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Game of June 23, 2013 at 03:21, 3 players
1. 290 pts denbay
2. 271 pts faythe
3. 22 pts malrajd

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. bdimopu   H4    28    28   podium
 2. ?ceinrs   8H    86   114   unsicker
 3. ceginst   5E    94   208   escoting
 4. ehilrsv   3H    96   304   shrivel
 5. abdloot   4L    32   336   alod
 6. abekltu   N6    27   363   bleak
 7. ?ilopry  11H    87   450   pillory
 8. deginov  H11    30   480   podge
 9. egnotuz  J10    36   516   zlote
10. adeeisu   6J    25   541   dei
11. beinory   4A    31   572   briny
12. einottw   A4    30   602   bowne
13. aaeegrt   F5    63   665   stearage
14. aehnrtu  15A    86   751   urethane
15. aaaefin  14C    37   788   nief
16. aaijqst   3C    56   844   qats
17. aeijotx   E8    41   885   jota
18. aefmouv   D9    33   918   fume
19. aiouvwx  14J    32   950   exuvia

Remaining tiles: aow

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.4347 Filedenbay      0 10:49  -660  290     1.6439 faythe      1 12:48  -679  271 
  2.6439 Filefaythe      1 12:48  -679  271            Group: not rated
  3.  -  Filemalrajd     0  2:44  -928   22     1.4347 denbay      0 10:49  -660  290 
                                             2.  -  malrajd     0  2:44  -928   22 

On 1st draw, PODIUM H4 28 --- PODIUM a small platform [n]
Other tops: PODIUM H7 28
Other moves: BIPOD H4 26, BIPOD H8 24, DUMBO H4 24, OPIUM H8 24, PODIUM H3 24

On 2nd draw, UNSIC(K)ER 8H 86 --- UNSICKER unreliable [adj]
Other tops: CRE(M)OSIN 5D 86, INCOR(P)SE 5E 86, INCO(M)ERS 5E 86, INC(L)OSER 5D 86, IN(F)ORCES 5E 86, NECROSI(S) 5D 86, NECRO(S)IS 5D 86, RESO(R)CIN 5E 86, SER(M)ONIC 5D 86, (B)ICORNES 5E 86, (R)ESORCIN 5E 86
Other moves: IREN(I)CS 3B 84, SCRIEN(E) 3H 84, SCRINE(S) 3H 84, SCRI(E)NE 3H 84, (I)RENICS 3B 84
SI 10H 14 malrajd

On 3rd draw, ESCOTING 5E 94 --- ESCOT to maintain financially [v]
Other moves: GENETICS N7 76, GENETICS N5 65, CRESTING O7 62, INCITES K5 36, SCIENT 3H 34
PINS 4H 6 malrajd

On 4th draw, SHRIVEL 3H 96 --- SHRIVEL to contract into wrinkles [v]
Other moves: SHELVIER N2 94, CHERVILS L8 84, SHRIVEL 10H 79, LIVERISH K7 78, SHELVIER N6 74
REH 6D 29 faythe
(K)I M8 2 malrajd

On 5th draw, ALOD 4L 32 --- ALOD land held absolutely [n]
Other moves: ADO 4L 27, BLOOD 4A 25, OAT 4K 25, BLOOD N2 24, AD 4L 23
BAD 2M 20 faythe

On 6th draw, BLEAK N6 27 --- BLEAK a freshwater fish [n] --- BLEAK dreary [adj]
Other moves: BLOKE N2 26, AUK 2I 24, EUK 2I 24, BAKE 4B 22, BASKET F3 22
KAB 4C 22 faythe
CABLE L8 18 denbay

On 7th draw, PIL(L)ORY 11H 87 --- PILLORY to expose to public ridicule or abuse [v]
Other tops: PI(L)LORY 11H 87, PRIO(R)LY 11H 87, PRO(S)ILY 11H 87, P(R)IORLY 11H 87, RO(U)PILY 11H 87
Other moves: CRO(U)PILY L8 86, COPY(G)IRL L8 80, PRO(S)ILY 10E 77, SPOR(T)ILY F5 70, SPOR(T)ILY J8 66
PLOY 11K 33 faythe
LORY 4B 19 denbay

On 8th draw, PODGE H11 30 --- PODGE a fat and flabby thing [n]
Other tops: NEVOID 12D 30
Other moves: VINED 4A 29, VIDEO 4A 28, VOGIE 4A 28, GIVED 4A 27, PENGO H11 27
PINED H11 27 denbay
DOVING L10 26 faythe

On 9th draw, ZLOTE J10 36 --- ZLOTY a monetary unit of Poland [n]
Other moves: ZONE 6B 35, TOUZED 13C 34, LUTZ J11 33, TOUZE 4A 32, GONZO 12D 30
OZONE L11 30 denbay
GONZO L10 30 faythe

On 10th draw, DEI 6J 25 --- DEI from-used in names [prep]
Other tops: DAS 6J 25, DUI 6J 25
Other moves: AUDITEES 13F 22, SAI 6J 19, SEI 6J 19, SUI 6J 19, A(L)EE K10 18
ZAS 10J 15 faythe
READS M11 12 denbay

On 11th draw, BRINY 4A 31 --- BRINY salty [adj] --- BRINY the sea [n]
Other tops: BONEY 4A 31
Other moves: BREYING 14B 30, OBEYING 14B 30, YBORE 4A 30, EBONY 4A 27, INBYE 4B 27
YE 12L 22 faythe
ROBE 4C 18 denbay

On 12th draw, BOWNE A4 30 --- BOWNE to prepare [v]
Other tops: BOWET A4 30, BOWIE A4 30
Other moves: TOWN 3C 29, TOWT 3C 29, BOTTINE A4 27, TEW 3C 27, TOW 3C 27
BOWIE A4 30 faythe
TWINE C2 16 denbay

On 13th draw, STEARAGE F5 63 --- STEARAGE the act of steering [n]
Other moves: AGATE 3B 28, AGAR 3B 26, AGEE 3B 26, AGER 3B 26, EGER 3B 26
ZAG 10J 17 faythe
RAGER M11 12 denbay

On 14th draw, URETHANE 15A 86 --- URETHANE a chemical compound [n]
Other moves: HAUNTER B8 79, UNEARTH B7 66, UNHEART B7 66, URETHAN B7 66, THENAR E7 37
HURT E10 27 faythe
HEAR B1 14 denbay

On 15th draw, NIEF 14C 37 --- NIEF the fist [n]
Other moves: FAINER B10 34, FAENA E7 33, EF 14E 31, FAG 14F 30, FEG 14F 30
FAINT D11 16 denbay

On 16th draw, QATS 3C 56 --- QAT an evergreen shrub [n]
Other moves: QAT 3C 54, QIS 3C 54, QI 3C 46, JA E10 33, QAT 13B 33
QI 3C 46 denbay

On 17th draw, JOTA E8 41 --- JOTA a Spanish dance [n]
Other moves: JAXIE 12B 38, JA E10 33, IXIA I11 31, JEAT 13A 31, JET 13B 29
JOG 11D 22 denbay

On 18th draw, FUME D9 33 --- FUME to give off fumes (gaseous exhalations) [v]
Other moves: OAF 13C 30, VOMIT D11 27, AMOVE B7 24, FOVEA B8 24, OAF 13B 24
VANE C12 14 denbay

On 19th draw, EXUVIA 14J 32 --- EXUVIUM the moulted covering of an animal [n]
Other moves: IXIA I11 31, VOX L10 26, WOX L10 26, AX 2J 24, OX 2J 24
VOX L10 26 denbay

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