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Game of April 24, 2013 at 04:55, 1 player
1. 83 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aeelns   H8    64    64   enslave
 2. ?eiimsv  15F   107   171   missive
 3. alnortv  14B    26   197   volta
 4. aeinnry  11E    40   237   nailery
 5. bdeeorz  10D    67   304   bez
 6. eiiinst  12A    29   333   tinies
 7. aeeglot   A7    24   357   galette
 8. cdehnou   B8    33   390   doh
 9. aekopru  14H    34   424   euk
10. aefnosw  M11    34   458   fawns
11. acmnort  N10    28   486   camo
12. inooptw  O12    52   538   pown
13. cdegrtu   C3    25   563   truced
14. bdilptu   5B    24   587   buildup
15. egioqrt   4G    24   611   goitre
16. degortx   3H    39   650   ox
17. aaefruy   D7    30   680   fy
18. aagiotu   4A    22   702   gora
19. adeijnu   2E    34   736   djin
20. aehirrt   8H    95   831   earthier

Remaining tiles: aeoqru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.4298 Filedenbay      0  5:32  -748   83     1.4298 denbay      0  5:32  -748   83 

On 1st draw, ENSLA(V)E H8 64 --- ENSLAVE to make a slave of [v]
Other tops: AL(K)ENES H3 64, AL(K)ENES H4 64, AL(K)ENES H6 64, AL(K)ENES H7 64, AL(K)ENES H8 64, AL(P)EENS H3 64, AL(P)EENS H4 64, AL(P)EENS H6 64, AL(P)EENS H7 64, AL(P)EENS H8 64, ELANE(T)S H2 64, ELANE(T)S H3 64, ELANE(T)S H4 64, ELANE(T)S H6 64, ELANE(T)S H8 64, ELAN(C)ES H2 64, ELAN(C)ES H3 64, ELAN(C)ES H4 64, ELAN(C)ES H6 64, ELAN(C)ES H7 64, ENA(B)LES H2 64, ENA(B)LES H3 64, ENA(B)LES H4 64, ENA(B)LES H6 64, ENA(B)LES H7 64, ENA(B)LES H8 64, ENA(M)ELS H2 64, ENA(M)ELS H3 64, ENA(M)ELS H4 64, ENA(M)ELS H6 64, ENA(M)ELS H7 64, ENA(M)ELS H8 64, ENLA(C)ES H2 64, ENLA(C)ES H3 64, ENLA(C)ES H4 64, ENLA(C)ES H6 64, ENLA(C)ES H7 64, ENSEAL(S) H2 64, ENSEAL(S) H3 64, ENSEAL(S) H4 64, ENSEAL(S) H7 64, ENSEAL(S) H8 64, ENSLA(V)E H2 64, ENSLA(V)E H3 64, ENSLA(V)E H4 64, ENSLA(V)E H6 64, EN(O)LASE H3 64, EN(O)LASE H4 64, EN(O)LASE H6 64, EN(O)LASE H7 64, EN(O)LASE H8 64, EN(S)EALS H3 64, EN(S)EALS H4 64, EN(S)EALS H6 64, EN(S)EALS H7 64, EN(S)EALS H8 64, LA(T)EENS H3 64, LA(T)EENS H4 64, LA(T)EENS H6 64, LA(T)EENS H7 64, LA(T)EENS H8 64, LEANES(T) H2 64, LEANES(T) H3 64, LEANES(T) H4 64, LEANES(T) H7 64, LEANES(T) H8 64, LEANE(R)S H2 64, LEANE(R)S H3 64, LEANE(R)S H4 64, LEANE(R)S H6 64, LEANE(R)S H8 64, LEA(D)ENS H2 64, LEA(D)ENS H3 64, LEA(D)ENS H4 64, LEA(D)ENS H6 64, LEA(D)ENS H7 64, LEA(D)ENS H8 64, LEA(V)ENS H2 64, LEA(V)ENS H3 64, LEA(V)ENS H4 64, LEA(V)ENS H6 64, LEA(V)ENS H7 64, LEA(V)ENS H8 64, SEAL(I)NE H2 64, SEAL(I)NE H3 64, SEAL(I)NE H4 64, SEAL(I)NE H6 64, SEAL(I)NE H7 64, S(C)ALENE H2 64, S(C)ALENE H4 64, S(C)ALENE H6 64, S(C)ALENE H7 64, S(C)ALENE H8 64, S(P)ELEAN H2 64, S(P)ELEAN H4 64, S(P)ELEAN H6 64, S(P)ELEAN H7 64, S(P)ELEAN H8 64, (B)ALEENS H2 64, (B)ALEENS H3 64, (B)ALEENS H6 64, (B)ALEENS H7 64, (B)ALEENS H8 64, (C)LEANSE H2 64, (C)LEANSE H3 64, (C)LEANSE H6 64, (C)LEANSE H7 64, (C)LEANSE H8 64, (M)ELENAS H2 64, (M)ELENAS H3 64, (M)ELENAS H6 64, (M)ELENAS H7 64, (M)ELENAS H8 64, (W)EANELS H2 64, (W)EANELS H3 64, (W)EANELS H6 64, (W)EANELS H7 64, (W)EANELS H8 64
Other moves: AL(K)ENES H2 62, AL(K)ENES H5 62, AL(P)EENS H2 62, AL(P)EENS H5 62, ELANE(T)S H5 62

