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Game of June 21, 2013 at 23:13, 2 players
1. 712 pts musdrive
2. 391 pts denbay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. beginop   H3    24    24   epigon
 2. aaeimns   4H    80   104   paeanism
 3. ?eeglru   5D    90   194   beguiler
 4. eeilruv   8G    62   256   unveiler
 5. addfost   O8    63   319   softa
 6. ?dgikqs   M8    50   369   equids
 7. adeilou  13F    61   430   douleias
 8. adehprt   3B    94   524   threaped
 9. ersttwy  12D    47   571   stewy
10. adeimor   4A    36   607   dimer
11. begilnr   9A    65   672   blinger
12. afhintv  14B    53   725   faith
13. aijnotv   2F    54   779   jo
14. abnooot  15A    38   817   taboo
15. aeinrtw   1G    88   905   tinware
16. cknovxy  10E    53   958   ox
17. acknouy   B1    44  1002   antick
18. cnouvyz   A1    68  1070   zo

Remaining tiles: cnuvy

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: advanced
  1.7588 Filemusdrive    5 13:00  -358  712     1.7588 musdrive    5 13:00  -358  712 
  2.4336 Filedenbay      0 15:47  -679  391            Group: not rated
                                             1.4336 denbay      0 15:47  -679  391 

On 1st draw, EPIGON H3 24 --- EPIGON an inferior imitator [n]
Other tops: BIOGEN H4 24, PIGEON H4 24
Other moves: BEGIN H4 22, BEING H4 22, BINGE H4 22, BINGO H4 22, BOGIE H4 22
BEGIN H4 22 musdrive

On 2nd draw, PAEANISM 4H 80 --- PAEANISM the chanting of a paean [n]
Other moves: ANEMIAS 9D 73, ANEMIAS 9F 73, AMNESIA 9C 72, AMNESIA 9D 71, AMNESIA 9E 71
MANIS I3 30 musdrive
SAME 9H 17 denbay

On 3rd draw, (B)EGUILER 5D 90 --- BEGUILER one that beguiles [n]
Other moves: G(R)UELER 9C 71, REGUL(A)E 9G 71, GRUELE(D) 9C 70, GRUELE(R) 9C 70, LE(A)GUER 9C 70
MERGE O4 24 musdrive
LARGE K3 12 denbay

On 4th draw, UNVEILER 8G 62 --- UNVEILER one who unveils [n]
Other moves: ELUSIVE N1 36, VERMEIL O1 36, VERMIL O1 33, MIEVE O4 30, MVULE O4 30
ELUSIVE N1 36 musdrive
VI(B)E D3 12 denbay

On 5th draw, SOFTA O8 63 --- SOFTA a Muslim theological student [n]
Other moves: SADDO O8 60, FAST O6 57, MOATS O4 57, SAFT O8 57, SOFA O8 57
MOATS O4 57 musdrive
SOFA O8 57 denbay

On 6th draw, EQ(U)IDS M8 50 --- EQUID an animal of the horse family [n]
Other moves: S(U)Q 3K 48, QI 3M 46, Q(U)IMS O1 45, Q(I) 3M 43, Q(U)IM O1 42
QI 3M 46 musdrive
QIS M3 24 denbay

On 7th draw, DOULEIAS 13F 61 --- DOULEIA veneration of saints and angels [n]
Other moves: DOULA 3J 27, LOAMED O1 27, LOUED L11 26, DOULA L11 25, DOLMA O1 24
LEAD 3J 24 musdrive
LID M3 8 denbay

On 8th draw, THREAPED 3B 94 --- THREAP to dispute (pa p THREAPIT) [v]
Other moves: PREDEATH E1 64, PREDEATH E3 64, THREAPED E2 64, HEARTED 3G 50, EARTHED 3C 40
HARPED 14B 36 musdrive
PRAM O1 24 denbay

On 9th draw, STEWY 12D 47 --- STEWY having the characteristics of a stew (food cooked by stewing) [adj]
Other moves: STEWY B2 38, TRESSY N1 34, YURT H12 33, RESTY N2 32, STREW B2 32
STEWY 12D 47 musdrive
STEM O1 18 denbay

On 10th draw, DIMER 4A 36 --- DIMER a molecule compound with two identical molecules [n]
Other moves: MEDIA 3K 35, DAMMER O1 33, DIMMER O1 33, MAIMED O1 33, RAMMED O1 33
RIMMED O1 33 musdrive
MODE J10 13 denbay

On 11th draw, BLINGER 9A 65 --- BLING flashy [adj]
Other moves: GIBE 3K 30, GERMIN O1 27, BETING B1 26, BITING B1 26, GIB 3K 26
GIBE 3K 30 musdrive
BRED F10 13 denbay

On 12th draw, FAITH 14B 53 --- FAITH to believe or trust [v]
Other moves: FAH 3K 36, NAIF 10C 35, HITMAN O1 33, FAH 14D 32, FAINT 11C 32
FAITH 14B 53 musdrive
HIVE J10 18 denbay

On 13th draw, JO 2F 54 --- JO a Scottish sweetheart [n]
Other moves: JATO 15A 46, JABOT A7 42, JATO 3K 40, JIAO 3K 40, JOTA 3K 40
JOTA 3K 40 musdrive
VAT 15A 25 denbay

On 14th draw, TABOO 15A 38 --- TABOO to exclude or prohibit by social influence [v]
Other moves: BATOON 1G 34, BABOON A7 33, TABOO 3K 33, BANT 15A 31, ABBOT A8 30
BANT 15A 31 musdrive
BOOM O1 24 denbay

On 15th draw, TINWARE 1G 88 --- TINWARE articles made of tinplate [n]
Other tops: TAWNIER 1G 88
Other moves: WEBINAR A7 39, WAITER 1G 38, WANIER 1G 38, WANTER 1G 38, WINTER 1G 38
WINTER 1G 38 musdrive
WEB A7 24 denbay

On 16th draw, OX 10E 53 --- OX a clumsy person [n] --- OX a hoofed mammal [n]
Other moves: OX 14I 52, VOX 3K 52, COX 3K 49, KY 6J 42, YUKY H12 42
OX 10E 53 musdrive
YUCK H12 39 denbay

On 17th draw, ANTICK B1 44 --- ANTICK to act the clown [v]
Other tops: CASKY N2 44, YUKO 3K 44
Other moves: KYU 6J 43, KY 6J 42, YUKY H12 42, OAK 8A 41, YAK 3K 40
CASKY N2 44 musdrive
YUCK H12 39 denbay

On 18th draw, ZO A1 68 --- ZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZANY 1A 60, CAVY 1A 48, YUZU H12 48, ZOBU A7 45, CAZ 1A 42
ZO A1 68 musdrive
YOB A7 24 denbay

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