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Game of June 19, 2013 at 04:06, 2 players
1. 100 pts faythe
2. 45 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?efiptu   H8    28    28   uplift
 2. einnrst  14B    79   107   interns
 3. deiiors   C7    74   181   derision
 4. deoostu   D2    74   255   outdoes
 5. ?hilooq  B10    65   320   qis
 6. aeeltvy   3B    32   352   vaulty
 7. aahlmnt  11E    36   388   matinal
 8. beghlno   8G    65   453   bunghole
 9. adeopru   M5    63   516   poularde
10. eeiiknt  10H    37   553   leke
11. aaeghnz  12L    48   601   geez
12. ijlnorx   N4    55   656   nox
13. abeioor   O9    54   710   boozier
14. afilnrw   L3    38   748   flaw
15. acdhinr   O1    37   785   nicad
16. aaeeimr  10E    24   809   am
17. aaegirv  14J    28   837   grieve
18. aaeejru   9E    36   873   jaap
19. eistuwy   M1    34   907   swy
20. cehirtu   1H    45   952   criths

Remaining tiles: eeu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.6422 Filefaythe      0  4:20  -852  100     1.7949 MrIdanga    1  1:38  -907   45 
  2.7949 FileMrIdanga    1  1:38  -907   45            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6422 faythe      0  4:20  -852  100 

On 1st draw, UP(L)IFT H8 28 --- UPLIFT to lift up [v]
Other moves: P(R)EIF H8 26, P(R)IEF H8 26, UP(L)IFT H3 26, FUTI(L)E H4 24, P(R)EIF H4 24

On 2nd draw, INTERNS 14B 79 --- INTERN to confine during a war [v]
Other tops: TINNERS 14B 79
Other moves: FERNINST 12H 74, ENPRINTS 9F 63, INTERNS I2 61, TINNERS I2 61, RUNNIEST 8G 59

On 3rd draw, DERISION C7 74 --- DERISION the act of deriding [n]
Other moves: IDO(L)ISER 10E 64, PRESIDIO 9H 64, IODISER I2 62, IODISER 11E 32, DOER 13B 21

On 4th draw, OUTDOES D2 74 --- OUTDO to exceed in performance [v]
Other moves: OUTDOES I2 62, OUTDOERS F8 61, TOSED 15A 39, ODSO 15A 34, DOSE 15A 33

On 5th draw, QI(S) B10 65 --- QI the vital force that in Chinese thought is inherent in all things [n]
Other moves: QI B10 64, Q(I) B10 62, QUI(C)H 3C 40, QUO(T)H 3C 40, QUOHO(G) 3C 36

On 6th draw, VAULTY 3B 32 --- VAULTY resembling an arched ceiling [adj]
Other moves: TYEE C2 31, VLY C1 30, AYE E5 27, EYE E5 27, YAE C3 27

On 7th draw, MATINAL 11E 36 --- MATINAL pertaining to the morning [adj]
Other moves: HM D11 28, MATH 2G 24, MA(L)THA 10F 24, MALTHA I4 23, AMAH 2F 22

On 8th draw, BUNGHOLE 8G 65 --- BUNGHOLE a hole in a keg or barrel [n]
Other moves: BETH D12 36, BOTH D12 36, BE(L)ON 10F 32, HE(L)O 10F 31, EH 10E 30

On 9th draw, POULARDE M5 63 --- POULARDE a spayed hen [n]
Other moves: OPA(L)ED 10E 43, PA(L)ED 10F 38, PU(L)ED 10F 38, UPLEAD E1 33, UPLOAD E1 33

On 10th draw, (L)EKE 10H 37 --- LEK a monetary unit of Albania [n]
Other tops: (L)IKE 10H 37
Other moves: KEIR 10J 36, (L)EK 10H 34, KETE D12 32, KITE D12 32, TEEK L12 30

On 11th draw, GEEZ 12L 48 --- GEEZ a mild oath [interj]
Other moves: HAZAN N2 46, HAZE L12 44, AGAZE 2G 40, ZEES 8A 39, ZOAEA 2C 38

On 12th draw, NOX N4 55 --- NOX short for nitrogen oxide [n]
Other tops: LOX N4 55, NIX N4 55
Other moves: OX N5 54, ZORI O12 39, JOES 8A 33, JOL B6 33, JOR B6 33

On 13th draw, BOOZIER O9 54 --- BOOZEY inclined to booze [adj] --- BOOZY inclined to booze [adj]
Other moves: BEZOAR O10 51, OOZIER O10 45, ZOBO O12 45, ZERO O12 39, ZOEA O12 39

On 14th draw, FLAW L3 38 --- FLAW to produce a flaw (an imperfection) in [v]
Other moves: FAW L4 36, FINAL O1 35, FINALE 14J 34, FINAL L2 31, FLAIR E2 31

On 15th draw, NICAD O1 37 --- NICAD nickel cadmium [n]
Other moves: CHAINE 14J 34, CHIA O1 33, AH 10E 30, CANDIE 14J 30, CARDIE 14J 30

On 16th draw, AM 10E 24 --- BE to have actuality [v]
Other tops: AMI E5 24, EM 10E 24, EME E5 24, LAARI E3 24, LEAM E3 24, LEARE E3 24, META D12 24, METE D12 24, MITE D12 24
Other moves: AMEER 2F 22, AMA M1 20, EME M1 20, FEM 12H 20, MAA M1 20

On 17th draw, GRIEVE 14J 28 --- GRIEVE to feel grief [v]
Other tops: GARVIE 14J 28, GREAVE 14J 28
Other moves: LAARI E3 24, RAVAGE 14J 24, RAVAGE B1 24, REGAVE 14J 24, REGIVE 14J 24
GIVER 15K 10 faythe

On 18th draw, JAAP 9E 36 --- JAAP an ignorant fool (South African) [n]
Other moves: JEES 8A 33, JEE M1 30, ADJURE 5C 28, JA M2 28, JAFA 3J 28
JEES 8A 33 faythe

On 19th draw, SWY M1 34 --- SWY a game of two up [n]
Other tops: WEY M1 34
Other moves: WYES 8A 30, SEY M1 28, STY M1 28, UEY M1 28, WYE M1 28
EYES 8A 21 faythe

On 20th draw, CRITHS 1H 45 --- CRITH a small unit of mass [n]
Other moves: ETHICS 1H 42, THEICS 1H 42, CITHERS 1G 39, CHERTS 1H 36, CHIRTS 1H 36
CRITHS 1H 45 MrIdanga
RICHES 1H 36 faythe

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