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Game of June 13, 2013 at 16:15, 2 players
1. 120 pts MrIdanga
2. 28 pts jimbo

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. aeoprry   H7    30    30   ropery
 2. adeosuw  12D    24    54   deawy
 3. ?aacehn  13A    87   141   choanae
 4. begmotv  11D    43   184   omber
 5. egiostx   A8    51   235   exotics
 6. efoprsu   B5    86   321   profuse
 7. acejlrt   9F    23   344   lapje
 8. aeirstt   K5    93   437   artiste
 9. ?afiiio  14A    26   463   sif
10. aiinrtu   A1    22   485   nairu
11. abetuvw   L1    32   517   vawte
12. beiorst  14G    72   589   sorbite
13. ?diiiiv   1F    92   681   dividivi
14. adgknou  15K    32   713   donga
15. adglnou   8J    30   743   dialog
16. egklnou   3I    34   777   knowe
17. eglmqtu  15D    38   815   glute
18. chmnuyz   2A    36   851   azym
19. chlnnqu   D2    24   875   mulch

Remaining tiles: nnq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7910 FileMrIdanga    2  2:52  -755  120     1.7910 MrIdanga    2  2:52  -755  120 
  2.6716 Filejimbo       0  0:23  -847   28            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6716 jimbo       0  0:23  -847   28 

On 1st draw, ROPERY H7 30 --- ROPERY a place where ropes are made [n]
Other moves: APERY H8 28, PARRY H8 28, PERRY H8 28, PRAYER H4 28, REPAY H8 28
PERRY H8 28 jimbo

On 2nd draw, DEAWY 12D 24 --- DEAWY covered with dew [adj]
Other tops: WADE I8 24, YAWED 12H 24, YOWED 12H 24
Other moves: DEAWS G10 23, DEAWS I10 23, WOADS G10 23, DEAW G10 22, DEAW I10 22

On 3rd draw, CH(O)ANAE 13A 87 --- CHOANA a funnel-shaped opening [n]
Other moves: ACHA(R)NE 13A 86, (B)ARCHANE 11F 80, ARCHAE(A)N 11G 79, ARCHAE(O)N 11G 79, ARCH(A)EAN 11G 79

On 4th draw, OMBER 11D 43 --- OMBER a card game [n]
Other moves: MOBE 14B 40, MOB 14B 35, TOMB 11C 35, EMBOG 11A 32, MEG 14B 32

On 5th draw, EXOTICS A8 51 --- EXOTIC something from another part of the world [n]
Other moves: EXOTIC A8 48, EXITS I7 43, COX A13 36, EX 14B 36, OX 14B 36

On 6th draw, PROFUSE B5 86 --- PROFUSE pouring forth generously [adj]
Other moves: PROFUSE B2 80, PROFUSER 7G 68, PROFUSE G1 67, PROFUSE I1 67, UFO B9 38

On 7th draw, LAPJE 9F 23 --- LAPJE a rag [n]
Other tops: RAJ G6 23, TAJ G6 23
Other moves: PLECTRA 5B 22, PARCEL 5B 20, PLACER 5B 20, PLACET 5B 20, PREACT 5B 20

On 8th draw, ARTISTE K5 93 --- ARTISTE a skilled public performer [n]
Other moves: ARTIEST C2 81, ARTIEST K4 79, ATTIRES K3 79, IRATEST K4 79, RATITES K3 79

On 9th draw, SIF 14A 26 --- SIF disgusting (syphilitic) (S African slang) [adj]
Other moves: FO(L)IA L1 24, S(I)F 14A 22, FO(L)IA L11 21, SAI(L) 14A 21, SAI(S) 14A 21

On 10th draw, NAIRU A1 22 --- NAIRU the lowest rate of unemployment at which there is no inflation [n]
Other moves: INTRA 8K 18, PURITAN 5B 18, UPTRAIN 5A 18, PIRNIT 5B 16, PITURI 5B 16

On 11th draw, VAWTE L1 32 --- VAWTE to attain great success [v]
Other moves: EWT C6 27, VAWTE J2 27, EWT B1 26, VAUTE L1 26, VAWTE L2 26

On 12th draw, SORBITE 14G 72 --- SORBITE a fine-grained constituent of steel [n]
Other moves: SORBITE G1 64, SORBITE I1 64, RIBOSE 8J 35, BEVORS 1J 33, OBVERT 1J 33

On 13th draw, DIVI(D)IVI 1F 92 --- DIVIDIVI a type of tropical tree [n]
Other tops: (D)IVIDIVI 1F 92
Other moves: DIVI(S) N10 42, IVI(E)D 8K 36, DIV(S) N11 32, VIA(N)D 2J 32, VID(S) N11 32

On 14th draw, DONGA 15K 32 --- DONGA a gully in a veldt [n]
Other tops: KUDO 13K 32
Other moves: KANG 13K 30, KAON 13K 28, KUNA 13K 28, DAK 15M 27, DANK 13K 27

On 15th draw, DIALOG 8J 30 --- DIALOG to converse [v]
Other moves: NILGAU 8J 26, IDOLA 8K 24, LARDON 6I 24, LURDAN 6I 24, ANGOLA 2A 23

On 16th draw, KNOWE 3I 34 --- KNOWE a rounded hillock [n]
Other moves: KEG 13M 30, KEN 13M 28, KON 13M 28, KUE 13M 28, KO 13M 26
KNOWE 3I 34 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, GLUTE 15D 38 --- GLUTE short for gluteus, a buttock muscle [n]
Other moves: QUOTE N6 36, MUTE 15E 32, QUEEN M11 28, LUTE 15E 26, ME 15H 26
QUOTE N6 36 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, AZYM 2A 36 --- AZYM unleavened bread [n]
Other moves: ZHO N6 35, MYC 13M 30, ACHY 2L 29, HUM 13M 28, YUM 13M 28
COZY N7 26 MrIdanga

On 19th draw, MULCH D2 24 --- MULCH to provide with a protective covering for the soil [v]
Other tops: HUN 13M 24, LYCH C1 24, MUNCH D2 24
Other moves: MUCH D2 22, ACH 2L 21, RUNCH 6B 18, LOCH N7 17, (D)UNCH J1 17
MUNCH D2 24 MrIdanga

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