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Game of April 6, 2013 at 06:29, 3 players
1. 526 pts fatcat
2. 129 pts marigold
3. 47 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aiinprs   H2    74    74   aspirin
 2. emnnoow   3H    26   100   snowmen
 3. ?fgiioq   8B    71   171   quoifing
 4. delstuv   9E    29   200   teds
 5. beilorx   4L    50   250   ilex
 6. ?egrstt   5D    82   332   tergites
 7. aeeiory  10E    38   370   aye
 8. adlortv   7G    30   400   viator
 9. abeiksw   8K    47   447   wekas
10. abglnor  D10    31   478   barong
11. abelnry   N7    80   558   balneary
12. aeirtuz   2J    67   625   za
13. cehilot  13G    84   709   clothier
14. acdenpu   1K    41   750   caped
15. aeeimor  15A    27   777   emigre
16. finoouu  H11    27   804   folio
17. aejnouu   4A    42   846   jane
18. dhotuuv  14A    32   878   thon
19. diuuuuv   3B    27   905   div

Remaining tiles: dluuuu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6206 Filefatcat      2 17:40  -379  526     1.6206 fatcat      2 17:40  -379  526 
  2.5406 Filemarigold    0  8:21  -776  129     2.6564 jimbo       0  2:40  -858   47 
  3.6564 Filejimbo       0  2:40  -858   47            Group: novice
                                             1.5406 marigold    0  8:21  -776  129 

On 1st draw, ASPIRIN H2 74 --- ASPIRIN a pain relieving drug [n]
Other moves: ASPIRIN H3 70, ASPIRIN H4 70, ASPIRIN H6 70, ASPIRIN H7 70, ASPIRIN H8 70
SPRAIN H3 22 fatcat

On 2nd draw, SNOWMEN 3H 26 --- SNOWMAN a figure of a person that is made of snow [n]
Other moves: MOWN G7 25, MEW G7 24, MOW G7 24, MEOW G7 22, MINNOW 5G 22
WOMEN 8D 14 fatcat

On 3rd draw, Q(U)OIFING 8B 71 --- QUOIF to dress to hair [v]
Other moves: Q(U)OIF G7 49, QI G7 44, QI(S) G7 44, Q(I) G7 42, Q(U)OIF G5 38
QI G7 44 fatcat

On 4th draw, TEDS 9E 29 --- TED to spread hay for drying [v]
Other moves: DEUS 4J 28, EDS 9F 26, USED 4L 26, VUMS L1 26, MVULES L3 24
WEST K3 14 fatcat

On 5th draw, ILEX 4L 50 --- ILEX a shrub of the holly family [n]
Other moves: OXER 4L 43, OXIDE G6 40, BOILER 4J 39, EXO 4L 39, OXID G6 39
XI 7C 35 fatcat

On 6th draw, T(E)RGITES 5D 82 --- TERGITE the back of an arthropod [n]
Other tops: STREIG(H)T 5D 82, TERGIT(E)S 5D 82, T(U)RGITES 5D 82
Other moves: GRIT(T)EST 5F 74, GRI(T)TEST 5F 74, G(L)ITTERS 5F 74, G(R)ITTERS 5F 74, TRIG(G)EST 5F 74
SITTER E7 12 fatcat

On 7th draw, AYE 10E 38 --- AYE an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: RAY 10D 34, YE 10F 34, AY 10E 33, ONERY N2 32, YA 2J 31
YO 2J 31 fatcat

On 8th draw, VIATOR 7G 30 --- VIATOR a traveller [n]
Other moves: DOAT 2J 29, VOLAR 4A 29, VIAL 7G 28, VIA 7G 27, VOLA 4A 26
VOTED J2 21 fatcat

On 9th draw, WEKAS 8K 47 --- WEKA a flightless bird [n]
Other moves: BEAKS 8K 43, BESAW 8K 40, EWKS 8L 39, SNEAK N2 38, KA 2J 37
KA 2J 37 fatcat

On 10th draw, BARONG D10 31 --- BARONG a broad-bladed knife [n]
Other tops: BOA 2J 31
Other moves: BROGAN D10 29, BROLGA D10 29, KOBANG M8 28, ALONG 6J 27, BOGAN 4A 27
BO 2J 25 fatcat

On 11th draw, BALNEARY N7 80 --- BALNEARY a bath [n]
Other moves: BARRENLY 12A 70, BARRENLY 12B 64, BARNEY 14A 38, BLENNY 14A 38, BRANNY 14A 38
YA 2J 31 fatcat

On 12th draw, ZA 2J 67 --- ZA pizza (slang) [n]
Other moves: GAUZIER 15D 51, ZEA C13 51, ZATI 4A 50, ZETA 4A 50, ZITE 4A 50
ZA 2J 67 fatcat

On 13th draw, CLOTHIER 13G 84 --- CLOTHIER one who makes or sells clothing [n]
Other moves: CHIEL 1K 50, CHILE 1K 50, CHOLI 1K 50, THEIC 1K 48, THIOL 1K 42
CLOTH 13B 20 fatcat
AT 12N 3 marigold

On 14th draw, CAPED 1K 41 --- CAPE a sleeveless garment [adj] --- CAPE to keep a course [v]
Other tops: PACED 1K 41
Other moves: PANCE 1K 38, PECAN 1K 38, PUCAN 1K 38, PUNCE 1K 38, CANED 1K 35
CLAP H12 33 fatcat, marigold

On 15th draw, EMIGRE 15A 27 --- EMIGRE an emigrant [n]
Other tops: GAMIER 15D 27, IMAGER 15A 27, MAIGRE 15A 27, MEAGER 15A 27, MEAGRE 15A 27
Other moves: AIM 9A 25, MORAE 4A 25, MORIA 4A 25, RIM 9A 25, AMIGO 15A 24
GRIME 15D 24 fatcat
MORE 4A 22 marigold

On 16th draw, FOLIO H11 27 --- FOLIO to number the pages of [v]
Other moves: FOIN 14I 25, UPON 4G 25, FOUNT D1 24, FILO 9L 23, FON C11 23
FOLIO H11 27 fatcat
QUIN B8 15 marigold

On 17th draw, JANE 4A 42 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JAI C13 40, JAUNT D1 40, JUN C11 35, JEAN 6B 30, JEON 6B 30
JOHN K11 28 fatcat
JAM B13 24 marigold

On 18th draw, THON 14A 32 --- THON yon [adj]
Other moves: ODAH 12L 31, DOH C11 29, DUH C11 29, NOH 14D 29, HON 14B 28
NOH 14D 29 jimbo
OH 12K 25 fatcat
HUM B13 16 marigold

On 19th draw, DIV 3B 27 --- DIV in Persian legend, an evil spirit [n]
Other moves: DIVI L12 18, DI 5N 16, DIVA B1 16, DIVE 11K 16, DIVI L10 16
DIVI L12 18 jimbo
DIVA B1 16 marigold
QUID B8 16 fatcat

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