On 2nd draw, MIS(S)IVE 15F 107 --- MISSIVE a written communication [n]
Other tops: MIS(G)IVE 15F 107, MIS(L)IVE 15F 107
Other moves: MI(S)SIVE 15E 104, MI(S)SIVE 15F 104, MIS(S)IVE 15E 101, MISLIVE(D) 11E 98, MISLIVE(S) 11E 98

On 3rd draw, VOLTA 14B 26 --- VOLTA a turning [n]
Other moves: TRONA 14B 20, VOLANTE L9 20, ARVO E12 19, VROT I7 19, AVO E13 18

On 4th draw, NAILERY 11E 40 --- NAILERY a place where nails are made [n]
Other moves: YEAN 13C 33, YEAR 13C 33, INANELY D9 28, INNERLY D9 28, AERILY D10 26

On 5th draw, BEZ 10D 67 --- BEZ the second tine of a deer's horn [n]
Other moves: REZ 10D 65, ZOS 10F 65, ZEROED 12A 57, ZEE 13C 50, ZEREBA F6 43

On 6th draw, TINIES 12A 29 --- TINY a small child [n]
Other moves: NITES 12B 25, TINES 12B 25, TINIES M10 24, NIES 12C 23, STANE 12F 23

On 7th draw, GALETTE A7 24 --- GALETTE a flat round cake [n]
Other moves: EAGLET 12J 23, EAGLET A7 21, GELATE A8 21, GELATO A8 21, LEGATE A8 21

On 8th draw, DOH B8 33 --- DOH a musical note [n]
Other moves: NOH B8 31, HOI B10 29, OH B9 28, (V)OUCHED 13H 26, HOD B8 25

On 9th draw, EUK 14H 34 --- EUK to itch [v]
Other tops: EEK 14H 34
Other moves: KOUPREY K5 32, SPAKE 10H 30, SPOKE 10H 30, KOP C7 29, SPEK 10H 29

On 10th draw, FAWNS M11 34 --- FAWN to seek notice or favor by servile demeanor [v]
Other moves: FAWS M12 32, WOFS M12 32, ENOWS M11 28, FANES M11 28, FANOS M11 28

On 11th draw, CAMO N10 28 --- CAMO a camouflage pattern [n]
Other moves: MANO N10 24, MOA N12 23, CAM N10 22, MARC 12L 22, STOMA 10H 22

On 12th draw, POWN O12 52 --- POWN a peacock [n]
Other moves: PINOT O11 44, PINTO O11 44, PITON O11 44, PONT O12 43, POON O12 43

On 13th draw, TRUCED C3 25 --- TRUCE to suspend hostilities by mutual agreement [v]
Other moves: CAMP 12L 20, DAMP 12L 18, GAMP 12L 18, CRUDER J6 17, DETER I8 17

On 14th draw, BUILDUP 5B 24 --- BUILDUP an acclumulation [n]
Other tops: UPBUILD 5C 24
Other moves: BURP 4A 22, UPBUILT 5C 22, PLUTEI I7 21, STUB 10H 21, BIRD 4A 20

On 15th draw, GOITRE 4G 24 --- GOITRE an enlargement of the thyroid gland [n]
Other tops: GOITER 4G 24, QI B2 24
Other moves: EGO 6F 18, GAMP 12L 18, RORT 4A 18, QUIET G4 17, QUIRE G4 17

On 16th draw, OX 3H 39 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: REDOX M2 35, DETOX J2 33, EXO 5K 33, EX 5K 31, TEX 6H 31
REX K4 20 denbay

On 17th draw, FY D7 30 --- FY expressing disapproval [interj]
Other moves: FAY I7 28, FEY I7 28, FRY I7 28, URAEI G7 28, AREFY 3K 26
FRAY K3 20 denbay

On 18th draw, GORA 4A 22 --- GORA a white male (India/Pakistan) [n]
Other tops: AORTA 4A 22, GART 4A 22, GOTTA J2 22
Other moves: GAMP 12L 18, GOT J2 18, STOAI 10H 18, TARA 4A 18, TARO 4A 18
RAGOUT K4 14 denbay

On 19th draw, DJIN 2E 34 --- DJIN a supernatural being in Muslim mythology [n]
Other moves: JADE M2 33, JEDI M2 33, JIN 2F 32, JUN 2F 32, JUD M2 31
DEN M4 13 denbay

On 20th draw, EARTHIER 8H 95 --- EARTHY composed of, resembling, or suggestive of earth [adj]
Other moves: HEARTIER 8G 62, HEARTIER L3 62, RATHE 1A 39, AIRTH O6 31, EARTH O6 31
HIRER K2 16 denbay

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