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Game of June 23, 2013 at 23:17, 2 players
1. 546 pts musdrive
2. 491 pts MrIdanga

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. abooqrs   H4    20    20   broos
 2. ?jnottt   G7    39    59   jetton
 3. cdeehlu  H11    38    97   heled
 4. abeinrr   5E    36   133   barrier
 5. acdiisu   8A    39   172   suicides
 6. adelouv   6B    32   204   voled
 7. ?aglnot   4H    80   284   bloating
 8. egiintu   N3    65   349   untieing
 9. aeeintw  15A    89   438   antiweed
10. aegrtuw  14E    35   473   awee
11. ehmoosz   4A    69   542   zhomos
12. adeipvx   A1    51   593   avize
13. adeilpt   O6    37   630   detail
14. aefmors   L1    77   707   mortsafe
15. acenrru   2A    36   743   verruca
16. afgkpuy   I2    41   784   uglify
17. aknpqxy   1G    33   817   ky
18. ainnppx   1L    39   856   maxi

Remaining tiles: nnppq

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.7566 Filemusdrive    3 12:30  -310  546     1.8030 MrIdanga    4 14:05  -365  491 
  2.8030 FileMrIdanga    4 14:05  -365  491            Group: advanced
                                             1.7566 musdrive    3 12:30  -310  546 

On 1st draw, BROOS H4 20 --- BROO the eyebrow [n]
Other tops: BOARS H4 20, BOORS H4 20, BORAS H4 20
Other moves: BOARS H8 16, BOORS H8 16, BORAS H8 16, BROOS H8 16, SORBO H4 16
BOARS H4 20 musdrive

On 2nd draw, J(E)TTON G7 39 --- JETTON a piece of metal used as a counter [n]
Other tops: JONT(Y) G7 39, JOTT(Y) G7 39, JOT(U)N G7 39
Other moves: JON(G) G7 38, JOT G7 38, JOT(A) G7 38, JOT(S) G7 38, JO(I)NT G7 38
JO(I)NT G7 38 musdrive

On 3rd draw, HELED H11 38 --- HELE to hide [v]
Other moves: DEUCE H11 33, ECHE H12 33, EECH H12 33, BELCHED 4H 30, EHED H12 30
BELCHED 4H 30 musdrive

On 4th draw, BARRIER 5E 36 --- BARRIER an obstacle [n] --- BARRIER to shut by means of a fence [v]
Other moves: BEAN F8 24, BEIN F8 24, BIEN F8 24, RAINE F8 24, AINE F9 21
BARRIER 5E 36 musdrive

On 5th draw, SUICID(E)S 8A 39 --- SUICIDE to kill oneself intentionally [v]
Other moves: ASDIC L4 32, CADIS L1 32, CAIDS L1 32, ACIDS L1 28, DISCI L3 26
SUICID(E)S 8A 39 MrIdanga
CAIDS L1 32 musdrive

On 6th draw, VOLED 6B 32 --- VOLE to win all the tricks in a card game [v]
Other moves: LOAVED 6A 27, VALUED 6A 27, ALCOVED D6 26, COUVADE D8 26, DEVALUE 14B 26
VOLED 6B 32 musdrive, MrIdanga

On 7th draw, BLOAT(I)NG 4H 80 --- BLOAT to swell [v] --- BLOATING a cattle disease [n]
Other moves: SALTO(I)NG A8 77, SOLAT(I)NG A8 77, O(C)TANGLE 14A 74, ELONGAT(E) 14H 70, GANTLO(P)E 14A 70
BLOAT(I)NG 4H 30 musdrive
SALTO(I)NG A8 27 MrIdanga

On 8th draw, UNTIEING N3 65 --- UNTIE to free from shackles, pr p UNTYING, UNTIEING [v]
Other moves: TILING I2 25, GIEING O4 24, NUGGET O1 24, GLINT I3 22, LING I4 22
GIEING O4 24 MrIdanga
NUGGET O1 24 musdrive

On 9th draw, ANTIWEED 15A 89 --- ANTIWEED concerned with the destruction of weeds [adj]
Other moves: TWAIN 8K 36, WAIN 8L 33, WAIT 8L 33, WENGE O1 31, WINGE O1 31
ANTIWEED 15A 39 MrIdanga
TWAIN 8K 36 musdrive

On 10th draw, AWEE 14E 35 --- AWEE awhile [adv]
Other moves: TAW 14D 34, EARWIG 8J 33, WAIR 8L 33, WAIT 8L 33, WEIR 8L 33
TAW 14D 34 musdrive, MrIdanga

On 11th draw, ZHOMOS 4A 69 --- ZHOMO a female from a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZHOMO 4A 63, ZHOMO 13B 52, MIZ 8M 42, MOZOS 4B 41, ZHOS 4C 41
MIZ 8M 42 MrIdanga
MOZES 13A 38 musdrive

On 12th draw, AVIZE A1 51 --- AVIZE to advise [v]
Other moves: PIX(I)E M1 46, PIXIE 8K 45, DIX(I)E M1 44, DIXIE 8K 42, DIX(I) M1 40
PIXIE 8K 45 MrIdanga
PIX 8M 36 musdrive

On 13th draw, DETAIL O6 37 --- DETAIL to report with complete particulars [v]
Other moves: GATED O4 36, TAILED O8 35, ELAPID 8J 30, PAID 8L 30, PAIDLE 13A 30
TAILED O8 35 MrIdanga
PAID 8L 30 musdrive

On 14th draw, MORTSAFE L1 77 --- MORTSAFE a heavy grille which protects a corpse from bodysnatchers [n]
Other moves: FOEMAN B10 38, FEMORA 13A 34, FORME 13B 34, FRAME 13B 34, FORAMS 12J 33
FRAME 13B 34 musdrive, MrIdanga

On 15th draw, VERRUCA 2A 36 --- VERRUCA a wart [n]
Other moves: CURARE 13A 28, CURRAN B10 28, RANCE 13B 28, CREAM 1H 27, ANCE 13C 26
VERRUCA 2A 36 MrIdanga
CURRAN B10 28 musdrive

On 16th draw, UGLIFY I2 41 --- UGLIFY to make ugly [v]
Other moves: KAF 1G 36, KAY 1G 36, KYU 1G 36, PUKA 13C 36, YAK 1G 35
KAY 1G 36 musdrive
YUK 1G 35 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, KY 1G 33 --- KY cows [n]
Other moves: YANK 13B 32, YAK 13C 30, AX 1G 29, KANG O1 29, KAY 13C 29
YANK 13B 32 musdrive
YAK 13C 30 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, MAXI 1L 39 --- MAXI a long skirt or coat [n]
Other tops: MINX 1L 39
Other moves: PIPA 13C 30, NIPA 13C 26, PINNA 13B 26, PAPAW E11 24, PINA 13C 24
MINX 1L 39 MrIdanga

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