia
18. anoquuy   E2    38   956   ayont
19. eiqtuuv  13A    36   992   qiviut

Remaining tiles: eiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6634 Filequirky      4 18:18  -374  618     1.6634 quirky      4 18:18  -374  618 
  2.4145 Fileding        0  2:37  -921   71            Group: not rated
                                             1.4145 ding        0  2:37  -921   71 

On 1st draw, ZERIBA H4 54 --- ZERIBA an improvised stockade [n]
Other tops: BRAIZE H8 54
Other moves: ZEBRA H4 52, ZAIRE H4 48, BRAIZE H4 40, ZERIBA H8 40, BAIZE H4 38
BRAIZE H8 54 quirky

On 2nd draw, VASELINE 9G 67 --- VASELINE petroleum jelly -- a trademark [n]
Other moves: LIVENERS 6B 65, SNIVELER 6A 65, VISNE 10F 36, NEIVES 10C 35, NIEVES 10C 35
LIVES 10D 34 quirky

On 3rd draw, REJ(O)ICE N8 62 --- REJOICE to feel joyful [v]
Other moves: JERK(S) O5 56, KIER 8L 54, KER(B) 8L 51, KER(F) 8L 51, KER(N) 8L 51
KIR(K) 8L 51 quirky

On 4th draw, GRATTOIR 6A 63 --- GRATTOIR a scraper [n]
Other tops: GRATTOIR 6G 63
Other moves: GARI 15L 37, GART 15L 37, GIRO 15L 37, GIRT 15L 37, GORA 15L 37
TART 15L 31 quirky

On 5th draw, ALKYNES O3 113 --- ALKYNE a type of chemical compound [n]
Other moves: ALKYNES 15H 111, SNEAKILY L4 90, KAYLES O4 72, ANKYLOSE F1 67, NAKERS 8J 62
YES O7 36 quirky

On 6th draw, FOOT(P)ATH D3 78 --- FOOTPATH a path for pedestrians [n]
Other tops: FOOT(B)ATH D3 78
Other moves: FOOT(B)ATH E3 76, FOOT(P)ATH E3 76, HAFTORO(S) B1 76, HAFTORO(T) B1 76, HAFTO(R)OT D3 76
F(I)GHT A4 45 quirky

On 7th draw, WHOSE 15K 61 --- WHOSE the possessive case of who [pron]
Other moves: WISH 15L 58, MESH 15L 52, MOSH 15L 52, SHMO 10H 50, HOSE 15L 49
WISH 15L 58 quirky

On 8th draw, GRUNTLED K4 90 --- GRUNTLE to put in a good humor [v]
Other moves: TRUDGE(O)N 11H 68, DRUGGET A2 33, DRUGGET A3 33, GRUNTED A6 33, RUNDLET K5 32
RUGGED A4 30 quirky

On 9th draw, PUGIL A4 33 --- PUGIL a small handful [n]
Other moves: APOLOG A1 30, LOOP C1 26, POULE 14J 25, GALOP A6 24, GLOOP A6 24
GLOOP A6 24 quirky

On 10th draw, DOWNA C2 35 --- DOWNA cannot (no inflections) [v] --- DOWNA cannot [coll]
Other moves: DOW C2 29, WINO L1 28, NOW C2 27, OIDIA C2 27, OW C3 25
DOWNA C2 35 quirky

On 11th draw, GARS I3 30 --- GAR to cause or compel [v]
Other tops: GAES I3 30, GEARS I2 30, GOAS I3 30, GOES I3 30, GOORS I2 30, SORE 10H 30
Other moves: EARS I3 28, OARS I3 28, ROES I3 28, SORAGE 11D 28, ARS I4 26
ROSE 11B 22 quirky

On 12th draw, AXLE 2I 33 --- AXLE a shaft upon which a wheel revolves [n]
Other tops: AXAL 2I 33, AXEL 2I 33
Other moves: AXE 2I 32, LAX 2H 32, AX 2I 31, EAUX J11 30, EAUX E9 29
LAX 8C 10 quirky

On 13th draw, MAND 1L 37 --- MAN to provide with workers [v]
Other moves: DODMAN M2 35, MANO 1L 34, MOAN 1L 34, MOAT 1L 34, MONA 1L 34
MOAN 1L 34 quirky

On 14th draw, COO B1 22 --- COO to make the sound of a dove [v]
Other moves: CANOE C10 21, COO 14J 21, NOTA E4 21, NOTE E4 21, ONTO E4 21
ACE C9 16 quirky

On 15th draw, FED 10J 31 --- FED a federal agent [n]
Other moves: FEN 10J 29, DEAF E8 26, EF J9 26, FE 10J 26, FAUVE C8 25
FED 10J 31 quirky

On 16th draw, BEET E8 23 --- BEET a garden plant [n] --- BEET to improve [v]
Other tops: BAIT E8 23, BEAT E8 23
Other moves: BAA 14J 21, BATTA 8H 21, BETTA 8H 21, ABATE C10 19, ABATE E10 19
BEET E8 23 quirky

On 17th draw, IMPERIA B8 86 --- IMPERIUM absolute power [n]
Other moves: IMPERIA 14E 74, EMPIRIC 13H 32, MAIRE F10 31, PAIRE F10 31, PERAI F10 31
MARE F10 28 quirky
PA 14J 15 ding

On 18th draw, AYONT E2 38 --- AYONT beyond [adv]
Other moves: YONT E3 36, BANTY 8H 33, BUNTY 8H 33, YON F10 33, YOU F10 33
QUIN 12L 28 ding, quirky

On 19th draw, QIVIUT 13A 36 --- QIVIUT wool of the arctic musk-ox [n]
Other moves: QUIT 12L 28, QUA 3M 24, EVICT 13K 20, UVEA 3L 19, VICE 13L 18
QUIT 12L 28 quirky, ding

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