On 1st draw, AMARONE H3 74 --- AMARONE a dry red wine [n]
Other moves: AMARONE H2 70, AMARONE H4 70, AMARONE H6 70, AMARONE H7 70, AMARONE H8 70 MANOR H4 20 tonikay
On 2nd draw, OOGAM(E)TE 4D 70 --- OOGAMETE a female gamete of certain protozoa [n]
Other tops: OOGAMET(E) 4D 70
Other moves: ROOTAGE(S) 6H 62, (F)OOTGEAR 6A 62, OOGA(M)ETE 9A 61, OOGA(M)ETE 9C 60, (F)OOTAGE G9 59 GATE(S) G7 18 tonikay
On 3rd draw, PATEN G3 25 --- PATEN a plate [n]
Other tops: PALET G3 25, PANEL G3 25
Other moves: PATEN 3G 24, PELLET I7 24, PENTEL G7 24, PENTEL I7 24, TAPEN 3G 24 PEEL G7 22 tonikay
On 4th draw, YODE I7 31 --- YEAD to go or proceed [v] --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: YOD I7 30, Y(E)DE I3 30, DORY 5B 28, DREY 5B 28, PAYED 3G 28 DORY 3A 21 tonikay
On 5th draw, XIS J10 51 --- XI the fourteenth letter of the Greek alphabet [n]
Other moves: XI J10 50, XU J10 50, AXIS L1 46, AXIS 5J 42, SAX L4 42 SIX L4 42 tonikay SOX E3 20 denbay
On 6th draw, PRONATE G9 72 --- PRONATE to turn the palm downward or backward [v]
Other tops: OPERANTS 12C 72, PRONATES 12C 72, PROTEAN G9 72, PROTEANS 12C 72
Other moves: PARAPET 3G 32, PARTON K6 30, PATRON K6 30, TARPON K6 30, APRON K7 28 PONT K9 28 tonikay STROP 12J 14 denbay
On 8th draw, ROTATED 5E 48 --- ROTATE to turn about an axis [v]
Other moves: DEVOT K7 32, ROV(E)D I1 28, VROT K8 28, DOV(E)R I1 27, DOVER K11 26 GROT K8 24 tonikay DEVOTE K3 20 denbay
On 9th draw, AWFUL 3J 32 --- AWFUL extremely bad or unpleasant [adj]
Other moves: FLAWN 3A 30, FLAWN 3K 29, LAUF 14B 29, FAWN 3B 28, FURLANA C9 28 FAW 3K 25 tonikay SLAW 12J 14 denbay
On 10th draw, NONVALID 8H 39 --- NONVALID not valid [adj]
Other moves: LAVER 6D 34, AVER 6E 33, INVADER 6B 29, LAIN 2J 27, LIVID 11I 27 LIVID 11I 27 denbay DIAL K11 18 tonikay
On 11th draw, RETEACH 13C 32 --- RETEACH to teach again [v] --- TEACH to impart knowledge or skill to [v]
Other tops: BLETHER M7 32, ETHER 14A 32
Other moves: CH 2I 30, CHEERER 6B 29, TEHR 14B 29, THEBE K11 29, THEE 14B 29 HETE 7L 21 tonikay SHEET 12J 16 denbay
On 12th draw, EQUALI 14I 75 --- EQUALI pieces for a group of instruments of the same kind e.g. Beethoven's Equali for four trombones. [n]
Other moves: QI 14B 47, EQUAL 14I 39, LALIQUE M8 34, QUAI 12B 34, QUAIL 3A 33 JAIL 3A 24 tonikay QUILL M5 16 denbay
On 13th draw, KUEH 12A 44 --- KUEH a Malaysian, Indian or Chinese cake [n]
Other moves: CLEIK N2 42, KY 14B 36, CHIK 3B 35, EYER 6E 33, CHAY L12 32 CHIK 3A 32 tonikay HIKE D10 22 denbay
On 14th draw, BRIZE C1 52 --- BRIZE a gadfly [n]
Other tops: BEZIL C2 52
Other moves: BIZE C2 50, GRIZE C1 50, BEZ C2 48, BIZ C2 48, L*ZLEZ C2 44 ZIG 3C 32 tonikay ZIG N13 13 denbay
On 15th draw, ALFS L1 58 --- ALF an Australian yobbo [n]
Other moves: IFS L2 54, SLAYER 6C 52, JASY 13L 43, GABY 1A 42, JABS 1A 42 JABS 1A 42 denbay, tonikay
On 16th draw, GOBY 1A 42 --- GOBY a small fish [n]
Other tops: JOBS 1A 42
Other moves: GAJOS 1K 39, JOB 1A 36, YOJAN L11 32, FY 2I 31, NOSY 15L 31 JOBS 1A 42 denbay, tonikay