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Game of June 17, 2013 at 01:53, 1 player
1. 34 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ??aeimz   H7   102   102   atomize
 2. ilpssuv  14F    31   133   vis
 3. aeginrt   8H    77   210   treating
 4. eeoostu  I11    28   238   tose
 5. aefhnpy  G12    33   271   ayin
 6. aeghmoo  E11    30   301   ogham
 7. aaepstv   D8    38   339   vespa
 8. aelnnrs   F5    66   405   ensnarl
 9. deiloty  12G    32   437   azoted
10. ehiiort   E5    34   471   hioi
11. abelntu   J1    68   539   tuneable
12. cdeiirw   1J    36   575   twicer
13. abejrxy  C12    53   628   jaxy
14. eoooprt  B13    37   665   poo
15. ddeirtu   N7    74   739   intruded
16. beeioru   M3    29   768   ourebi
17. deiinoo  O12    24   792   onie
18. aelqtuw  J10    35   827   qat
19. cefgilt   3D    69   896   clefting
20. dkloruw   D1    34   930   wock

Remaining tiles: dflru

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7934 FileMrIdanga    1  0:56  -896   34     1.7934 MrIdanga    1  0:56  -896   34 

On 1st draw, A(T)(O)MIZE H7 102 --- ATOMIZE to reduce to a fine spray [v]
Other tops: AZ(Y)MI(T)E H3 102, IM(B)(L)AZE H7 102, MAZIE(S)(T) H2 102, MEZAI(L)(S) H2 102, ME(S)(T)IZA H7 102, MIZ(M)A(Z)E H2 102, MI(Z)(M)AZE H7 102, (M)IZMA(Z)E H2 102, (M)I(Z)MAZE H7 102, (S)IAMEZ(E) H7 102, (S)IAM(E)ZE H7 102
Other moves: IM(B)(L)AZE H3 88, MAZIE(S)(T) H4 88, MEZAI(L)(S) H4 88, ME(S)(T)IZA H4 88, MIZ(M)A(Z)E H4 88

On 2nd draw, VIS 14F 31 --- VIS force or power [n]
Other moves: P*SS 14F 29, PUSS 14F 29, SIPS 14H 29, SPIVS 14D 29, SPIVS 14H 29

On 3rd draw, (T)REATING 8H 77 --- TREAT to behave in a particular way toward [v] --- TREATING the act of treating [n]
Other moves: GRANITE G4 70, GRATINE G4 70, GRATINE I4 70, EMIGRANT 10G 67, TANGIER I3 67

On 4th draw, TOSE I11 28 --- TOSE to tease out [v]
Other tops: OOSE I11 28
Other moves: OSE I12 25, OOS I11 20, OOT I11 20, SOT I11 20, TOE I11 20

On 5th draw, AYIN G12 33 --- AYIN a Hebrew letter [n]
Other moves: AHI G12 32, YEAH 7J 32, YAH G9 31, YEH G9 31, HEAPY G3 30

On 6th draw, OGHAM E11 30 --- OGHAM an Old Irish alphabet [n]
Other moves: AHEM 7J 28, HAEM 7J 28, HAME 7K 28, HOMA E11 26, HAM 7K 25

On 7th draw, VESPA D8 38 --- VESPA a common wasp [n]
Other moves: ASP D12 32, VESTA D8 32, AZOTES 12G 30, TAPAS D9 29, TEPAS D9 29

On 8th draw, ENSNARL F5 66 --- ENSNARL to tangle [v]
Other tops: LANNERS F5 66, LANTERNS L5 66
Other moves: ENSNARL G1 62, AZOLES 12G 30, AZONAL 12G 30, LEASH 13A 27, NERVAL 8A 27

On 9th draw, AZOTED 12G 32 --- AZOTE nitrogen [adj] --- AZOTED having azote [adj]
Other moves: DEITY E1 28, DOILY E1 28, DOTY E2 26, DRY I7 26, DYE E4 26

On 10th draw, HIOI E5 34 --- HIOI a New Zealand mint plant [n]
Other moves: THERM 15A 33, THIO E4 28, HEIR 11K 27, HERO 11K 27, HIOI 11K 27

On 11th draw, TUNEABLE J1 68 --- TUNEABLE capable of being tuned [adj]
Other moves: ALBUM 15A 30, ALEVIN 8A 27, BEAUT D1 26, BLEAT D1 26, BLENT D1 26

On 12th draw, TWICER 1J 36 --- TWICER a compositor and pressman [n]
Other moves: DICTIER 1G 33, ICTERID 1H 33, TWIRED 1J 33, WITED 1H 33, WEIRD 11K 31

On 13th draw, JAXY C12 53 --- JAXY the posterior [n]
Other moves: YEX K3 51, AXE K4 44, JAXY 5I 42, AXE 7L 39, YEX 11K 39

On 14th draw, POO B13 37 --- POO to defecate -- usually considered vulgar [v]
Other moves: TOO B13 31, PE B13 30, PO B13 30, OO B14 27, POORT D1 26

On 15th draw, INTRUDED N7 74 --- INTRUDE to thrust or force oneself in [v]
Other moves: ERUVIN 8A 27, EDITED N1 24, URDE K3 24, DITED 11K 23, DE J14 21

On 16th draw, OUREBI M3 29 --- OUREBI an African antelope [n]
Other moves: ERUVIN 8A 27, BOY 15A 24, ORB K3 22, URB K3 22, BEE M13 21

On 17th draw, ONIE O12 24 --- ONIE any (Scots) [adj]
Other moves: DE J14 21, DI J14 21, DO J14 21, DOEN L3 21, DOON L3 21

On 18th draw, QAT J10 35 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other tops: QUAINT 6B 35, QUATRE 10J 35, QUEINT 6B 35
Other moves: QUAT D2 32, QAT D3 30, QUELEA K10 30, AQUAE K8 28, AWE K4 28

On 19th draw, CLEFTING 3D 69 --- CLEFT to insert a scion into the stock of a plant [v]
Other moves: G*Y*M 15A 36, FECIT D1 34, CLEFT D1 32, CLIFT D1 32, FILET D1 30

On 20th draw, WOCK D1 34 --- WOCK a pan used in Chinese cookery [n]
Other moves: WO 2F 31, DOCK D1 26, DUCK D1 26, LURK 4L 26, OULK 4L 26
WOCK D1 34 MrIdanga

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