On 2nd draw, (B)AREFOOT 8A 83 --- BAREFOOT being without shoes [adj]
Other moves: AEROFOI(L) 12B 70, FOOTRA(C)E 8E 61, FOOT(G)EAR 8E 61, FOOT(W)EAR 8E 61, O(V)ERFAR 11E 36 REF G7 22 GLOBEMAN, naomiari OF G12 20 tonikay FEAR 13G 12 strykyster
On 3rd draw, EXED 9F 41 --- EX to cross out, EXED, EXES, EXING [v]
Other moves: DEKEING 13G 40, XI I9 36, DINK 7D 35, DEXIE 9D 34, FIXED E8 32 EXED 9F 41 GLOBEMAN FIXED E8 32 strykyster DEX 9D 28 tonikay KEX 13G 27 naomiari
On 4th draw, PENDANT 13G 28 --- PENDANT a hanging ornament [n]
Other moves: APOD 7C 24, APOD G12 21, DIPNOAN 12G 20, DONNART C3 20, NAPOOED F4 20 APOD G12 21 GLOBEMAN PAD G13 18 naomiari PAD 7B 17 tonikay POX G7 15 strykyster
On 5th draw, JEAT 12K 37 --- JEAT a spout [n]
Other moves: JAI 12K 35, JA 12K 31, JAR 14F 30, JIRD J10 28, JEAT B6 27 JAI 12K 35 naomiari JA 12K 31 GLOBEMAN, tonikay, kellybelly JAR 14F 30 strykyster JEAN L10 22 ZEHAVARON
On 6th draw, REPURING C8 74 --- REPURE to purify again [v]
Other moves: PUREEING D4 72, PUREEING D5 72, REPURING C4 63, UNRIPER 14B 34, PERN 7D 30 IRE 14J 23 kellybelly PE 14K 19 GLOBEMAN, tonikay, naomiari GRIPER 14C 19 strykyster POX G7 15 ZEHAVARON
On 7th draw, ZERO 12A 46 --- ZERO to aim at the exact center of a target [v]
Other moves: COGGED 15A 39, ZERO 14F 39, DZO J13 33, TOGGED 15A 33, CROZE 12B 32 COGGED 15A 39 GLOBEMAN REZ 12C 24 kellybelly COG 15A 18 tonikay ZA B7 11 strykyster
On 8th draw, CHEMOS O7 55 --- CHEMO treatment (as of disease) with chemical agents [n]
Other moves: DZHOS A11 54, COSHED O10 52, MOCHS O8 52, MOSHED O10 52, ZHOS A12 48 HOMES O8 46 naomiari ZEDS A12 42 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN HOSED E10 32 tonikay HOGS 15A 27 ZEHAVARON HUMS 11B 27 strykyster
On 9th draw, ZATI A12 39 --- ZATI the bonnet-monkey [n]
Other tops: ZETA A12 39, ZITE A12 39, ZITI A12 39
Other moves: ABET 14J 31, BEGIRT 15A 30, BETA 14K 30, ARET 14J 27, BAGIE 15A 27 ZITI A12 39 kellybelly ZETA A12 39 naomiari ZATI A12 39 GLOBEMAN BEGAT 15A 27 ZEHAVARON AB 14J 23 tonikay BAG 15A 18 strykyster
On 10th draw, QIS E10 38 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: REVS 7D 32, REIFS E5 29, TERFS E5 29, VEST E10 28, VISE E10 28 QIS E10 38 kellybelly RE 14K 15 GLOBEMAN QAT B7 14 naomiari VENTS L11 9 tonikay, strykyster
On 11th draw, ETH N8 36 --- ETH an Old English letter [n]
Other tops: KETA 14K 36
Other moves: ETH 7E 35, AKE 14J 31, REAK 14H 31, AH N9 30, EH N9 30 KETA 14K 36 GLOBEMAN REAK 14H 31 kellybelly AH N9 30 naomiari HE N9 18 tonikay HER 14F 18 strykyster HOX G7 17 ZEHAVARON
On 12th draw, ERF 7E 35 --- ERF a garden plot [n]
Other tops: ORF 7E 35
Other moves: ALFORJA K7 34, EORL 7D 26, LOAFER M3 26, FLORAE 14E 24, ARE 14J 23 ORF 7E 35 naomiari ARE 14J 23 kellybelly AJAR K11 22 ZEHAVARON AFORE 14E 22 GLOBEMAN FARE 14F 21 strykyster REF M6 16 tonikay
On 13th draw, UNLIKES D3 35 --- UNLIKE someone or something which is unlike [n]
Other moves: SILKEN D4 33, SLOKEN D4 33, SONLIKE D2 33, SUNLIKE D2 33, UNLIKE D3 31 KOR 14F 21 naomiari, kellybelly, GLOBEMAN TINKS 14A 18 strykyster JAKS K12 15 sunshine12 KENS L11 8 ZEHAVARON KATS M11 8 tonikay
On 14th draw, OYE 14J 29 --- OYE a grandchild [n]
Other tops: AYE 14J 29
Other moves: OVARY 14E 28, VLY C1 28, VARY 14F 27, VERY 14F 27, YAE 10G 26 AYE 14J 29 kellybelly, tonikay, naomiari VARY 14F 27 GLOBEMAN LEVY 5D 20 ZEHAVARON DYE J13 15 strykyster