On 2nd draw, FARCEUR 3D 80 --- FARCEUR a performer in farces [n]
Other moves: FARCEUR G6 76, FURCRAEA 6C 71, FARCEUR G8 69, FARCEUR I8 69, FRACTURE 7D 67 FARE G6 19 strykyster
On 3rd draw, SAFRONAL E2 72 --- SAFRONAL a spicy-tasting chemical [n]
Other moves: FORLANAS 6B 71, FARNESOL 8D 65, FORLANAS 6D 65, SAFRONAL 6B 65, SAFRONAL 6G 65 FAR 4C 24 strykyster
On 4th draw, THREE F1 36 --- THREE a number [n]
Other tops: THRAE F1 36
Other moves: HAG F6 33, HAE F6 31, HAT F6 31, HET F6 31, THESE 2B 29 HE F6 28 pandora1._ FEAT D3 28 strykyster
On 5th draw, COEQ(U)ATE H1 54 --- COEQUATE to equate with something else [v]
Other moves: NICKAR 8A 51, THICKO 1F 45, THICK 1F 42, CHINAR 8A 36, THINK 1F 36 THICK 1F 42 pandora1._ THORN 1F 24 strykyster
On 6th draw, SWAD 9H 31 --- SWAD a private [n]
Other tops: ADAWS 9G 31
Other moves: ADAW 9G 30, DAWNS 9H 30, DAWTS 9H 30, LAWS 9E 30, SWAN 9H 30 SWAD 9H 31 pandora1._
On 7th draw, EMOTE 8K 33 --- EMOTE to express emotion in an exaggerated manner [v]
Other moves: EMOTE 10I 31, EMIT 10I 30, OMIT 10I 30, EME 10I 29, EMO 10I 29 EMOTE 10I 31 pandora1._
On 8th draw, OY(S) 10I 34 --- OY a grandchild [n]
Other tops: (R)YFE 4C 34
Other moves: OY 10I 31, (O)Y 10I 29, E(N)VOY 2J 28, (P)IOYE D5 28, E(L)VISH 2A 27 OY 10I 31 pandora1._
On 9th draw, KENTIA D8 43 --- KENTIA a feather palm [n]
Other moves: TANKA 8A 42, KENTE D8 41, TAKEN 7K 37, TAKIN 7K 37, INTAKE 11E 36 TAKEN D6 31 pandora1._
On 10th draw, RAVINGLY 12A 70 --- RAVINGLY in a delirious manner [adv]
Other moves: RYFE 4C 36, GAY 7K 29, GRAY 7J 29, GYAL C12 29, GNARLY 13B 28 YAG C13 24 pandora1._
On 12th draw, DISGUST 14B 83 --- DISGUST to cause nausea or loathing in [v]
Other moves: GIUSTS 14A 29, DUSTS 14B 27, GISTS 14B 27, GUSTS 14B 27, DUSTS K1 25 GUSTS 14B 27 pandora1._
On 13th draw, PORTAGUE N5 67 --- PORTAGUE an old Portuguese coin [n]
Other moves: AERUGO 15H 33, GAPER 7K 31, GAUPER B2 30, GOOP 6C 30, OPERA 15H 30 OPERA 15H 30 pandora1._
On 14th draw, INORB 15H 36 --- INORB to encircle [v]
Other moves: ORIBI O1 34, ORIBI 15H 30, BLINI O1 28, LIBRI O1 28, LOBI C7 27 ORIBI O1 34 pandora1._
On 15th draw, JEON 14J 58 --- JEON a monetary unit of South Korea [n]
Other moves: JO 14J 52, JEFE 4C 38, JEEL 13F 35, JEE 13F 33, JOE 13F 33 JO 14J 52 pandora1._
On 16th draw, DAIMIO O1 42 --- DAIMIO a former Japanese nobleman [n]
Other moves: MADE O12 37, MAID O12 37, MEAD O12 37, MIDI O12 37, MODE O12 37 MADE O12 37 pandora1._
On 17th draw, VIBEX 12K 50 --- VIBEX a streak under the skin [n]
Other moves: IBEX 12L 42, ILEX 12L 38, ULEX 12L 38, XI O12 34, XU O12 34 XU O12 34 pandora1._