On 9th draw, ENTROLD 14F 77 --- ENROLL to enter the name of in a register, record, or roll [v]
Other moves: REDOLENT 13G 74, RONDELET 13F 74, ROUNDLET C6 72, RONDELET 13H 70, ENTROLD 2C 63 REDON 14J 31 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12 OLDER 14J 31 quirky, musdrive TENOR 13K 10 ZEHAVARON
On 10th draw, FAIX 11D 48 --- FAIX faith [interj]
Other moves: FIX 11E 46, FAX 7A 43, NIX 11E 40, SAX 7A 40, SIX 11E 40 FIX 11E 46 musdrive AXIS 11D 35 GLOBEMAN FATS H12 33 quirky FITS H12 33 ZEHAVARON
On 11th draw, TALMUD 15A 39 --- TALMUD the code of Jewish law [n]
Other moves: MODAL 12A 34, MULATTO 7C 34, DATUM 3B 33, ALUM 3A 32, DOMAL 12A 32 MODAL 12A 34 musdrive MATT H12 27 quirky DAM 12C 26 GLOBEMAN
On 12th draw, HOVEL 12A 42 --- HOVEL to live in a small, miserable dwelling [v]
Other moves: HOBBLE A1 39, HIVE 12A 38, HOVE 12A 38, BETH H12 36, BOTH H12 36 HOVEL 12A 42 musdrive HOVEL 6J 34 GLOBEMAN, quirky
On 13th draw, CANNELON 4H 27 --- CANNELON a stuffed roll [n]
Other moves: AUNE 3B 24, LANE 3B 24, LUNE 3B 24, ULNAE 13D 24, UNABLE A1 24 LEAN M9 20 GLOBEMAN, musdrive AL 3C 16 quirky
On 14th draw, JUTE H12 57 --- JUTE a strong, coarse fiber [n]
Other moves: JEU 14B 44, JEAT 3I 43, COATE 3I 38, JUTE 6B 35, OBJECT 2D 35 JUTE H12 57 musdrive, quirky JOBE 2F 31 GLOBEMAN
On 15th draw, SATYR 2G 31 --- SATYR a woodland deity of Greek mythology [n]
Other tops: AYUS 3C 31
Other moves: OUTBY A1 30, AYU 3C 29, SAY 3B 29, TAY 3B 29, SOYA 7A 28 SOYA 7A 28 GLOBEMAN TOY 7A 24 musdrive STUB A1 18 quirky YAY B8 17 sunshine12
On 16th draw, PUB 3B 32 --- PUB a public bar [n] --- PUB to go to a public bar, PUBBED, PUBBING, PUBS [v]
Other moves: PURI 3B 30, BUR 3B 26, OUP 3B 26, POORI 6J 26, PUR 3B 26 BOI M9 25 GLOBEMAN PROB A1 24 musdrive, quirky
On 17th draw, KOINE 6J 38 --- KOINE a type of dialect [n]
Other moves: KOI 6J 34, KON 6J 34, KO 6J 33, NEK J4 33, FOEN M9 32 KOINE 6J 38 quirky KON 6J 34 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12 FOIN M9 32 musdrive
On 18th draw, ZORI 6B 44 --- ZORI a type of sandal [n]
Other moves: WIZ 10L 35, ZOO B10 32, ZOOT 7E 30, CUZ C7 27, COO M9 25 WIZ 10L 35 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12 ZOO B10 32 musdrive, quirky