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Game of June 14, 2013 at 09:11, 5 players
1. 507 pts kellybelly
2. 453 pts GLOBEMAN
3. 312 pts Grace_Tjie

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aaddey   H7    28    28   deadly
 2. beekopw   G7    36    64   ewk
 3. ?bnnotx   F9    33    97   oxen
 4. achinsw   E8    52   149   chaw
 5. aaettuv  D10    29   178   tava
 6. aehiorv   8A    42   220   havoc
 7. efgiott  C13    24   244   fig
 8. lloorst  15A    21   265   logos
 9. aceeinp  14E    24   289   apneic
10. eilmnsy   F1    76   365   myelins
11. aaeirtt   1E    83   448   amaretti
12. adgrstu   A3    64   512   draughts
13. eipqrtu   A1    51   563   updraughts
14. eilnrtu   5E    28   591   lintier
15. egnnors   B1    22   613   geo
16. efilotu  15G    37   650   ufo
17. bdeorru   4I    80   730   bourder
18. eijmnno   O4    39   769   rejoin
19. beeilqs  10J    30   799   belies
20. einqrtz   C2    41   840   nertz

Remaining tiles: iimq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7536 Filekellybelly  5 10:55  -333  507     1.7536 kellybelly  5 10:55  -333  507 
  2.6927 FileGLOBEMAN    5 17:09  -387  453     2.7276 sunshine12  1  0:46  -803   37 
  3.6169 FileGrace_Tjie  2  9:32  -528  312            Group: intermediate
  4.  -  Filemalrajd     0  9:31  -720  120     1.6927 GLOBEMAN    5 17:09  -387  453 
  5.7276 Filesunshine12  1  0:46  -803   37     2.6169 Grace_Tjie  2  9:32  -528  312 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.  -  malrajd     0  9:31  -720  120 

On 1st draw, DEAD(L)Y H7 28 --- DEADLY fatal [adj]
Other tops: YA(R)DED H4 28
Other moves: DAD(D)Y H8 26, DA(D)DY H8 26, DA(N)DY H8 26, DE(E)DY H8 26, D(E)EDY H8 26

On 2nd draw, EWK G7 36 --- EWK to itch [v]
Other moves: WEEK G6 34, PEEK G6 33, PEEK G9 33, EEK G7 30, EKE G8 28

On 3rd draw, OX(E)N F9 33 --- OX a clumsy person [n]
Other moves: OX F9 32, OX(O) F9 32, OX(Y) F9 32, (A)XON F9 32, (O)XO F9 31

On 4th draw, CHAW E8 52 --- CHAW to chew [v]
Other moves: SHAW E8 48, HAW E9 46, WINCH E5 37, SHAN E8 36, WINCH E11 36
CHAW E8 52 kellybelly

On 5th draw, TAVA D10 29 --- TAVA an Indian griddle [n]
Other moves: TAV D10 27, TATE D10 23, TATU D10 23, TAUT D10 23, TEAT D10 23
TAVA D10 29 kellybelly

On 6th draw, HAVOC 8A 42 --- HAVOC to destroy [v]
Other moves: VAREC 8A 33, VRAIC 8A 33, HAVIOR 14D 31, HAVER 14D 30, HIVER 14D 30
HAVOC 8A 42 GLOBEMAN, kellybelly

On 7th draw, FIG C13 24 --- FIG to dress up [v]
Other tops: FEG C13 24, FOG C13 24
Other moves: FET C13 22, FIE C13 22, FIT C13 22, FOE C13 22, FE C13 20
FIG C13 24 kellybelly
FOG C13 24 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie

On 8th draw, LOGOS 15A 21 --- LOGOS the rational principle that governs the universe in ancient Greek philosophy [n]
Other moves: LOGO 15A 18, LOGS 15A 18, ROIST 14A 18, TOGS 15A 18, ROOST I4 17
LOGOS 15A 21 Grace_Tjie
TOGS 15A 18 kellybelly

