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Game of April 19, 2013 at 18:26, 3 players
1. 120 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 88 pts sunshine12
3. 27 pts selvap85

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeilnor   H8    66    66   eloiner
 2. ?acefpu  13G    86   152   peaceful
 3. adeijlt  N10    58   210   jailed
 4. eorrssw  15D    60   270   weros
 5. abdegqt   O7    39   309   debag
 6. adimnsz   N4    43   352   nizam
 7. ?eggiin   4H    76   428   greining
 8. adenotx   3K    45   473   dex
 9. adlntuy   H1    33   506   dangly
10. cefoopr  15J    42   548   opcode
11. abeistv  11E    48   596   vibiest
12. eimqrtt  F10    31   627   qi
13. aaemnos   1G    64   691   adenomas
14. aehloty   M7    33   724   hey
15. korttuw   G6    25   749   kow
16. ahorttt   L8    28   777   hot
17. aflnotu  14B    31   808   flota
18. ailrttv  13A    29   837   vial
19. instttu   K3    24   861   dittit
20. inrrrsu   F2    21   882   nurrs

Remaining tiles: irruu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6705 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:50  -762  120     1.7355 sunshine12  1  3:29  -794   88 
  2.7355 Filesunshine12  1  3:29  -794   88            Group: intermediate
  3.3096 Fileselvap85    0  3:24  -855   27     1.6705 GLOBEMAN    0  3:50  -762  120 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.3096 selvap85    0  3:24  -855   27 

On 1st draw, ELOINER H8 66 --- ELOINER one that eloins [n]
Other tops: ELOINER H2 66, ELOINER H3 66, ELOINER H4 66, ELOINER H6 66, ELOINER H7 66
Other moves: ELOINER H5 64, LIERNE H3 14, LIERNE H4 14, LIERNE H7 14, LIERNE H8 14

On 2nd draw, PEACEFU(L) 13G 86 --- PEACEFUL undisturbed, calm [adj]
Other moves: PEACEFU(L) 13D 71, PEACEFU(L) 8G 68, PEACEFU(L) 8D 67, PEAC(E)FUL 9A 66, P(E)ACEFUL 9A 66

On 3rd draw, JAI(L)ED N10 58 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JIL(L)ET N10 56, JIRD 14F 35, JARL 14F 33, JADEITE K7 30, JAR 14F 30

On 4th draw, WEROS 15D 60 --- WERO a ritual challenge issued to a visitor to a marae (Maori) [n]
Other tops: SEROW 15H 60
Other moves: RESOWS 15C 54, ROWERS 15C 54, SEROWS 15C 54, SOWERS 15C 54, WORSES 15C 54

On 5th draw, DEBAG O7 39 --- DEBAG to take someone's trousers off as a punishment [v]
Other tops: BEGAD O7 39
Other moves: BEGAT O7 35, BEAD O8 33, BADE 15L 30, EGAD O8 30, BEAT O8 29

On 6th draw, NIZAM N4 43 --- NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n]
Other tops: MINIS 12K 43
Other moves: NIZAM 14A 41, ADZ 15M 39, ZINCS J10 38, ZIN N6 37, NAZI N4 36
ZAG 11M 13 sunshine12

On 7th draw, G(R)EINING 4H 76 --- GREIN to long [v]
Other moves: ENGI(N)ING 4H 74, E(N)GINING 4H 74, NEIG(H)ING 4H 74, (B)INGEING 4H 72, (D)EIGNING 4H 72
EGI(S) 12L 30 sunshine12

On 8th draw, DEX 3K 45 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: AXED 3J 43, TAX 3K 42, TEX 3K 42, AXONE 14B 39, AX 3L 38
DEX 3K 45 sunshine12

On 9th draw, DANGLY H1 33 --- DANGLY hanging loosely [adj]
Other tops: DANDY 15K 33, NUDDY 15K 33
Other moves: ADDY 15L 30, DUNGY H1 30, TANGLY H1 30, LADY 15L 27, TANGY H1 27

On 10th draw, OPCODE 15J 42 --- OPCODE a coded computing instruction [n]
Other moves: FOREDO 15J 33, CODE 15L 30, COFFER L10 30, FORDO 15K 30, PROOF 14A 30

On 11th draw, VIBIEST 11E 48 --- VIBEY lively, vibrant [adj]
Other moves: AVE 5J 31, BLEATS 5G 30, VALETS 5F 29, VILEST 5F 29, ABLEST 5F 27

On 12th draw, QI F10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ME 5K 23, MET M7 23, EM 5J 22, ME M7 21, ME 5J 20

On 13th draw, ADENOMAS 1G 64 --- ADENOMA a tumor of glandular origin [n]
Other moves: LEAMS 5H 32, SOLEMN 5F 29, EMS 5J 27, LEAM 5H 27, MANGO O1 26

On 14th draw, HEY M7 33 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: AYE 12J 33, OYE 12J 33, YEH M7 33
Other moves: AHOY 14B 30, HAYEY 6F 30, YEAH 14B 30, DIETHYL K3 28, HET M7 27

On 15th draw, KOW G6 25 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: TROW 14B 24, WORKS J7 22, KORU 14C 21, SOCKO J11 21, WOKS J8 21

On 16th draw, HOT L8 28 --- HOT having a high temperature [adj] --- HOT to heat [v]
Other tops: HAO L8 28, HAT L8 28, HOA L8 28
Other moves: HA L8 27, HO L8 27, HO 12K 26, TORAH 14A 26, TAHR 14E 23

On 17th draw, FLOTA 14B 31 --- FLOTA a fleet of Spanish ships [n]
Other moves: FUTZ 6K 26, ULNA I6 25, UNTO I6 25, LOAF 14B 24, FLOAT 14A 23
FLAKY 6D 17 selvap85

On 18th draw, VIAL 13A 29 --- VIAL to put in a vial (a small container for liquids) [v]
Other moves: LIAR 13A 23, RIAL 13A 23, RITZ 6K 23, TIAR 13A 23, VIRL K6 23
DIAL K3 10 selvap85

On 19th draw, DITTIT K3 24 --- DIT to block [v]
Other moves: SITZ 6K 23, INUST F3 21, TINTS F2 21, UNITS F2 21, NITS K6 20

On 20th draw, NURRS F2 21 --- NURR a knot of wood [n]
Other tops: RUINS F2 21
Other moves: URN I6 20, NURS F3 18, RINS F3 18, RUNS F3 18, SI F6 18

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