On 1st draw, TAED(I)UM H6 74 --- TAEDIUM the state of being tedious [n]
Other tops: MATU(R)ED H4 74, MUTA(T)ED H4 74, MU(T)ATED H4 74, U(N)MATED H2 74, U(N)TAMED H8 74, (I)DEATUM H6 74
Other moves: MATU(R)ED H6 72, MUTA(T)ED H6 72, MU(T)ATED H6 72, U(N)MATED H6 72, U(N)TAMED H6 72 TA(N)DEM H7 22 strykyster
On 2nd draw, IN(D)UCIAE 8A 80 --- INDUCIAE a Scottish legal time limit for a defendant [n]
Other moves: AC(T)INIUM 12A 74, MU(S)ICIAN 12H 74, A(L)UMINIC 12E 72, U(R)ANITIC 6C 67, ACTINIU(M) 6F 63 CAN I5 11 strykyster
On 4th draw, FORLESE M7 30 --- FORLESE to lose [v]
Other tops: PROF 11K 30
Other moves: FLOP 13K 29, PROF 13K 28, LEPROSE M7 26, PROLE 11K 26, FLOE 13K 25 FARE 7G 21 strykyster
On 5th draw, YOWLEY L3 52 --- YOWLEY the yellowhammer (a bird) [n]
Other moves: YAWEY L4 50, YOWE 8L 42, YOWL 8L 42, YOWLEY N2 42, YOWLEY 13I 38 LYE 10M 14 strykyster
On 6th draw, ROBE M2 31 --- ROBE to cover with a robe (a long, loose outer garment) [v]
Other tops: BLORE M1 31, CLONE M1 31, CRONE M1 31, LOBE M2 31
Other moves: BONE M2 29, BORE M2 29, CERO M2 29, CONE M2 29, CORE M2 29 BORE M2 29 strykyster
On 7th draw, MYOID 8K 33 --- MYOID resembling muscle [adj]
Other moves: MODI N3 29, MILORD 13B 27, MO K4 27, MOIDER 13I 27, VIOLD 13C 27 MO K4 27 strykyster
On 8th draw, HIRCINE E5 48 --- HIRCINE pertaining to a goat [adj]
Other moves: HAE K4 34, HA K4 30, HE K4 30, HIREE 13I 28, HAEN 11K 26 HA K4 30 strykyster
On 9th draw, EXPOS 1K 75 --- EXPO a public exhibition [n]
Other moves: APEX 1L 51, PAX 1M 45, POX 1M 45, EXPOS 14I 41, APEX D3 40 REX 2M 20 strykyster
On 10th draw, CARTEL D1 29 --- CARTEL a business organization [n]
Other tops: CLARET D1 29
Other moves: GAE K4 28, CARLE D1 25, CARTE D1 25, CRATE D1 25, GLACE D1 25
On 11th draw, FOLIAGED A5 65 --- FOLIAGE the growth of leaves of a plant [adj] --- FOLIAGED having foliage [adj]
Other moves: DEAF C2 34, FAE K4 34, FOE K4 34, DECALOG 1B 33, GOLFED 13B 31
On 12th draw, BRACHETS 1A 185 --- BRACHET a hunting dog [n]
Other tops: BATCHERS 1A 185
Other moves: BATHERS 14G 81, BERTHAS 14G 75, BREATHS 14G 75, BERTHAS I1 69, BATHROBES 4G 68
On 13th draw, PAGODS 13C 39 --- PAGOD a pagoda [n]
Other moves: PANTOS B6 37, PANTO B6 34, ADOPTS 13C 33, GADSO 14J 33, GASP F3 30
On 14th draw, ROJAK 7E 48 --- ROJAK (Malay) a salad dish served in chilli sauce [n]
Other moves: JAK 7G 44, WANTON B6 43, JA K4 42, JAW 7G 42, JO K4 42
On 15th draw, ZEE 11K 48 --- ZEE the letter Z [n]
Other moves: REWAN B4 36, W(I)NZE 10G 36, GAZE J12 34, TOWZE K11 34, WAREZ 3B 34
On 16th draw, TRANQ D11 50 --- TRANQ a drug that tranquilizes [n]
Other moves: TRANQ 3C 48, QAT 14B 30, QI 14B 26, RATLIN 10J 25, QAT D12 24
On 17th draw, QUINTA 15D 45 --- QUINTA a country estate in Portugal or Latin America [n]
Other tops: QUAINT 15D 45
Other moves: QUANT 15D 42, QUINA 15D 42, QUINT 15D 42, VAW B4 35, NAW B4 32
On 18th draw, VAW B4 35 --- VAW the sixth letter of the Hebrew alphabet [n]
Other moves: NAW B4 32, TAW B4 32, WANT B6 32, WINN B6 32, AW B5 31
On 19th draw, GINN J12 23 --- GINN a class of spirits in Muslim folklore [n]
Other moves: IN J14 20, NIT N3 20, UN J14 20, NAIN 2C 17, QUINTAIN 15D 17