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Game of June 19, 2013 at 03:17, 2 players
1. 48 pts MrIdanga
2. 27 pts dannyboy

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ekooqss   H4    28    28   koses
 2. ?eenrru   8A    74   102   ensurers
 3. opprstu   C8    74   176   supports
 4. beenoru   E5    36   212   bourree
 5. aadeilm  15C    36   248   smiled
 6. dentuwz   5G    38   286   towzed
 7. ?iiinrv   A1    83   369   invirile
 8. beffgio  15A    39   408   besmiled
 9. aeelnrt  14H    71   479   alterne
10. acdgils   M8    80   559   scalding
11. cefijlt  12H    44   603   jilted
12. aafhnwx   4K    37   640   wax
13. acdhiot   3I    57   697   chado
14. aaghiio  F10    30   727   hag
15. ainooty  N10    28   755   ya
16. aeimqty   O7    42   797   matey
17. agiinno  11K    22   819   inlay
18. afgiotv   B6    42   861   fango
19. afiintv   D1    28   889   fitna
20. inooquv   C2    48   937   quin

Remaining tiles: ooov

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7946 FileMrIdanga    1  1:13  -889   48     1.7946 MrIdanga    1  1:13  -889   48 
  2.7115 Filedannyboy    0  0:21  -910   27     2.7115 dannyboy    0  0:21  -910   27 

On 1st draw, KOSES H4 28 --- KOS a measure of distance in India [n]
Other moves: KOSES H8 20, SEKOS H4 20, SEKOS H8 20, SKEOS H4 20, SKEOS H8 20

On 2nd draw, EN(S)URERS 8A 74 --- ENSURER one that ensures [n]
Other tops: EN(D)URERS 8A 74, SUN(D)ERER 8H 74
Other moves: NER(V)URES 8A 71, NER(V)URE G7 64, ENSURER(S) 6F 61, EN(D)URERS 6A 61, EN(S)URERS 6A 61

On 3rd draw, (S)UPPORTS C8 74 --- SUPPORT to hold up or add strength to [v]
Other tops: PURPORTS E3 74, PURPORTS E6 74, SUPPORT(S) C1 74
Other moves: SUPPORTS 6H 70, SUPPORTS 6A 66, UPROOTS 5E 36, PORTS I3 24, POUTS I3 24

On 4th draw, BOURREE E5 36 --- BOURREE an old French dance [n]
Other moves: UNSOBER 15A 30, SUBORN 15C 27, UNBROKE 4C 26, BOSUN 15A 24, OBE D11 24

On 5th draw, SMILED 15C 36 --- SMILE to upturn the corners of the mouth in pleasure [v]
Other tops: DISMAL 15A 36, MISDEAL 15A 36
Other moves: DISME 15A 33, MISLEAD 15A 33, SEAMAID 15C 33, LEADMAN B2 32, MAAED F10 30

On 6th draw, TOWZED 5G 38 --- TOWZE to haul [v]
Other moves: DOZES 6D 35, TOWZE 5G 34, TOZES 6D 34, DEW F4 32, SEZ 6H 32

On 7th draw, INVIRI(L)E A1 83 --- INVIRILE not virile [adj]
Other moves: VIRIDI(A)N L1 82, VIRI(O)N D1 29, VIRID L1 26, RIV(E)N 4K 24, VIN(E)D L1 24

On 8th draw, BESMILED 15A 39 --- BESMILE to smile on [v]
Other moves: BIFFO 4K 38, BEFOG 4K 36, BIFFO D1 36, BIFF 4K 34, BOFF 4K 34

On 9th draw, ALTERNE 14H 71 --- ALTERNE adjoining different plant communities [n]
Other tops: ENTERAL 14H 71, ETERNAL 14H 71
Other moves: ETERNAL 14F 70, TELERAN 14G 64, RELEARNT 13C 60, LATEENER K1 58, LATEENER K2 58

On 10th draw, SCALDING M8 80 --- SCALD to burn with hot liquid or steam [v] --- SCALDING the act of scalding [n]
Other moves: DISC O12 35, CLODS 12A 32, CLOGS 12A 32, DISA O12 29, DISCAL D1 28

On 11th draw, JILTED 12H 44 --- JILT to discard a lover [v]
Other moves: FJELD L1 40, FELSIC 8J 36, FECIT 4K 33, FJELD 12I 32, FLIC F10 32

On 12th draw, WAX 4K 37 --- WAX to coat with wax (a natural, heat-sensitive substance) [v]
Other tops: FAX 4K 37
Other moves: FAX F10 36, HANDAX L2 34, AX 6J 33, FAWN F10 33, HAAF F10 33

On 13th draw, CHADO 3I 57 --- CHADO a Japanese tea ceremony [n]
Other moves: CHOTA 3I 54, DACOIT 3J 48, ODAH 3K 45, DIOTA 3I 44, CODA 3J 43

On 14th draw, HAG F10 30 --- HAG to hack [v]
Other moves: HAO F10 29, OATH 14A 29, HA F10 28, HA N10 28, HI N10 28

On 15th draw, YA N10 28 --- YA you [pron]
Other tops: YO N10 28
Other moves: NASTY 8K 27, YONI N4 26, YONT N4 26, YIN N4 25, YON N4 25

On 16th draw, MATEY O7 42 --- MATEY a friend [n] --- MATEY companionable [adj]
Other moves: QAT N6 34, MASTY 8K 33, MISTY 8K 33, EGMA 15L 31, YAM N4 31

On 17th draw, INLAY 11K 22 --- INLAY to set into a surface [v]
Other tops: ZONING J5 22
Other moves: GONIA D1 20, GONNA D1 20, VINING 3A 20, GAN 2M 19, GIN 2M 19

On 18th draw, FANGO B6 42 --- FANGO a medicinal mud from thermal springs [n]
Other moves: FANG B6 33, FANO B6 31, FINO B6 31, FAN B6 28, FIN B6 28
FIG 2M 27 dannyboy

On 19th draw, FITNA D1 28 --- FITNA a state of trouble or chaos [n]
Other moves: AFT 14A 26, FAN 2M 25, FAT 2M 25, FIN 2M 25, FIT 2M 25

On 20th draw, QUIN C2 48 --- QUIN a quintuplet [n]
Other moves: QI C2 37, VIN 2M 25, ONTO 14A 20, QUIN 10H 18, ION C3 17
QUIN C2 48 MrIdanga

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