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Game of June 11, 2013 at 21:44, 2 players
1. 187 pts faythe
2. 101 pts rebeccasf

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ejopssu   H4    44    44   jupes
 2. aabenor   7A    64   108   anaerobe
 3. ehilmru   A6    92   200   haulmier
 4. ?acdstv   5D   102   302   viaducts
 5. aeginrz   F7    72   374   organize
 6. efillot   B2    29   403   olefin
 7. abeimos  15A    58   461   biomes
 8. egilnru  14E    63   524   reguline
 9. enoqrst  H10    48   572   torque
10. ?ddeswx   D7    44   616   exuded
11. afikrtw  15L    54   670   faik
12. hinostt   I5    31   701   cosh
13. aelnoty   A1    46   747   toey
14. adegiuy   B9    30   777   ay
15. acdettw  13L    23   800   dawt
16. ilnoruw   O8    21   821   oilnut
17. eeinorw  I11    27   848   weil
18. aennopt   N6    23   871   potae
19. acginrt   K5    72   943   scarting

Remaining tiles: nv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.6353 Filefaythe      0  9:56  -756  187     1.6353 faythe      0  9:56  -756  187 
  2.5513 Filerebeccasf   0  9:10  -842  101            Group: novice
                                             1.5513 rebeccasf   0  9:10  -842  101 

On 1st draw, JUPES H4 44 --- JUPE a woman's jacket [n]
Other moves: JESUS H4 40, JUPES H8 30, JUPES H5 28, JUPES H6 28, JUPES H7 28

On 2nd draw, ANAEROBE 7A 64 --- ANAEROBE an organism that does not require oxygen to live [n]
Other moves: ANAEROBE 7E 62, JERBOA 4H 30, BARON I3 29, BONER I3 29, ABORE I2 25

On 3rd draw, HAULMIER A6 92 --- HAULMY having haulms [adj]
Other moves: HAULMIER C6 78, HELM 8A 62, HERM 8A 62, HEIL 8A 46, HEIR 8A 46

On 4th draw, V(I)ADUCTS 5D 102 --- VIADUCT a type of bridge [n]
Other moves: VACU(I)ST 5E 44, AD(D)UCTS 5E 36, A(B)DUCTS 5E 36, A(D)DUCTS 5E 36, CAT(E)S I3 36

On 5th draw, ORGANIZE F7 72 --- ORGANIZE to form into an orderly whole [v]
Other tops: ZAP 6F 72, ZEP 6F 72, ZIP 6F 72
Other moves: AGONIZE F5 41, ENZIAN B2 41, HAZE 6A 39, TZIGANE J5 39, ZEATIN J2 37

On 6th draw, OLEFIN B2 29 --- OLEFIN an alkene [n]
Other tops: TEFLON B2 29
Other moves: FOCI I3 26, FOE G12 26, OFT G13 24, FET E10 23, FIL E10 23
OFT G13 24 faythe

On 7th draw, BIOMES 15A 58 --- BIOME an ecological community [n]
Other moves: BESOM 15D 55, MOBIES 15A 52, SAMBO 15F 46, SIMBA 15F 46, MACES I3 38
BLAME 3A 18 faythe

On 8th draw, REGULINE 14E 63 --- REGULINE pertaining to a regulus [adj] --- REGULUS a mass that forms beneath the slag in a furnace [adj]
Other moves: GUIZER 13C 34, ENURING 11E 32, GRIZE 13C 32, GIEN A1 25, GLEN A1 25
RELINE 14E 10 faythe

On 9th draw, TORQUE H10 48 --- TORQUE to cause to twist [v]
Other moves: ROQUE H11 45, TOQUE H11 45, NOTERS 15H 36, SUQ H13 36, TONERS 15H 36
REST 15L 18 faythe

On 10th draw, EX(U)DED D7 44 --- EXUDE to ooze forth [v]
Other tops: DEX(Y) 15L 44, ENDOW(E)D 11E 44, (E)NDOWED 11E 44, (I)NDOWED 11E 44
Other moves: DESEX L11 42, DEX(E)S 15J 42, EX(O)DES D7 42, EX(U)DES D7 42, S(H)EW A1 42
DEWS 15L 35 faythe

On 11th draw, FAIK 15L 54 --- FAIK to abate [v]
Other tops: FIRK 15L 54
Other moves: AFRIT 15K 47, FAIR 15L 42, F*RT 15L 42, FIAR 15L 42, FIAT 15L 42

On 12th draw, COSH I5 31 --- COSH to bludgeon [v]
Other moves: HINTS 13J 29, TONISH 13J 28, HINS 13J 27, HINT 13J 27, HITS 13J 27
THIN C1 25 rebeccasf
OH A1 20 faythe

On 13th draw, TOEY A1 46 --- TOEY nervous [adj]
Other moves: YON B10 33, AY B9 30, OY B9 30, YO B10 30, ALONELY 3A 28
AYE A1 25 rebeccasf
AY A3 20 faythe

On 14th draw, AY B9 30 --- AY an affirmative vote [n]
Other moves: EDGY 13K 27, YAD C9 25, Y*D C9 25, GADE 13J 24, GADI 13J 24
Y*D J8 20 faythe

On 15th draw, DAWT 13L 23 --- DAWT to fondle [v]
Other tops: DEAW 13L 23
Other moves: ACTED 4K 22, CAA C6 22, SWATTED K5 22, WAD C11 22, WED C11 22
SWATTED K5 22 faythe
TACK O12 11 rebeccasf

On 16th draw, OILNUT O8 21 --- OILNUT a North American butter nut [n]
Other moves: WIN C11 20, WON C11 20, OW 14B 19, ILL I13 18, NOW C11 17
TOWN 10H 15 rebeccasf

On 17th draw, WEIL I11 27 --- WEIL a whirlpool [n]
Other moves: BEIN G7 21, OWNER 4K 20, OWRIE 4K 20, SNOWIER K5 20, WEE C11 20

On 18th draw, POTAE N6 23 --- POTAE (Maori) a hat [n]
Other moves: ANENT J8 22, ATONE J8 22, PANTO J2 22, PETTO J2 22, APT C1 21
PENT N6 16 rebeccasf

On 19th draw, SCARTING K5 72 --- SCART to scratch [v]
Other moves: ACING J8 26, ACING 4K 22, ANTIC 4K 22, ARTIC 4K 22, CAA C6 22
GAIT J2 9 rebeccasf

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