On 1st draw, (O)FTENER H3 76 --- OFTEN frequently [adv]
Other tops: FER(M)ENT H4 76, FER(V)ENT H4 76, FE(I)NTER H4 76
Other moves: FER(M)ENT H2 70, FER(M)ENT H3 70, FER(M)ENT H6 70, FER(M)ENT H7 70, FER(M)ENT H8 70
On 2nd draw, BECLOWNS 7B 71 --- BECLOWN to cause to appear ridiculous [v]
Other moves: BOWES G1 29, BOWELS G6 28, BOWES 2D 28, BOWLS 2D 28, COWLS 2D 28
On 3rd draw, ABUTTER 5E 36 --- ABUTTER that which abuts [n]
Other tops: BATTIER 5E 36
Other moves: REBAITS I1 27, BAITS I3 25, BEARS I3 25, BEATS I3 25, BAREFIT 4D 24
On 4th draw, FLIES L1 34 --- FLY to move through the air [v]
Other tops: FAILS L1 34, FEALS L1 34, FILES L1 34, FLEAS L1 34
Other moves: FEALS 6J 33, FIFES 4H 31, FEAL 6J 30, FEIS 6J 30, FES 6J 29 FEALS 6J 33 GLOBEMAN
On 6th draw, FAZE 1L 48 --- FAZE to disturb the composure of [v]
Other moves: REZ G1 42, PREZ 4B 41, PEAZE 4A 40, ZAREEBA B2 40, TREZ 4B 37 ZIP 3K 28 GLOBEMAN
On 7th draw, WALDO 2J 59 --- WALDO a gadget for manipulating objects remotel or WALDOES [n]
Other tops: WILGA 2J 59
Other moves: DOLIA 2J 44, GLIA 2K 34, OLIO 2K 32, AD 2N 31, OD 2N 31 WALDO 2J 59 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 8th draw, PUJA 1G 44 --- PUJA a Hindu worship practice [n]
Other moves: PUJA 4C 39, JAUK 4B 36, PUKA 1G 35, TAJ 6L 35, JAK 4C 34 JUMP 4B 34 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
On 9th draw, XENIA 4A 42 --- XENIA the effect of pollen on certain plant structures [n]
Other moves: CHENIX D7 36, MIXEN 4A 36, MAXI 2D 33, AXMEN 4A 32, NIXE 2D 31 MAXI 2D 33 GLOBEMAN XI 2F 29 sunshine12, WEASEL
On 10th draw, PROX(Y) A1 39 --- PROXY a person authorised to act for another [n]
Other moves: PR(E)X A1 36, OR(Y)X A1 30, RO(U)X A1 30, (A)TOP 3A 28, ROP(E) 6A 26 PR(E)X A1 36 GLOBEMAN
On 11th draw, ORDERING K4 72 --- ORDER to give a command or instruction to [v] --- ORDERING arrangement [n]
Other moves: ERODING G9 64, ERODING I9 64, ORDERING 9G 64, NIDOR 3K 36, ENGIRD 9A 31 OD 3N 15 GLOBEMAN PROD 1A 9 sunshine12
On 12th draw, ROTARY 2A 34 --- ROTARY a rotating part of device [n]
Other moves: UNTRENDY C3 28, ARDOUR 8J 27, OTARY L11 27, ROARY 8K 27, RORTY 8K 27 YOD L10 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12 DOUR L9 18 faythe