On 1st draw, VOLAE H4 24 --- VOLA the hollow of a hand or foot [n]
Other tops: OLLAV H8 24
Other moves: AVALE H4 18, AVALE H8 18, LAEVO H4 18, LAEVO H8 18, LOAVE H4 18
On 2nd draw, POACEOUS 5C 74 --- POACEOUS pertaining to plants of the grass family [adj]
Other tops: POACEOUS 5G 74
Other moves: SCOPULAE 6C 70, PACES G7 24, PACOS G7 24, ESCALOP 6D 23, PACE G7 23 SOAP 5G 6 lezaryne
On 4th draw, SATI 7C 24 --- SATI the cremation of a Hindu woman on her husband's pile [n]
Other moves: AIGA 7A 21, SAGA 7A 21, TAGS 7A 21, TIGS 7A 21, AGA 7B 20
On 5th draw, RIEL 8A 25 --- RIEL a monetary unit of Cambodia [n]
Other moves: VOILA 4H 20, VOILE 4H 20, AREOLE 8F 15, ALE 8A 14, ARE 8A 14
On 6th draw, EXITS J1 28 --- EXIT to go out [v]
Other tops: DEX I7 28
Other moves: IXTLE 4J 26, IXTLE I7 26, EXIT I7 25, EXIT 4J 24, ILEX 4J 24
On 7th draw, BARGEMEN 1D 98 --- BARGEMAN the master or a crew member of a barge [n]
Other moves: BARGEMEN 1F 92, BREGMA 1H 42, GERMANE 1I 39, BREAM 1H 36, BREEM 1H 36
On 8th draw, HI(S)TOID 3I 28 --- HISTOID pertaining to connective tissue [adj]
Other tops: BI(N)DHI 3I 28
Other moves: H(M) 4D 27, HI(M)BO 3I 26, H(A)BIT I7 26, MOB I1 26, TH(R)OB 2A 26
On 9th draw, DEVORE O3 33 --- DEVORE (of velvet or satin), having a design etched with acid [adj] --- DEVORE something etched with devore [n]
Other tops: DEVOUR O3 33
Other moves: VROW 2B 29, VIEWER N2 28, VOWER 2A 28, WIVER N2 26, WOE 2M 24
On 10th draw, JANE N6 56 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other tops: JANN N6 56, JEAN N6 56, JEON N6 56
Other moves: JOE N6 55, JA N6 52, JO N6 52, JA 2M 31, JO 2M 31
On 11th draw, WADD M7 33 --- WADD an earthy ore [n]
Other moves: WAD M7 31, WAND M7 29, WOAD M7 29, DOWNA M9 27, WAN M7 27
On 12th draw, GAUDS 10J 27 --- GAUD a showy ornament [n] --- GAUD to make merry [v]
Other tops: GAIDS 10J 27, GILDS 10J 27, GLADS 10J 27, GUIDS 10J 27
Other moves: GUILDS 10I 26, AGILAS 11H 24, LAIDS 10J 24, LAUDS 10J 24, UGALIS 11H 24
On 13th draw, ORATING 11F 76 --- ORATE to speak formally [v]
Other tops: ROATING 11F 76
Other moves: ORATING G8 62, ROATING G8 62, GOURA L8 27, TOURING L8 27, WADDING M7 26
On 14th draw, DEIFY 10B 37 --- DEIFY to make a god of [v]
Other moves: EDIFY 12G 36, EDIFY 10B 35, DEFY 12H 33, YOD 10F 33, DEFY 10C 32
On 15th draw, BACKRA H10 51 --- BACKRA white person [n]
Other tops: BAKRAS H10 51
Other moves: ABACK H11 48, KABARS H10 45, ABASK H11 42, BRACKS 12A 40, BRICKS 12A 40 KABARS H10 45 charmz
On 16th draw, SITZ 12L 54 --- SITZ a type of hip bath [n]
Other moves: TZURIS 14E 37, ZO 2M 37, ZORILS 14F 37, ZORIL 14F 36, ZORIS 14F 36
On 17th draw, ZONE O12 39 --- ZONE to arrange in zones (areas distinguished from other adjacent areas) [v]
Other tops: ZEIN O12 39, ZINE O12 39
Other moves: OPINE 2B 28, UPO 2L 20, DUPION B10 18, OP 2M 18, OPEN 12C 18
On 18th draw, ELFLIKE 13C 32 --- ELF a small, often mischievous fairy [adj] --- ELFLIKE like an elf [adj]
Other moves: FOLIE 2A 22, OLEFIN 14J 22, DEFILE B10 20, FEEL 2B 20, FLEE 2B 20 LIFE 2A 18 Grace_Tjie
On 19th draw, PINYON 14J 34 --- PINYON a pine tree [n]
Other moves: NOWY 2A 27, PIOY 2B 27, WINY 2A 27, PLOW D12 26, PLOY D12 26 QI N2 22 Grace_Tjie