On 3rd draw, JAI(L)ED N10 58 --- JAIL to put in jail (a place of confinement) [v]
Other moves: JIL(L)ET N10 56, JIRD 14F 35, JARL 14F 33, JADEITE K7 30, JAR 14F 30 JEEL K11 22 GLOBEMAN
On 4th draw, WEROS 15D 60 --- WERO a ritual challenge issued to a visitor to a marae (Maori) [n]
Other tops: SEROW 15H 60
Other moves: RESOWS 15C 54, ROWERS 15C 54, SEROWS 15C 54, SOWERS 15C 54, WORSES 15C 54 RESOWS O7 47 GLOBEMAN
On 5th draw, DEBAG O7 39 --- DEBAG to take someone's trousers off as a punishment [v]
Other tops: BEGAD O7 39
Other moves: BEGAT O7 35, BEAD O8 33, BADE 15L 30, EGAD O8 30, BEAT O8 29 BADE 15L 30 GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, NIZAM N4 43 --- NIZAM a former sovereign of India [n]
Other tops: MINIS 12K 43
Other moves: NIZAM 14A 41, ADZ 15M 39, ZINCS J10 38, ZIN N6 37, NAZI N4 36 ZAG 11M 13 sunshine12
On 7th draw, G(R)EINING 4H 76 --- GREIN to long [v]
Other moves: ENGI(N)ING 4H 74, E(N)GINING 4H 74, NEIG(H)ING 4H 74, (B)INGEING 4H 72, (D)EIGNING 4H 72 EGI(S) 12L 30 sunshine12
On 8th draw, DEX 3K 45 --- DEX a sulfate used as a central nervous system stimulant [n]
Other moves: AXED 3J 43, TAX 3K 42, TEX 3K 42, AXONE 14B 39, AX 3L 38 DEX 3K 45 sunshine12
On 9th draw, DANGLY H1 33 --- DANGLY hanging loosely [adj]
Other tops: DANDY 15K 33, NUDDY 15K 33
Other moves: ADDY 15L 30, DUNGY H1 30, TANGLY H1 30, LADY 15L 27, TANGY H1 27
On 10th draw, OPCODE 15J 42 --- OPCODE a coded computing instruction [n]
Other moves: FOREDO 15J 33, CODE 15L 30, COFFER L10 30, FORDO 15K 30, PROOF 14A 30
On 11th draw, VIBIEST 11E 48 --- VIBEY lively, vibrant [adj]
Other moves: AVE 5J 31, BLEATS 5G 30, VALETS 5F 29, VILEST 5F 29, ABLEST 5F 27
On 12th draw, QI F10 31 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: ME 5K 23, MET M7 23, EM 5J 22, ME M7 21, ME 5J 20
On 13th draw, ADENOMAS 1G 64 --- ADENOMA a tumor of glandular origin [n]
Other moves: LEAMS 5H 32, SOLEMN 5F 29, EMS 5J 27, LEAM 5H 27, MANGO O1 26
On 14th draw, HEY M7 33 --- HEY to dance a country dance [v] --- HEY used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: AYE 12J 33, OYE 12J 33, YEH M7 33
Other moves: AHOY 14B 30, HAYEY 6F 30, YEAH 14B 30, DIETHYL K3 28, HET M7 27
On 15th draw, KOW G6 25 --- KOW a branch of twigs [n]
Other moves: TROW 14B 24, WORKS J7 22, KORU 14C 21, SOCKO J11 21, WOKS J8 21
On 16th draw, HOT L8 28 --- HOT having a high temperature [adj] --- HOT to heat [v]
Other tops: HAO L8 28, HAT L8 28, HOA L8 28
Other moves: HA L8 27, HO L8 27, HO 12K 26, TORAH 14A 26, TAHR 14E 23
On 17th draw, FLOTA 14B 31 --- FLOTA a fleet of Spanish ships [n]
Other moves: FUTZ 6K 26, ULNA I6 25, UNTO I6 25, LOAF 14B 24, FLOAT 14A 23 FLAKY 6D 17 selvap85
On 18th draw, VIAL 13A 29 --- VIAL to put in a vial (a small container for liquids) [v]
Other moves: LIAR 13A 23, RIAL 13A 23, RITZ 6K 23, TIAR 13A 23, VIRL K6 23 DIAL K3 10 selvap85
On 19th draw, DITTIT K3 24 --- DIT to block [v]
Other moves: SITZ 6K 23, INUST F3 21, TINTS F2 21, UNITS F2 21, NITS K6 20
On 20th draw, NURRS F2 21 --- NURR a knot of wood [n]
Other tops: RUINS F2 21
Other moves: URN I6 20, NURS F3 18, RINS F3 18, RUNS F3 18, SI F6 18