On 9th draw, APNEIC 14E 24 --- APNEA temporary cessation of respiration [adj] --- APNEIC relating to apnea [adj]
Other moves: PIECEN F2 22, APIECE 14E 20, YINCE 12H 20, PEACE B6 17, EAN G11 16
PIECEN F2 22 kellybelly
PO B14 16 GLOBEMAN, Grace_Tjie
CAP F5 15 malrajd

On 10th draw, MYELINS F1 76 --- MYELIN a fatty substance that encases certain nerve fibers [n]
Other moves: MYELINS I1 69, EMS 15G 31, YEN 15G 31, YES 15G 31, EM 15G 26
YES 15G 31 Grace_Tjie, kellybelly

On 11th draw, AMARETTI 1E 83 --- AMARETTI macaroons made with bitter almonds [n]
Other moves: AMIRATE 1E 27, RAMATE 1D 27, TAMARI 1D 27, AIMER 1D 24, AMRITA 1E 24
TAMER 1D 24 Grace_Tjie, GLOBEMAN
MATTER 1F 24 kellybelly, malrajd

On 12th draw, DRAUGHTS A3 64 --- DRAUGHT to draft [v]
Other moves: ADS 15G 25, UDS 15G 25, ARD 15G 23, DURGY 2B 23, GAUDY 2B 23
ADS 15G 25 Grace_Tjie
GAUDY 2B 23 kellybelly

On 13th draw, UPDRAUGHTS A1 51 --- UPDRAUGHTS
Other moves: QI E5 46, QUERY 2B 36, QUIETER 3C 36, QUIET B1 35, PIQUET 5E 34
QI E5 46 Grace_Tjie, kellybelly

On 14th draw, LINTIER 5E 28 --- LINTY covered with lint [adj]
Other tops: NITRILE 5E 28
Other moves: PELTRY 2A 24, PENURY 2A 24, PERTLY 2A 24, PINERY 2A 24, PLENTY 2A 24
PURELY 2A 24 kellybelly
TIE B1 19 Grace_Tjie

On 15th draw, GEO B1 22 --- GEO a gully [n]
Other tops: GOE B1 22
Other moves: GRONES 4I 21, NONGS D2 21, ENG B4 19, ENGS D3 19, ENS 15G 19
ORS 15G 19 kellybelly
ROE B1 19 Grace_Tjie

On 16th draw, UFO 15G 37 --- UFO an unidentified flying object [n]
Other tops: EFT 15G 37, OFT 15G 37
Other moves: EF 15G 32, OF 15G 32, OUTLIVE C3 32, EFT C2 31, ELF 15G 31
OFT 15G 37 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
EF 15G 32 kellybelly
FELT 6J 30 malrajd

On 17th draw, BOURDER 4I 80 --- BOURDER a jester [n]
Other moves: REDUB C2 29, ROBED C2 29, BURRED 4J 28, DORB C2 28, DRUB C2 28
BORD C3 26 kellybelly
BORED 4J 22 Grace_Tjie

On 18th draw, REJOIN O4 39 --- JOIN to unite [v] --- REJOIN to join again [v]
Other moves: REJON O4 36, ENJOIN N4 29, EMO C2 27, IRONMEN O3 27, MOAI B6 27
REJOIN O4 39 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN
JOE 3J 25 Grace_Tjie

On 19th draw, BELIES 10J 30 --- BELIE to misrepresent [v]
Other moves: QIS 10M 28, QIS N8 27, LIBS 10L 26, SEEL C1 25, SELE C1 25
QIS 10M 28 kellybelly
QIS N8 27 GLOBEMAN, malrajd
BELS N8 14 Grace_Tjie

On 20th draw, NERTZ C2 41 --- NERTZ used to express defiance [interj]
Other moves: TREZ C2 39, REZ C2 37, RITZ C3 34, TREZ C3 34, DORIZE 3A 32
DOZE 3A 28 kellybelly, GLOBEMAN
TREZ K8 26 Grace_Tjie
ZEE N2 24 malrajd

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