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Game of June 13, 2013 at 17:01, 1 player
1. 594 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. delossw   H4    26    26   welds
 2. abeiprw   5G    26    52   bewrap
 3. ceirstt   M2    88   140   trisect
 4. aeghino   2H    38   178   gahnite
 5. aaejnou   1G    49   227   jane
 6. demnovy   8K    33   260   motey
 7. ?bfggii   9J    25   285   fibs
 8. aceiorx   6E    37   322   axile
 9. aailoru   8A    77   399   raoulias
10. acestvz   5C    50   449   caz
11. ?eikltv  10F    33   482   kittel
12. aaorttu  11H    31   513   aorta
13. demorst  12B    80   593   stormed
14. eginoop  B10    30   623   posing
15. efhintu  12L    32   655   heft
16. dennosu   O1    33   688   used
17. eginruv  15B    30   718   gungier
18. deinoou  13K    27   745   nide
19. lnoouvv   D1    30   775   volva

Remaining tiles: nooquy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7911 FileMrIdanga    8 19:59  -181  594     1.7911 MrIdanga    8 19:59  -181  594 

On 1st draw, WELDS H4 26 --- WELD to join by applying heat [v]
Other tops: WOLDS H4 26
Other moves: DOWELS H4 24, DOWLES H4 24, DOWSES H4 24, LOWSED H7 24, SLOWED H7 24
WELDS H4 26 MrIdanga

On 2nd draw, BEWRAP 5G 26 --- BEWRAP to wrap completely [v]
Other moves: PERAI I3 24, PILAW 6F 24, BEWARE 5C 22, BEWARE 5G 22, PAW G3 21
PAW G3 21 MrIdanga

On 3rd draw, TRISECT M2 88 --- TRISECT to divide into three equal parts [v]
Other moves: TRISECTS 8A 83, TRISECT M5 75, TRISECT I8 65, CRITTERS J4 64, RESTRICT J1 64
TRISECT M2 38 MrIdanga

On 4th draw, GAHNITE 2H 38 --- GAHNITE a mineral [n]
Other moves: HOGTIE 2J 36, HOGTIE 8J 36, HOING 4K 35, AHING N6 28, EHING N6 28
HOGTIE 2J 36 MrIdanga

On 5th draw, JANE 1G 49 --- JANE a girl or woman [n]
Other moves: JEAN 1F 44, JUN 1G 41, JETON 8K 39, JEU 1F 39, JOIN 4K 39
JEAN 1F 44 MrIdanga

On 6th draw, MOTEY 8K 33 --- MOTEY full of motes [adj]
Other moves: VOTED 8K 30, ENVOY L8 27, MOTED 8K 27, MY 1N 25, ODYLE 6E 25
MOTEY 8K 33 MrIdanga

On 7th draw, FIB(S) 9J 25 --- FIB a trivial lie [n] --- FIB to tell a trivial lie [v]
Other moves: B(E)EF 6K 23, GIB(S) 9J 23, IF(S) 9K 23, FIL(E) 6F 22, FIL(O) 6F 22
FIB(S) 9J 25 MrIdanga

On 8th draw, AXILE 6E 37 --- AXILE pertaining to an axial [adj]
Other moves: AXE 10J 36, EXO 10J 36, CAREX 10G 35, COAXER 10F 35, COXIER 10F 35
AXE 10J 36 MrIdanga

On 9th draw, RAOULIAS 8A 77 --- RAOULIA a large, white plant [n]
Other moves: RAOULIA 10D 68, RAOULIA E5 28, OURALI 10G 25, LAARI 10H 24, URALI 10H 24
OURALI 10G 25 MrIdanga

On 10th draw, CAZ 5C 50 --- CAZ casual [adj]
Other moves: SAZ 5C 46, SEZ 5C 46, CAZ 10I 37, SAZ 10I 35, SEZ 10I 35
CAZ 5C 50 MrIdanga

On 11th draw, KIT(T)EL 10F 33 --- KITTEL a Jewish ceremonial robe [n]
Other tops: KI(T)TEL 10F 33
Other moves: KILTE(D) 10F 32, KILTE(R) 10F 32, KI(E)VE 10F 30, K(N)IVE 10F 30, T(S)K O1 29
MIKVE(H) K8 28 MrIdanga

On 12th draw, AORTA 11H 31 --- AORTA the main blood vessel from the heart [n]
Other moves: TOTARA 11J 30, ATTAR 11I 29, OTTAR 11I 29, TORTA 11J 28, AUTO 11I 27
ROTA 11J 26 MrIdanga

On 13th draw, STORMED 12B 80 --- STORM to blow violently [v]
Other moves: STORMED 12C 79, DOOMSTER C7 78, MODEST 12G 45, DOEST 12H 42, DREST 12H 42
STORM 12K 31 MrIdanga

On 14th draw, POSING B10 30 --- POSE to assume a fixed position [v] --- POSING the act of posing [n]
Other moves: GIPON 9B 28, GOOP 12L 26, GOOP 13A 24, NOOP 12L 22, NOOP 13A 22
POSING B10 30 MrIdanga

On 15th draw, HEFT 12L 32 --- HEFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: FETICH C1 28, NEIF 13D 28, ENUF 12L 26, FETCH C2 26, FINCH C2 26
FINCH C2 26 MrIdanga

On 16th draw, USED O1 33 --- USE to put into service [v]
Other moves: GUENONS 15B 27, DOUSE 13I 26, DSO O1 24, UNFOND N10 24, ESCUDO C3 22
USED O1 33 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, GUNGIER 15B 30 --- GUNGY sticky and messy [adj]
Other tops: GRUEING 15B 30
Other moves: VINE 13K 29, VIRE 13K 29, VOUGE 11A 27, GREIN 13I 26, VIRGA D1 26
VINE 13K 29 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, NIDE 13K 27 --- NIDE to nest [v]
Other moves: DINE 13K 25, IDE 13L 25, NUDIE 13I 24, UNFED N10 22, DEI 13M 21
NIDE 13K 27 MrIdanga

On 19th draw, VOLVA D1 30 --- VOLVA a membranous sac that encloses certain immature mushrooms [n]
Other tops: VULVA D1 30
Other moves: ONTO C10 18, WOOL 4H 17, WOON 4H 17, NO 14N 16, NU 14N 16
VULVA D1 30 MrIdanga

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