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Game of April 12, 2013 at 08:25, 3 players
1. 497 pts kellybelly
2. 112 pts charmz
3. 83 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?adgiiy   H3    80    80   pygidia
 2. imnnotu   5A    72   152   mounting
 3. ?aillrs   A3    80   232   armillas
 4. ceelnty   7H    66   298   decently
 5. aeiiotw   O7    33   331   yowie
 6. aefgnsz  12K    49   380   fazes
 7. aijorst   D3    82   462   janitors
 8. anoottu  13L    32   494   not
 9. abdeeot  11J    48   542   debate
10. degirsv   K1    76   618   diverges
11. eloprrt   1H    30   648   polder
12. aefiorv   6F    32   680   fair
13. eehikqt   B9    35   715   theek
14. adegino  14J    51   766   gained
15. aceiquw  15F    56   822   caique
16. hmnoopv  C11    37   859   mho
17. abenovw  12A    34   893   behove
18. anpruwx   I9    34   927   xu
19. anopruw   G8    29   956   awn

Remaining tiles: opru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7490 Filekellybelly  4 11:28  -459  497     1.7490 kellybelly  4 11:28  -459  497 
  2.6390 Filecharmz      0  4:20  -844  112            Group: intermediate
  3.4292 Filedenbay      0  5:19  -873   83     1.6390 charmz      0  4:20  -844  112 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4292 denbay      0  5:19  -873   83 

On 1st draw, (P)YGIDIA H3 80 --- PYGIDIUM the posterior region of certain invertebrates [n]
Other moves: (P)YGIDIA H2 76, (P)YGIDIA H8 76, (P)YGIDIA H6 74, (P)YGIDIA H7 74, (P)YGIDIA H4 72

On 2nd draw, MOUNTING 5A 72 --- MOUNTING something that provides a backing or appropriate setting for something else [n]

On 3rd draw, (A)RMILLAS A3 80 --- ARMILLA a thin membrane around the stem of certain fungi [n]
Other tops: ARMILL(A)S A3 80
Other moves: ARILL(U)S 10D 72, RALLI(E)S 10F 72, SALLI(E)R 10F 72, (P)ILLARS 10E 72, ARILL(U)S 10E 70

On 4th draw, DECENTLY 7H 66 --- DECENT conforming to recognized standards of propriety [adv] --- DECENTLY in a decent manner [adv]
Other moves: LYCEE 10H 28, YELT 10F 27, LEY 10H 26, ELECT 10G 25, LYCEE G8 25

On 5th draw, YOWIE O7 33 --- YOWIE a small ewe [n]
Other moves: WYTE O6 30, YOWE O7 30, WYE O6 27, YAW O7 27, YEW O7 27
WYTE O6 30 kellybelly

On 6th draw, FAZES 12K 49 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: GAZES N10 47, GAZES 12K 45, ZAGS G9 45, ZAG G9 44, ZEAS G9 44
FAZES 12K 49 kellybelly

On 7th draw, JANITORS D3 82 --- JANITOR a maintenance man [n]
Other moves: JATOS 13J 55, JATO 13J 51, RATOS 13J 41, TAROS 13J 41, JATOS G9 38
TAROS 13J 41 kellybelly

On 8th draw, NOT 13L 32 --- NOT in no way [adv]
Other tops: NAT 13L 32, TAN 13L 32, TAT 13L 32, TON 13L 32, TOT 13L 32
Other moves: AN 13M 28, AT 13M 28, NA 13L 28, NO 13L 28, ON 13M 28
TON 13L 32 kellybelly

On 9th draw, DEBATE 11J 48 --- DEBATE to argue about [v]
Other moves: BEETED N10 42, BETA 11J 37, BOTA 11J 37, OBA 11K 37, DOAB 14L 36
DEBATE 11J 48 kellybelly

On 10th draw, DIVERGES K1 76 --- DIVERGE to move in different directions from a common point [v]
Other moves: VIDEOS B1 32, DIVERS B9 31, GIVERS B9 31, VIREOS B1 29, DRIVELS N2 28
GIVERS B9 31 kellybelly
DRIVEN L2 20 charmz

On 11th draw, POLDER 1H 30 --- POLDER a tract of low land reclaimed from a body of water [n] --- POLDER to reclaim low-lying land [v]
Other tops: PEYTREL 4F 30, PRETOLD 1E 30
Other moves: PIOLET 2J 28, DEPOT 1K 27, DOPER 1K 27, DROPT 1K 27, POLTED 1F 27
PORTED 1F 27 kellybelly
DEPOT 1K 27 charmz

On 12th draw, FAIR 6F 32 --- FAIR free from bias, dishonesty, or injustice [adj] --- FAIR to make smooth [v]
Other moves: FOVEAL N2 28, FRIVOL N2 28, IF 6A 26, OF B5 26, FAVER G9 25
OF B5 26 charmz
F*RT E2 18 kellybelly

On 13th draw, THEEK B9 35 --- THEEK to thatch [v]
Other moves: HIKE B10 32, THEEK B10 32, KHET G8 30, THEE B9 30, KHI G8 29
HIKE B10 32 kellybelly
QAT 9G 23 charmz

On 14th draw, GAINED 14J 51 --- GAIN to acquire [v]
Other moves: DAINE 14J 47, DINE 14K 37, POLDERED 1H 36, AINE 14K 35, DEIGN C11 31
POLDERED 1H 36 kellybelly
DAG 14J 16 charmz

On 15th draw, CAIQUE 15F 56 --- CAIQUE a long, narrow rowboat [n]
Other moves: QUAI 15G 42, RACQUET M1 36, SUQ 10D 32, QUIET M3 28, QUA B1 25
QUAI 15G 42 kellybelly
WEE 12A 10 denbay

On 16th draw, MHO C11 37 --- MHO a unit of electrical conductance [n]
Other moves: HOMO C12 35, HOOP C12 35, HOM C12 33, HOP C12 33, MOOP C12 32
HOMO C12 35 kellybelly
PEON 4J 12 denbay

On 17th draw, BEHOVE 12A 34 --- BEHOVE to be fit, right or necessary [v]
Other tops: BEHAVE 12A 34
Other moves: ABOVE G8 22, BOVATE M3 22, VAW B1 22, VOW B1 22, WEAVE 4J 22
WEAVE 4J 22 denbay
VOW B1 22 kellybelly

On 18th draw, XU I9 34 --- XU a monetary unit of Vietnam [n]
Other tops: WAX B1 34
Other moves: PAX B1 32, REWAX 4J 30, RAX B1 28, AX B2 26, SAX 10D 26
WAX B1 34 kellybelly
WAX 9G 25 denbay

On 19th draw, AWN G8 29 --- AWN a bristlelike appendage of certain grasses [n]
Other tops: OWN G8 29, WAP G9 29, W*P G9 29
Other moves: AW G8 28, OW G8 28, WAN G9 27, WAR G9 27, WON G9 27
POW B1 20 kellybelly
WEAN 4J 14 denbay

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