On 1st draw, GERAHS H8 28 --- GERAH a Hebrew unit of weight [n]
Other moves: AARGH H8 26, GERAH H8 26, GASHER H4 24, GERAHS H4 24, HAARS H4 24 SHAG H8 16 Forestine
On 2nd draw, REVAMP(S) 11E 52 --- REVAMP to make over [v]
Other moves: REV(A)MPS 13B 32, V(I)MEN I7 29, V(O)MER I7 29, V(A)MPERS 13B 28, M(O)PE G9 27 H(A)REM 12H 18 Forestine
On 3rd draw, B(E)DEW 10B 39 --- BEDEW to cover with dew [v]
Other moves: BED(E)W 10B 38, BEL(O)W 10B 37, BL(A)WED 12A 33, BL(O)WED 12A 33, B(A)WLED 12A 33 WEB F10 16 Forestine
On 4th draw, EUG(E)NIAS C7 72 --- EUGENIA a tropical evergreen tree [n]
Other moves: EUGENIAS 9H 61, HAEING 12H 29, AGNISE 12A 25, AGUISE 12A 25, ANISE 9B 24
On 5th draw, EAUX 8A 57 --- EAU a river or water [n]
Other moves: WAUK 8A 48, ASKEW 14B 40, NEUK 8A 39, NIX I7 39, KEX B13 38
On 6th draw, SURVEYED A2 66 --- SURVEY to determine the boundaries, area, or elevations of by measuring angles and distances [v]
Other moves: SYVERS 13H 32, DYER B12 28, DYES B12 28, RIVED 12B 28, SURVEYS 13H 28
On 7th draw, TWIN D12 27 --- TWIN to bring together in close association [v]
Other moves: WESTLIN 14A 24, VINEW 5A 22, WEIL 12A 22, WINE B1 22, WISENT 14A 22
On 8th draw, SODAIC 2A 30 --- SODAIC relating to soda [adj]
Other moves: ISODICA 13G 24, NICAD 15D 24, IODIC 12K 23, SCOTIA 13H 22, VIATIC 5A 22
On 9th draw, FAMOUS D1 30 --- FAMOUS to make widely known [v] --- FAMOUS well-known [adj]
Other moves: FAMES D1 28, UFOS 3A 27, FAME D1 26, FEMES 9E 26, FOMES 9E 26
On 10th draw, DOP C2 24 --- DOP to dip [v]
Other tops: DAP C2 24
Other moves: DATO C2 22, OPT E4 22, ATTAP G5 21, ODA C1 21, PATENT 9E 21
On 11th draw, DHOL E4 34 --- DHOL an large cylindrical drum, used in Indian music [n]
Other moves: NOCHEL 15D 33, HOC E5 28, MOHEL I11 28, COSIED 14A 26, HOD E5 26
On 12th draw, YAG F6 31 --- YAG acronym for yttrium aluminium garnet, a synthetic gemstone [n]
Other moves: QAT G7 29, YA F6 29, YO F6 29, BOGY B10 25, GAY G7 25
On 13th draw, FAA B6 33 --- FAA to fall (Scots) [v]
Other moves: FEME I9 29, NAKER 15D 27, NERKA 15D 27, FAKEER(S) K5 26, BARK B10 25
On 14th draw, KAOLINE(S) K4 72 --- KAOLINE a fine white clay [n]
Other moves: KINEMA I7 31, SKOLIA 13H 30, BALK B10 25, BANK B10 25, BEAK B10 25
On 15th draw, JET J6 55 --- JET to spurt forth in a stream [v]
Other moves: JETON L1 54, JILTER 8J 42, REJON L1 40, JOLE L3 38, JEON L2 36
On 16th draw, SELENITE 13H 68 --- SELENITE a variety of gypsum [n]
Other moves: LENITE L1 38, ELINT L2 34, ELITE L2 34, EINE L3 32, LINE L3 32
On 17th draw, QAT L3 38 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: ORANT L2 34, TRANT L2 34, TROAT L2 34, NOTT L3 32, RANT L3 32
On 18th draw, AUNTLIER O7 77 --- AUNTLY of or suggesting an aunt [adj]
Other moves: RUTILANT N6 62, ALIT M1 37, LUIT M1 37, RAIT M1 37, UNIT M1 37
On 19th draw, OBJET J4 26 --- OBJET an object [n]
Other moves: RECENT 9G 23, REBOOT N2 22, COR L8 20, COSIER 14A 20, COT L8 20
On 20th draw, OI M2 26 --- OI used to attract attention [interj]
Other tops: TI M2 26
Other moves: CIT G7 25, CITRON N2 22, CORTIN N2 22, CROTON N2 22, QI 3L 22
On 21th draw, NOTICER 15D 27 --- NOTICER one that notices [n]
Other moves: CIT G7 25, NOETIC 15D 24, NOTICE 15D 24, NICER 15D 21, COR L8 20