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Game of June 15, 2013 at 16:29, 3 players
1. 342 pts MrIdanga
2. 278 pts mordeckhi
3. 54 pts faythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. addegmn   H4    26    26   madden
 2. abcdemo   4F    28    54   mamboed
 3. ?iiooru   3I    22    76   oorie
 4. aeggltx   2J    41   117   latex
 5. aaegoty   5K    34   151   gyte
 6. ?efprtu   G8    73   224   putrefy
 7. eiorrst  11E    82   306   errorist
 8. aejlory   1M    57   363   jay
 9. aacdegp   3C    33   396   paced
10. achilqt  10J    64   460   qi
11. einnuww   4B    26   486   new
12. bioorsu   L8    34   520   bistro
13. ahilnns   A1    32   552   hila
14. aeelrtv   6A    66   618   traveled
15. aeklnst   O4    95   713   asklent
16. ahnouwz  13I    42   755   wazoo
17. efinosu   B6    63   818   refusion
18. cghinov  A11    52   870   ohing
19. cgiinuv   A8    23   893   in

Remaining tiles: cgiuuv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7926 FileMrIdanga    3 10:26  -551  342     1.7926 MrIdanga    3 10:26  -551  342 
  2.4115 Filemordeckhi   0 12:57  -615  278            Group: intermediate
  3.6354 Filefaythe      2  1:29  -839   54     1.6354 faythe      2  1:29  -839   54 
                                                    Group: not rated
                                             1.4115 mordeckhi   0 12:57  -615  278 

On 1st draw, MADDEN H4 26 --- MADDEN to make or become mad [v]
Other tops: MANGED H4 26
Other moves: DAMNED H4 24, DAMNED H7 24, DEMAND H4 24, DEMAND H7 24, MADGE H4 24
MADDEN H4 26 faythe

On 2nd draw, MAMBOED 4F 28 --- MAMBO to perform a ballroom dance [v]
Other tops: CAMEO G3 28, CAMEO I3 28, COMAE G3 28, COMAE I3 28, MAMBOED 4H 28
Other moves: COMBE G2 25, COMBE I2 25, BEAM G5 24, BEAM I5 24, COMADE G1 24
CAMEO G3 28 faythe

On 3rd draw, OORI(E) 3I 22 --- OORIE dingy [adj]
Other moves: (M)OIRAI 5D 20, AIO(L)I 5H 19, ORI(H)OU 5J 19, OORI(E) G6 18, (K)ORAI 5E 18
ROOM F1 8 mordeckhi

On 4th draw, LATEX 2J 41 --- LATEX a milky liquid of certain plants [n]
Other moves: TAXA 5E 35, EXALT I7 30, TEX 5K 30, AXEL I7 29, EXAM F1 29
MAX F4 28 mordeckhi

On 5th draw, GYTE 5K 34 --- GYTE a child [n]
Other moves: GAY 1M 33, GEY 1M 33, G*Y 1M 33, TAY 5J 32, TYG 5K 30

On 6th draw, PUTREF(Y) G8 73 --- PUTREFY to make or become putrid [v]
Other moves: P(O)UFTER G8 67, PR(I)EF 3C 39, FRU(M)P 3C 34, F(A)P 1M 34, F(O)P 1M 34
PERM F1 10 mordeckhi

On 7th draw, ERRORIST 11E 82 --- ERRORIST a wanderer [n]
Other tops: TERROIRS 11D 82, TERROIRS 11E 82
Other moves: FROSTIER 13G 74, ROTIFERS 13C 74, RIOTERS I8 68, ERRORIST 11C 66, ERRORIST 11F 66
STORER O5 27 mordeckhi

On 8th draw, JAY 1M 57 --- JAY a corvine bird [n]
Other tops: JOY 1M 57
Other moves: JAR 1M 48, JOE 1M 48, JOL 1M 48, JOR 1M 48, JOLTY L8 46
YAM F2 16 mordeckhi

On 9th draw, PACED 3C 33 --- PACE to walk with a regular step [v]
Other tops: CAPED 3C 33
Other moves: CAGED 3C 31, GAPED 3C 31, PAGED 3C 31, CAAED 3C 29, CAPED 12A 29
CADET L7 9 mordeckhi

On 10th draw, QI 10J 64 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: CHITAL D8 37, QADI 6F 34, CHAI 4A 32, CHAL 4A 32, CHAT 4A 32
QI 10J 64 MrIdanga
QAT D9 21 mordeckhi

On 11th draw, NEW 4B 26 --- NEW existing only a short time [adj] --- NEW something that is new [n] --- NEW to renew [v]
Other moves: WENA 5E 23, WEAN D1 22, EWE 12G 21, WAWE D2 20, WEN 4B 20
NEW 4B 26 MrIdanga
WEAN D1 22 mordeckhi

On 12th draw, BISTRO L8 34 --- BISTRO a small bar or restaurant [n]
Other moves: BUSTI L8 32, FIBROUS 13G 30, RUBAI 5E 30, SORBO O5 30, SORB O5 27
OBO F13 25 MrIdanga
TUBS L11 12 mordeckhi

On 13th draw, HILA A1 32 --- HILUM a small opening in a bodily organ [n]
Other moves: SHAN O5 30, SHIN O5 30, SINH O5 30, AHI 6M 29, AHS 6M 29
SHIN O5 30 MrIdanga
BINS 8L 18 mordeckhi

On 14th draw, TRAVELED 6A 66 --- TRAVEL to go from one place to another [v]
Other moves: RATEL 5A 31, EAVE 5C 30, RAVE 5C 30, VALETE D7 29, VELATE D7 29
VALETE D7 29 MrIdanga
RATE D9 17 mordeckhi

On 15th draw, ASKLENT O4 95 --- ASKLENT on the slant [adv]
Other moves: ALKANETS C6 78, LASKET O3 42, SKLATE O5 39, SKLENT O5 39, SNEAK(Y) 14B 38
KA F14 31 MrIdanga
TAKEN A6 27 mordeckhi

On 16th draw, WAZOO 13I 42 --- WAZOO the anus -- usually considered vulgar [n]
Other moves: HOW 2F 37, HAZ(Y) 14D 35, ZONA 10B 35, HOA 2F 34, HON 2F 34
HAZ(Y) 14D 35 MrIdanga
HAZE E8 16 mordeckhi

On 17th draw, REFUSION B6 63 --- REFUSION the act of fusing again [n]
Other moves: EOSIN 14J 40, REIFS F11 35, FOE 2F 34, FON 2F 34, FOU 2F 34
FUSE N11 32 mordeckhi, MrIdanga

On 18th draw, OHING A11 52 --- OH to exclaim in surprise, pain, or desire [v]
Other moves: HING A12 47, HONG A12 47, THIG A6 47, THIN A6 43, THIO A6 43
HONG A12 47 MrIdanga

On 19th draw, IN A8 23 --- IN to gather in harvest [v]
Other moves: GNU C12 21, VIN M7 18, GIRN F9 17, GURN F9 17, GENIC E5 16
IN A8 23 MrIdanga
IF 8A 15 mordeckhi

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