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Game of April 10, 2013 at 06:14, 1 player
1. 161 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?bbcelu   H4    80    80   clubber
 2. aekosuv  11E    35   115   kvas
 3. aaegort   7G    64   179   abrogate
 4. ddennoy   N7    80   259   endodyne
 5. ?eiotwz   J6    79   338   wooziest
 6. efinprs   O1   110   448   perfins
 7. agilnoy  12A    31   479   gaily
 8. achjors   L4    40   519   rajahs
 9. aeioqrt   K3    30   549   qat
10. aegilpu  A10    30   579   puggie
11. eiilmtu  M10    32   611   limit
12. dnoortw   N2    36   647   wood
13. efhinou  13C    46   693   foehn
14. adeimnu   M1    28   721   dam
15. acenott   1F    86   807   coattend
16. aelorux  K10    38   845   ox
17. aeeirrr   B4    67   912   arriere
18. eilnsuv  15G    91  1003   unlives

Remaining tiles: eiu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4297 Filedenbay      0 13:13  -842  161     1.4297 denbay      0 13:13  -842  161 

On 1st draw, CLUBBE(R) H4 80 --- CLUBBER a member of a club [n]
Other tops: CLUBBE(D) H4 80, CLUBBE(D) H8 80, CLUBBE(R) H8 80
Other moves: CLUBBE(D) H2 76, CLUBBE(D) H3 76, CLUBBE(D) H7 76, CLUBBE(R) H2 76, CLUBBE(R) H3 76

On 2nd draw, KVAS 11E 35 --- KVAS a Russian bear [n]
Other moves: UKASE 11E 31, AKES 11E 29, AUKS 11E 29, EUKS 11E 29, KAES 11E 29

On 3rd draw, ABROGATE 7G 64 --- ABROGATE to abolish by authoritative action [v]
Other tops: A(R)ROGATE 10G 64
Other moves: ABROGATE 8G 62, GEAR I6 22, GEAT I6 22, GOAT G6 22, GOAT I6 22

On 4th draw, ENDODYNE N7 80 --- ENDODYNE of an electrical circuit, self-exciting [adj]
Other moves: ENDODYNE 9H 68, ENDODYNE 9A 66, DYNODE O3 58, YODE 8L 50, DYNODE O7 49

On 5th draw, WOOZIE(S)T J6 79 --- WOOZY fuddled [adj]
Other moves: WOOZIE(S)T J5 73, Z(A)TI 6J 69, Z(A) 6J 63, ZEOLIT(E) 5E 60, ZO(O)LITE 5E 60

On 6th draw, PERFINS O1 110 --- PERFIN a postage stamp perforated to identify theft by employees [n]
Other moves: FIREPANS L2 78, PANFRIES L6 78, FRISE O4 54, PRISE O4 48, SEIF O7 47
INS 8M 11 denbay

On 7th draw, GAILY 12A 31 --- GAILY in a gay manner [adv]
Other tops: YONI M10 31
Other moves: LOGIA K5 30, AGONY 12A 29, GONIA M10 29, LINGY 12A 29, YAG O13 28
AGAIN L5 7 denbay

On 8th draw, RAJAHS L4 40 --- RAJAH a king or prince in India [n]
Other moves: HAJIS C9 38, RAJAH L4 38, JARS 10B 37, JORS 10B 37, GAJO A12 36

On 9th draw, QAT K3 30 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: RATIO M5 28, TATIE M5 28, AERO O12 25, GOAT K7 25, ATE K9 24
TRAIL 5D 10 denbay

On 10th draw, PUGGIE A10 30 --- PUGGIE a monkey [n]
Other tops: PLAGUE B10 30, PUGGLE A10 30
Other moves: PAIL N2 29, PLAGE B10 28, PATE M5 26, PATU M5 26, TAUPE M7 26
GALE A12 15 denbay

On 11th draw, LIMIT M10 32 --- LIMIT to restrict [v]
Other moves: MUIL N2 29, EMIT M11 28, LIME M10 28, TIME M10 28, MITE M12 25
MITE C11 12 denbay

On 12th draw, WOOD N2 36 --- WOOD to furnish with wood (the hard, fibrous substance beneath the bark of a tree or shrub) [v]
Other moves: WOOT N2 33, WOO N2 29, GOOD K7 27, ONTO K9 27, OONT K9 27
WOOL 5E 14 denbay

On 13th draw, FOEHN 13C 46 --- FOEHN a warm, dry wind [n]
Other moves: HAUF B11 38, FOEN 13C 36, FOEHN K11 35, FIE 13C 34, FOE 13C 34
FINE C11 14 denbay

On 14th draw, DAM M1 28 --- DAM to build a barrier to obstruct the flow of water [v]
Other tops: AND K9 28, MADE 14F 28, MAID 14F 28, MAND 14F 28, MAUD 14F 28, MEAD 14F 28, MEND 14F 28, MUID 14F 28
Other moves: MAD 14F 27, MAIN 14F 27, MANE 14F 27, MANI 14F 27, MAUN 14F 27
MICE 4F 8 denbay

On 15th draw, COATTEND 1F 86 --- COATTEND to attend together [v]
Other moves: ATTONCE B4 69, CANOED 1H 30, CANTED 1H 30, CATTED 1H 30, COATED 1H 30
CENOTE 9C 12 denbay

On 16th draw, OX K10 38 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: XU O14 37, OX B14 31, AX O14 30, EX O14 30, AXE O9 27
COAXER F1 19 denbay

On 17th draw, ARRIERE B4 67 --- ARRIERE backward [adj]
Other moves: ATE M6 18, AERIE B6 15, ARERE B6 15, RAREE B6 15, AREIC 4D 14
CAREER F1 12 denbay

On 18th draw, UNLIVES 15G 91 --- UNLIVE to live so as to make amends for [v]
Other tops: UNVEILS 15G 91
Other moves: NEIVES 8A 39, LEVINS 15H 38, LIVENS 15H 38, NEIVE 8A 36, VISNE A1 32
VEILS 8A 27 denbay

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