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Game of June 19, 2013 at 17:09, 1 player
1. 187 pts malrajd

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aabeov   H4    26    26   bovate
 2. aegilot   4G    72    98   obligate
 3. aefilnn   5J    35   133   finale
 4. aegrstu   9B    62   195   treagues
 5. aeginno   B5    63   258   negation
 6. enosttu  13B    76   334   stouten
 7. ?aablmm   M2    86   420   matambala
 8. chnorsu   O1    49   469   chosen
 9. deinprw   E5    52   521   predawn
10. efhikoy  N10    59   580   hokey
11. aeeiorv   A1    38   618   reive
12. addiorr  O11    41   659   dorad
13. dilottu   D4    26   685   toutie
14. adeeprz   L8    79   764   zerda
15. efijlpx   8J    66   830   jezail
16. cipqswy  D12    32   862   cowy
17. fiirsux  10H    39   901   six
18. fiipqru   J2    48   949   quiff

Remaining tiles: iipr

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: not rated
  1.  -  Filemalrajd     0 15:56  -762  187     1.  -  malrajd     0 15:56  -762  187 

On 1st draw, BOVA(T)E H4 26 --- BOVATE as much land as one ox could plough [n]
Other tops: ABOVE(S) H3 26, VO(C)AB H4 26, (L)AVABO H8 26
Other moves: BEVO(R) H4 24, B(R)AVA H4 24, B(R)AVE H4 24, B(R)AVO H4 24, VO(C)AB H8 24
B(R)A H8 8 malrajd

On 2nd draw, OBLIGATE 4G 72 --- OBLIGATE to oblige [v]
Other moves: LATIGO 3C 29, GELATO 3C 27, LEGATO 3C 27, GOALIE 3G 21, GALIOT 3D 20
GOT I7 16 malrajd

On 3rd draw, FINALE 5J 35 --- FINALE a close or termination of something [n]
Other moves: FINAL 5J 33, FILA 5J 29, FILE 5J 29, FINE 5J 29, ALEF 3K 28
FA G7 19 malrajd

On 4th draw, TREAGUES 9B 62 --- TREAGUE a truce [n]
Other tops: TREAGUES 9F 62
Other moves: GUTSER O1 37, GRESE O1 34, SEATER O4 34, SEGAR O4 34, SEGUE O4 34
GREATS 10C 20 malrajd

On 5th draw, NEGATION B5 63 --- NEGATION the act of negating [n]
Other moves: GOA 3G 26, GOE 3G 26, GAEN 8A 25, GEAN 8A 25, GENOA 3E 25
AG E9 3 malrajd

On 6th draw, STOUTEN 13B 76 --- STOUTEN to make stout [v]
Other moves: STOUTEN 10H 74, STOUTEN 3A 69, TENUTOS 3A 69, TENUTOS 10I 63, OUTSEEN O1 37
TONES A11 23 malrajd

On 7th draw, M(A)TAMBALA M2 86 --- TAMBALA a monetary unit of Malawi [n]
Other tops: MATAMBAL(A) M2 86, MATAMB(A)LA M2 86
Other moves: (J)AMMABLE D2 78, MA(D)AM A4 51, MAMBA A1 44, M(A)MBA A1 41, (I)MAM A5 41
MAM A6 40 malrajd

On 8th draw, CHOSEN O1 49 --- CHOOSE to select by preference [v]
Other tops: HOCUS N10 49
Other moves: CHOSE O1 46, CHUSE O1 46, HORNS N10 45, HOURS N10 45, HOUSER O1 43

On 9th draw, PREDAWN E5 52 --- PREDAWN the time just before dawn [n]
Other moves: WIPED N10 51, WINDER N10 49, WIPER N10 49, WEIRD N10 47, WIDEN N10 47

On 10th draw, HOKEY N10 59 --- HOKEY false; contrived [adj]
Other moves: HINKY H11 48, H*NKY H11 48, KAIF 8L 48, KAYO 8L 48, HOKEY 3C 47
KYE C3 22 malrajd

On 11th draw, REIVE A1 38 --- REIVE to plunder [v]
Other tops: REAVE A1 38, RIEVE A1 38
Other moves: VAIR 8L 33, VARA 8L 33, VARE 8L 33, REVIE A1 29, VAIR O8 29

On 12th draw, DORAD O11 41 --- DORAD a South American walking fish [n]
Other moves: ORAD O12 32, ROADIE D4 29, DRAD O8 27, ROARIE D4 26, DADO O11 25
DAD O13 23 malrajd

On 13th draw, TOUTIE D4 26 --- TOUTIE petulant [adj]
Other moves: TULADI 8J 24, LIDO 3E 23, LUDO 3E 23, TOLUID 14E 23, UDO 3F 22
REIVED A1 13 malrajd

On 14th draw, ZERDA L8 79 --- ZERDA an African fox [n]
Other moves: PEAZED L8 57, ZAP L8 55, ZEP L8 55, ZARAPE 8J 54, PEAZE L8 53

On 15th draw, JEZAIL 8J 66 --- JEZAIL a heavy Afghan musket [n]
Other moves: JEUX G7 44, EX B1 38, JEU G7 36, XIS I7 36, JAXIE 7G 35

On 16th draw, COWY D12 32 --- COWY suggestive of a cow [adj]
Other moves: COPY D12 30, SPY M13 30, COWP D12 28, QIS 13J 28, SPIM 6J 27

On 17th draw, SIX 10H 39 --- SIX a number [n]
Other moves: FURY 15A 30, NIX H13 30, FINIS H11 27, SIF 10H 27, XIS 13J 26

On 18th draw, QUIFF J2 48 --- QUIFF a forelock [n]
Other moves: QUIM 2J 35, EQUIP 2A 32, FURY 15A 30, UP A7 27, QI A10 24

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