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Game of June 13, 2013 at 23:09, 1 player
1. 367 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. biilort   H4    20    20   broil
 2. ?achimq   5E    80   100   charqui
 3. gistuuw   L1    41   141   twigs
 4. afnooru   M1    29   170   oof
 5. aeimnvy   G7    30   200   mayvin
 6. cdeinow  H11    36   236   dowie
 7. ?bghnno   N1    35   271   gosh
 8. aeinort   8A    80   351   rationale
 9. arrstyz   I7    53   404   zetas
10. eennssu   O1    28   432   en
11. delnnpu   C3    20   452   duplet
12. bceloru  11A    28   480   colubrids
13. aeemrtx   O4   107   587   extrema
14. aekntuy   N8    46   633   yuke
15. aegnors   M8    89   722   oranges
16. eefnpsv   D1    37   759   veep
17. adeilns   1A   158   917   andviles
18. adeintu  15J    33   950   dautie
19. afijnrt  B10    56  1006   joint

Remaining tiles: afr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7915 FileMrIdanga    3  7:01  -639  367     1.7915 MrIdanga    3  7:01  -639  367 

On 1st draw, BROIL H4 20 --- BROIL to cook by direct heat [v]
Other moves: BROIL H8 16, LIBRI H4 16, LIBRI H8 16, OBIIT H4 16, OBIIT H8 16

On 2nd draw, CHARQ(U)I 5E 80 --- CHARQUI a type of meat [n]
Other moves: CHARI(S)M 5E 52, (D)HARMIC 5E 52, QAI(D) G7 46, QA(D)I G7 45, QA(T) G7 44

On 3rd draw, TWIGS L1 41 --- TWIG to observe [v]
Other moves: WIGS L2 37, WIST L3 35, WITS L2 35, GIUST L2 33, WIS L3 33

On 4th draw, OOF M1 29 --- OOF money [n]
Other moves: AFRONT 1G 27, OF M2 25, AFOOT 1H 24, FOUAT 1H 24, FOUNT 1H 24

On 5th draw, MAYVIN G7 30 --- MAYVIN an expert [n]
Other tops: ATOMY 1K 30
Other moves: INWOVE 2J 28, YE N1 28, MAVEN G7 26, MAVIE G7 26, MAVIN G7 26

On 6th draw, DOWIE H11 36 --- DOWIE dreary [adj]
Other moves: NOWED H11 35, WOIWODE 2I 32, OW N1 31, OWED H12 30, WE N1 28

On 7th draw, GO(S)H N1 35 --- GOSH used as an exclamation of surprise [interj]
Other moves: NO(S)H N1 32, GO(S) N1 27, HO 6J 27, BO(O)H I12 26, BO(S)H I12 26

On 8th draw, RATIONALE 8A 80 --- RATIONALE [n]
Other tops: ALIENATOR 8G 80, OTARINE O4 80
Other moves: ACTIONER E4 70, CREATION E5 70, REACTION E2 60, AN O1 28, AT O1 28

On 9th draw, ZETAS I7 53 --- ZETA a Greek letter [n]
Other moves: ZEAS I7 48, ZEST I7 48, ZETA I7 48, ZEA I7 47, SAZ J8 42

On 10th draw, EN O1 28 --- EN the letter N [n]
Other tops: ES O1 28
Other moves: ENSUES O4 27, SWEES 13G 26, SWEE 13G 25, ENSUE O4 24, ESNES O4 24

On 11th draw, DUPLET C3 20 --- DUPLET two musical notes spanning the time of three [n]
Other tops: PUDENT C3 20
Other moves: UPLAND B5 19, LOUPED E7 18, NONUPLE E7 18, PENULT C3 18, PINNED D7 18

On 12th draw, COLUBRIDS 11A 28 --- COLUBRID any of a large family of snakes [n]
Other moves: CORBE F11 25, CEBOIDS 11C 24, CUBOIDS 11C 24, CEBIDS 11D 22, CLUB 4A 22

On 13th draw, EXTREMA O4 107 --- EXTREMUM a maximum or a minimum of a mathematical function [n]
Other moves: AX J9 52, EX J9 52, CAREX A11 45, EXEAT O4 45, EXERT O4 45
EX J9 52 MrIdanga

On 14th draw, YUKE N8 46 --- YUKE to itch [v]
Other moves: CAKEY A11 45, YAK N8 45, YENTA N10 45, YUK N8 45, KAY 10B 43
YUKE N8 46 MrIdanga

On 15th draw, ORANGES M8 89 --- ORANGE a citrus fruit [n]
Other moves: WAGONERS 13H 76, IGNAROES 14H 72, IGNAROES K5 68, ORGANISE 14C 63, ORIGANES 14F 63
AGONES M8 41 MrIdanga

On 16th draw, VEEP D1 37 --- VEEP a vice president [n]
Other moves: FESSE 14J 32, CEPES A11 30, FEEN D1 29, FEES D1 29, VEES D1 29
VEEP D1 37 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, ANDVILES 1A 158 --- ANDVILE anvil [n]
Other moves: DAILINESS 14F 82, ISLANDER A1 80, DELAINES 15B 60, ANDVILE 1A 33, ANVILED 1B 33
ANDVILES 1A 108 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, DAUTIE 15J 33 --- DAUTIE a small pet [n]
Other tops: UNITED 15J 33
Other moves: ANTED 15K 30, AUNTIE 15J 30, TEAD L10 30, AUDIT L11 28, ACETIN A10 27
CITED A11 27 MrIdanga

On 19th draw, JOINT B10 56 --- JOINT to fit together by means of a junction [v]
Other moves: JA 10B 52, FORINT B10 34, CRAFT A11 33, FAJITA K10 32, FUJI D10 28
JOINT B10 56 MrIdanga

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