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Game of June 16, 2013 at 00:06, 1 player
1. 175 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. efghils   H7    32    32   elfish
 2. aafittu   I7    31    63   fiat
 3. ?elmqrt  10F    37   100   quitter
 4. abdenru   K4    94   194   unbeared
 5. ?acdmwy   8K    48   242   awmry
 6. ahiloot   N3    70   312   lothario
 7. adgoors   5E    70   382   gadroons
 8. eeilnot   O1    25   407   leone
 9. abginop  O10    37   444   bagnio
10. aeiikrt  12B    80   524   terakihi
11. eimntuy  B10    34   558   yitten
12. adejmot   H1    45   603   major
13. cdegosw  15A    42   645   snowed
14. eenprsx  J12    42   687   sex
15. aceinpu   A7    36   723   uncap
16. agilntz   L1    56   779   zings
17. adeeiuv  13I    27   806   deeve
18. acelruv   B2    28   834   culver

Remaining tiles: aiprtu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7918 FileMrIdanga    2  4:31  -659  175     1.7918 MrIdanga    2  4:31  -659  175 

On 1st draw, ELFISH H7 32 --- ELFISH resembling an elf [adj]
Other moves: FLESH H4 30, FLESH H8 30, SHELF H8 30, SLEIGH H7 28, ELFISH H3 26
ELFISH H7 32 MrIdanga

On 2nd draw, FIAT I7 31 --- FIAT an authoritative order [n] --- FIAT to sanction [v]
Other moves: TAFIA I5 30, FAA I7 28, FAITH 12D 22, TUFA G5 22, TUFA I5 22
FIAT I7 31 MrIdanga

On 3rd draw, Q(U)ITTER 10F 37 --- QUITTER one that quits [n]
Other moves: Q(U)ITE 10F 35, REQ(U)IT 10D 34, Q(U)IT 10F 32, M(E)LTER J4 24, M(I)LTER J4 24
Q(U)ITE 10F 35 MrIdanga

On 4th draw, UNBEARED K4 94 --- UNBEAR to free from the pressure of a rein [v]
Other moves: UNBARRED L6 78, UNBARED G1 74, UNBARRED L5 74, UNBEARED K7 72, UNBARED K5 40
UNBEARED K4 44 MrIdanga

On 5th draw, AWM(R)Y 8K 48 --- AWMRY a cupboard for sacred vessels [n]
Other moves: MAY(E)D L4 47, AWAY(S) 8K 42, CA(L)MY L1 41, AC(I)DY 8K 39, (S)WAMY M10 39
(S)WAY M10 33 MrIdanga

On 6th draw, LOTHA(R)IO N3 70 --- LOTHARIO a seducer of women [n]
Other moves: ALTHO L1 30, LITHO L1 30, THOLOI 11A 29, HAO L4 28, HOA L4 28

On 7th draw, GADROONS 5E 70 --- GADROON to decorate with bands of fluted or reeded molding [v]
Other tops: DRAGOONS 5E 70
Other moves: GOAD O1 31, GOOD O1 31, GRAD O1 31, DROOGS O10 30, GADSO M2 28

On 8th draw, LEONE O1 25 --- LEONE a monetary unit of Sierra Leone [n]
Other moves: ELOINS 11C 24, OLEINS 11C 24, ENTOIL O10 23, ETOILE O10 23, OLEINE O10 23

On 9th draw, BAGNIO O10 37 --- BAGNIO a brothel [n]
Other moves: GABION 4D 35, BANGS L1 28, BINGS L1 28, BIOGS L1 28, BONGS L1 28

On 10th draw, TERAKIHI 12B 80 --- TERAKIHI an Australasian food fish [n]
Other moves: KARITE 6B 32, KARTS L1 32, KEIRS L1 32, KERATIN 13I 32, KIERS L1 32

On 11th draw, YITTEN B10 34 --- YITTEN (English dialect) frightened [adj]
Other tops: MUTINY B10 34
Other moves: YUM 11C 31, YE 6F 29, MITTEN B10 28, MUTINE B10 28, TIME 6D 28

On 12th draw, MAJOR H1 45 --- MAJOR to pursue a specific principal course of study [v]
Other moves: JEATS L1 44, JAM A8 43, JEAT A8 40, JATO A7 38, JOTA A7 38

On 13th draw, SNOWED 15A 42 --- SNOW to fall as snow (precipitation in the form of ice crystals) [v]
Other moves: GNOWS 15A 39, ENOWS 15A 36, GNOW 15A 36, ENDOWS 15A 33, ENOW 15A 33

On 14th draw, SEX J12 42 --- SEX to determine the sex (the property by which organisms are classified according to reproductive functions) of [v]
Other moves: EX N13 38, EXPANSE 2E 34, PRAXES F3 31, PREENS A6 31, PAXES F4 30

On 15th draw, UNCAP A7 36 --- UNCAP to remove the cap from [v]
Other moves: CAUPS L1 32, PECAN A6 32, PUCAN A6 32, CAMP M6 31, CUNEI C9 31

On 16th draw, ZINGS L1 56 --- ZING to move with a high-pitched humming sound [v]
Other moves: ZATI 15H 50, ZIT 15H 47, LAZING B2 39, RAZING L10 39, ZIGAN F2 37

On 17th draw, DEEVE 13I 27 --- DEEVE to deafen [v]
Other tops: DEAVE 13I 27, REAVED L10 27, REIVED L10 27, REVIED L10 27
Other moves: VIDE 6D 25, AIDE 6D 22, AVID 6C 22, EIDE 6D 22, ADIEU 14D 21

On 18th draw, CULVER B2 28 --- CULVER a pigeon [n]
Other tops: CALVER B2 28, CLAVER B2 28
Other moves: CARAVEL F2 26, VALUE 6B 25, VELURE C7 25, VALUER B2 24, UREA C10 23

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