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Game of June 23, 2013 at 00:16, 2 players
1. 623 pts MrIdanga
2. 155 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. eeinosy   H8    24    24   nosey
 2. ?aehhko   G9    41    65   hookah
 3. addeilt   I3    75   140   dilated
 4. ddelrty   H1    41   181   dyed
 5. ?flnors  15A    96   277   florins
 6. aeeilpt   1A    86   363   epilated
 7. inoopst   F3    69   432   potions
 8. agortuv  B10    28   460   gatvol
 9. beiorrs  12D    28   488   bosky
10. aemnrxz   E4    62   550   zax
11. eeginru   B1    76   626   pureeing
12. aeelotw   D3    42   668   taw
13. aacfimn   A5    35   703   amia
14. ejnruvw   J6    28   731   we
15. cefinrv   K5    28   759   infer
16. abcegim  10J    26   785   ceiba
17. eijlrtu   8K    39   824   eejit
18. elmnquu   N5    36   860   equinal
19. cgimruv   M3    20   880   vum
20. cgiorru   2J    35   915   cruor

Remaining tiles: gir

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8007 FileMrIdanga    8 21:13  -292  623     1.8007 MrIdanga    8 21:13  -292  623 
  2.6903 FileGLOBEMAN    1  8:40  -760  155            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6903 GLOBEMAN    1  8:40  -760  155 

On 1st draw, NOSEY H8 24 --- NOSEY a prying person [n] --- NOSEY unduly curious [adj]
Other tops: NOISY H8 24, YONIS H4 24
Other moves: NOISY H4 18, NOSEY H4 18, NOYES H4 18, NOYES H8 18, SEYEN H4 18
NOSEY H8 24 MrIdanga

On 2nd draw, HO(O)KAH G9 41 --- HOOKAH a water pipe [n]
Other tops: H(O)OKAH G9 41
Other moves: HO(O)KAH G6 40, H(O)OKAH G6 40, KOHA G9 39, KOHA(S) G9 39, HO(O)KA G9 37
HOKE(D) G7 36 MrIdanga

On 3rd draw, DILATED I3 75 --- DILATE to make wider or larger [v]
Other moves: DALEDH 14B 30, DALETH 14B 24, LEAKY 12D 24, TALKY 12D 24, LAIDED I4 23
DILATED I3 25 MrIdanga

On 4th draw, DYED H1 41 --- DYE to treat with a dye (a coloring matter) [v]
Other moves: TYED H1 38, YET J6 32, YIRDED 4H 30, YE J6 28, TIDDLEY 4H 26
DYED H1 41 MrIdanga

On 5th draw, FLOR(I)NS 15A 96 --- FLORIN a former gold coin of Europe [n]
Other moves: HORNF(E)LS 14G 80, HORNF(U)LS 14G 80, FORL(A)NAS 13A 79, FLOR(I)NS F3 69, SAFRON(A)L 6H 68
FLOR(I)NS 15A 46 MrIdanga

On 6th draw, EPILATED 1A 86 --- EPILATE to remove hair from [v]
Other tops: DEPILATE 1H 86, PILEATED 1A 86
Other moves: PEAKY 12D 28, PALET J4 26, TALIPED 3C 26, EPILATED 3B 24, LEAKY 12D 24
DEPILATE 1H 36 MrIdanga

On 7th draw, POTIONS F3 69 --- POTION a magical elixir or medicinal drink [n]
Other tops: OPTIONS F3 69
Other moves: PINOTS J4 35, POSTOP B1 32, SPOOKY 12C 30, PINKY 12D 28, PISKY 12D 28
POTIONS F3 19 MrIdanga

On 8th draw, GATVOL B10 28 --- GATVOL (Afrikaans) annoyed, fed up [adj]
Other tops: VORAGO 4A 28
Other moves: VAG J4 27, TOGA J4 24, RATO 2A 22, ROTA 2A 22, OUTRAN 8A 21
PARVO B1 20 MrIdanga

On 9th draw, BOSKY 12D 28 --- BOSKY wooded; bushy [adj]
Other moves: BESOIN 8A 27, REBORN 8A 27, SIB J4 27, SOB J4 27, KYRIES 12G 26
BOSKY 12D 28 MrIdanga

On 10th draw, ZAX E4 62 --- ZAX a tool for cutting roof slates [n]
Other tops: ZEX E4 62
Other moves: MAX J4 61, AXE J5 55, AX J5 52, EXAM A8 46, MAX E4 41
MAX J4 61 MrIdanga

On 11th draw, PUREEING B1 76 --- PUREE to reduce to a thick pulp by cooking and sieving [v]
Other moves: GINZO 4B 30, RENIG 2A 29, P***NG B1 26, PURING B1 26, PEERING B1 24
PURING B1 26 MrIdanga

On 12th draw, TAW D3 42 --- TAW to convert into white leather by the application of minerals [v]
Other tops: LAW D3 42
Other moves: AW D4 40, WAE D3 39, WAT D3 39, AWEE J5 35, EAT D3 33
LAW D3 42 MrIdanga

On 13th draw, AMIA A5 35 --- AMIA a freshwater fish [n]
Other moves: MAA A6 30, AMA A8 27, NAM J4 27, NIM J4 27, CAMAN 11A 26
AMIA A5 35 MrIdanga

On 14th draw, WE J6 28 --- WE 1st person pl. pronoun in the nominative case [pron]
Other moves: JOW E11 26, RAJ 6H 26, JUN C9 23, JEON E10 22, JAW 6H 21
JOW E11 26 MrIdanga

On 15th draw, INFER K5 28 --- INFER to reach or derive by reasoning [v]
Other tops: FIVER K7 28
Other moves: FIVE K3 26, NIEF K4 26, FINER K4 25, RIVEN K3 25, VINER K4 25
FIVE K3 26 MrIdanga

On 16th draw, CEIBA 10J 26 --- CEIBA a tropical tree [n]
Other moves: EMIC J9 24, BEAM 10J 23, BEMA 10J 23, EMIC 10K 23, INFERIAE K5 22
AB 11D 20 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, EEJIT 8K 39 --- EEJIT (colloquial) an idiot [n]
Other moves: JUBILE M8 32, JAILER N9 26, JERBIL M7 24, JILT L2 24, JIRBLE M7 24
EEJIT 8K 39 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, EQUINAL N5 36 --- EQUINAL pertaining to horses [adj]
Other moves: QUINA N6 34, EME G1 21, BLUME M10 18, LUMEN L1 18, ENE G1 17
BLUME M10 18 MrIdanga

On 19th draw, VUM M3 20 --- VUM to vow [v] --- VUM used to express surprise [interj]
Other tops: CRIM M2 20, VIM M3 20
Other moves: MI O5 19, VIM C9 19, VUM C9 19, CUM M3 18, GRIM M2 18
VUM M3 20 MrIdanga

On 20th draw, CRUOR 2J 35 --- CRUOR clotted blood [n]
Other moves: ORGIC O11 29, RIGOUR 2J 27, CORGI O2 26, RIGOR 2J 25, GIRT O5 24
CRUOR 2J 35 MrIdanga

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