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Game of June 14, 2013 at 23:40, 3 players
1. 688 pts MrIdanga
2. 559 pts faythe
3. 74 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. deeirxy   H4    40    40   yexed
 2. aegnnrs   5H    68   108   enranges
 3. aaflnsu   J3    65   173   furlanas
 4. ?inostt   O5    74   247   snotties
 5. aeeklow  N10    66   313   kwela
 6. bbfimor   K9    32   345   biform
 7. deelotw   G7    74   419   toweled
 8. ?adegir   F9    77   496   areding
 9. aehrrrt   L8    41   537   hater
10. ehooprs   E3    80   617   hoopers
11. aeinpqy  H12    48   665   yean
12. aabdiju   D2    37   702   jab
13. giopqru   L1    48   750   quoin
14. giltuvz   1L    66   816   quiz
15. egilotu   C3    31   847   logie
16. acimnru  15A    36   883   macing
17. eioptuv   B5    28   911   uptie
18. cdiortv   A8    44   955   doric

Remaining tiles: tvv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7916 FileMrIdanga    6 17:14  -267  688     1.7916 MrIdanga    6 17:14  -267  688 
  2.6342 Filefaythe      4 17:37  -396  559            Group: intermediate
  3.6895 FileGLOBEMAN    0  3:56  -881   74     1.6342 faythe      4 17:37  -396  559 
                                             2.6895 GLOBEMAN    0  3:56  -881   74 

On 1st draw, YEXED H4 40 --- YEX to hiccup [v]
Other moves: YEXED H8 36, YEXED H5 32, YEXED H6 32, YEXED H7 32, DEXIE H4 30
YEXED H4 40 MrIdanga, faythe

On 2nd draw, ENRANGES 5H 68 --- ENRANGE to arrange [v]
Other tops: ENRANGES 5B 68
Other moves: ENRANGES 7B 63, ENRANGES 7H 62, SANER G3 26, NARES G5 24, NEAR G4 24
NARES G5 24 MrIdanga

On 3rd draw, FURLANAS J3 65 --- FURLANA a dance of old Venice [n]
Other moves: LAUFS O1 36, FAUNA 4K 35, LAUF 6K 35, AUF 6L 32, FAAN 4K 28
LAUFS O1 36 MrIdanga
FLANS O1 27 faythe

On 4th draw, SNOTTI(E)S O5 74 --- SNOTTIE a midshipman [n]
Other tops: SOTTIN(G)S O5 74, STONI(E)ST O5 74, ST(A)TIONS O5 74
Other moves: SNOTTI(L)Y 4A 72, TONIT(E)S I7 72, TONI(E)ST I7 72, SOTTIN(G) K7 70, TONIT(E)S K7 70
SOTTIN(G)S O5 24 MrIdanga
SNOTT(Y) O5 15 faythe

On 5th draw, KWELA N10 66 --- KWELA a Zulu folk-music [n]
Other moves: WEAK N7 46, WEEK N7 46, AWOKE G6 42, LEAK N7 40, LEEK N7 40
KWELA N10 66 MrIdanga
WANKLE L3 28 faythe

On 6th draw, BIFORM K9 32 --- BIFORM having two forms [adj]
Other moves: BIFORM G7 30, FIBRO G7 29, BIMBO K9 28, MOBBY 4D 28, RIF I7 28
FOB G7 27 MrIdanga, faythe

On 7th draw, TOWELED G7 74 --- TOWEL to wipe with a towel (an absorbent cloth) [v]
Other moves: WEED L12 36, OWED G6 35, WEEL L12 32, WEET L12 32, EWE G6 31
WEED L12 36 MrIdanga, faythe

On 8th draw, AREDI(N)G F9 77 --- AREDE to declare [v]
Other moves: GRA(N)NIED L1 76, RIDGE(W)AY 4A 76, DI(S)AGREE 12A 74, DRAIN(A)GE L1 74, DR(A)INAGE L1 74
G(O)RED L8 34 MrIdanga
RI(S)E 15L 24 faythe

On 9th draw, HATER L8 41 --- HATER one that hates [n]
Other moves: TAHR J12 34, TEHR J12 34, HEAR L12 32, HEAT L12 32, THAE E8 32
THAE E8 32 MrIdanga
GARTH 15F 27 faythe

On 10th draw, HOOPERS E3 80 --- HOOPER one that hoops [n]
Other moves: HESP 15L 52, POSH 15L 49, HOSE 15L 46, PEGHS 15D 42, PESO 15L 40
HESP 15L 52 faythe
POSH 15L 49 MrIdanga

On 11th draw, YEAN H12 48 --- YEAN to bear young [v]
Other moves: PAYING 15A 39, PYEING 15A 39, QI F2 36, PAYER 8A 33, PAY D2 31
PAYING 15A 39 faythe, MrIdanga

On 12th draw, JAB D2 37 --- JAB to poke sharply [v]
Other tops: JAB F2 37, JIB F2 37
Other moves: JIHAD 3C 36, BAJAN L1 34, JUBA D5 34, JAI F2 33, JUD D2 33
JAB D2 37 MrIdanga, faythe

On 13th draw, QUOIN L1 48 --- QUOIN to secure with a type of wedge [v]
Other moves: QUAHOG 3B 42, QUIPO 6B 38, QI F2 37, QUIP 6B 35, QUOP 6B 35
QUOIN L1 48 MrIdanga
QUIP 6B 35 faythe

On 14th draw, QUIZ 1L 66 --- QUIZ to test the knowledge of by asking questions [v]
Other moves: ZIG F2 45, ZIT F2 43, QUIT 1L 39, ULZIE N1 28, VIG F2 27
QUIZ 1L 66 MrIdanga, faythe

On 15th draw, LOGIE C3 31 --- LOGIE the space in front of a kiln fire [n]
Other moves: LOUIE C3 29, LOGE C3 27, LOG C3 25, LOTE C3 25, LOTI C3 25
LOUIE C3 29 MrIdanga
FOOTIE 3J 18 faythe

On 16th draw, MACING 15A 36 --- MACE to attack with a clublike weapon [v]
Other moves: INGRAM M3 33, INGRUM M3 33, MANIC B6 33, CAM J12 32, CUM J12 32
MACING 15A 36 faythe
MANIC B6 33 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, UPTIE B5 28 --- UPTIE to tie up [v]
Other moves: UPO B5 26, POET B6 24, POTE B6 24, POUT B6 24, PTUI B6 24
POUT B6 24 MrIdanga
PET B6 23 faythe

On 18th draw, DORIC A8 44 --- DORIC rustic [adj]
Other moves: TORIC A8 38, DIVOT A1 34, DROIT A8 32, DICOT A1 31, ODIC A8 30
DORIC A8 44 MrIdanga
DOC A8 29 faythe

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