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Game of June 15, 2013 at 14:11, 1 player
1. 716 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?fhortu   H7    82    82   fourths
 2. aacdhko  13H    36   118   shacko
 3. afinost  N10    47   165   foist
 4. deegiln  11D    90   255   deleting
 5. adiiior  12A    23   278   aroid
 6. eginnrs   A8   131   409   engrains
 7. adeinpr   O4    94   503   pardine
 8. einosty  15L    42   545   yest
 9. ?eopqtu   N2    42   587   quote
10. aanrstw  14I    31   618   aw
11. ?aeillr  15D    82   700   ralline
12. acinotz   B6    37   737   zona
13. aaegstu   C2    85   822   gateaus
14. beijlpr   D1    57   879   jiber
15. bdimnox   G6    47   926   minx
16. bcelouv   1D    36   962   joule
17. bdeeimo   E5    34   996   embodied
18. aeptvwy   2F    29  1025   paty

Remaining tiles: cevvw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7924 FileMrIdanga   10 19:08  -309  716     1.7924 MrIdanga   10 19:08  -309  716 

On 1st draw, FOURTH(S) H7 82 --- FOURTH one of four equal parts [n]
Other tops: FOURTH(S) H4 82, FUTHOR(C) H4 82, FUTHOR(K) H4 82
Other moves: FOURTH(S) H2 76, FOURTH(S) H3 76, FOURTH(S) H8 76, FUTHOR(C) H2 76, FUTHOR(C) H3 76
FOURTH(S) H7 32 MrIdanga

On 2nd draw, (S)HACKO 13H 36 --- SHACKO a type of military hat [n]
Other moves: THACK 11H 28, KACHA I3 26, AAH I11 25, CHARKA 10E 25, CHADO(S) 13C 24
(S)HACKO 13H 36 MrIdanga

On 3rd draw, FOIST N10 47 --- FOIST to bring in by stealth [v]
Other tops: F*TS* N10 47
Other moves: FASTI N11 31, FANS N10 30, FATS N10 30, FINS N10 30, FITS N10 30
FOIST N10 47 MrIdanga

On 4th draw, DELETING 11D 90 --- DELETE to remove written or printed matter [v]
Other moves: DELEING G3 77, LINGERED 10C 68, ENGIRDLE 10D 66, ELOIGNED 8F 61, LEGIONED 8D 61
DELETING 11D 40 MrIdanga

On 5th draw, AROID 12A 23 --- AROID a flowering plant [n]
Other tops: OIDIA O6 23, ORAD O8 23, ROAD O8 23
Other moves: OIDIA 12A 22, DARI 12A 20, DARI 12C 20, AD 14I 19, ADO 12D 19
OIDIA O6 23 MrIdanga

On 6th draw, ENGRAINS A8 131 --- ENGRAIN to fix deeply [v]
Other moves: GINNERS O6 87, ENRINGS 15H 86, GINNERS 15H 86, GINNERS I3 73, GRINNERS B6 65
ENGRAINS A8 81 MrIdanga

On 7th draw, PARDINE O4 94 --- PARDINE pertaining to a leopard [adj]
Other moves: SPRAINED 15A 86, PARDINE B2 76, PARDINE B3 68, PARDINE G1 68, PARDINE I1 68
PARDINE O4 44 MrIdanga

On 8th draw, YEST 15L 42 --- YEST a fungi [n]
Other moves: NOISY 15K 36, NINETY 14A 34, NOSY 15L 33, YEST 13C 32, OY 14I 31
YEST 15L 42 MrIdanga

On 9th draw, QUOTE N2 42 --- QUOTE to repeat the words of [v]
Other moves: Q(U)OTE N2 40, QUO(T)E N2 39, QU(O)TE N2 39, OP(A)QUE B3 38, P(I)QUETED E5 38
P(I)QUE B4 37 MrIdanga

On 10th draw, AW 14I 31 --- AW used to express protest, disgust, or disbelief [interj]
Other moves: AWARD 7K 25, STRAWN I4 25, SWARD 7K 25, TRAWLS F7 24, WARD 7L 24
AW 14I 31 MrIdanga

On 11th draw, RALLI(N)E 15D 82 --- RALLINE pertaining to a family of marsh birds [adj]
Other moves: RALLI(N)E 15C 77, (B)RAILLE 15C 77, RALLIE(D) 15C 76, RALLIE(S) 15C 76, REALLI(E) 15C 76
RALLI(N)E 15D 32 MrIdanga

On 12th draw, ZONA B6 37 --- ZONA a transparent substance surrounding the ovum of mammals [n]
Other moves: AZON B5 35, ZANIER 6J 35, TOAZING K5 34, ZIN B6 34, ZIT B6 34
ZONA B6 37 MrIdanga

On 13th draw, GATEAUS C2 85 --- GATEAU a rich layer cake [n]
Other moves: GATEAUS I3 73, GATEAU C2 30, TEGUAS C2 30, GETAS C3 28, ATUAS C3 26
GATEAUS C2 35 MrIdanga

On 14th draw, JIBER D1 57 --- JIBER one that jibes [n]
Other moves: JIBE D1 53, LERP D3 34, JERBIL F6 33, JERBIL G3 32, PILER D1 31
JIBER D1 57 MrIdanga

On 15th draw, MINX G6 47 --- MINX a pert girl [n]
Other moves: XI O1 38, OX G8 36, BOX E2 33, NOX E2 29, BUXOM 9G 27
MINX G6 47 MrIdanga

On 16th draw, JOULE 1D 36 --- JOULE a unit of energy [n] --- JOULE to bump [v]
Other moves: BOLE E2 32, LOVEBUG K5 26, CLOVE F2 24, OBE M3 24, COBLE F2 23
JOULE 1D 36 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, EMBODIED E5 34 --- EMBODY to provide with a body [v]
Other moves: BEEDI E3 32, DEMOB E4 30, MODE 2F 28, MODI 2F 28, DEMOB I1 27
DEMOB E4 30 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, PATY 2F 29 --- PATY having narrow arms, but expanding at the ends, heraldry [adj]
Other moves: WAVE F3 28, PAVE F3 27, PATE 2F 26, WEPT M4 26, GEY 10A 25
PATY 2F 29 MrIdanga

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