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Game of June 24, 2013 at 16:57, 6 players
1. 663 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 632 pts MrIdanga
3. 456 pts tonikay

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?aejnos   H2    92    92   cajones
 2. adelpru   5G    72   164   poularde
 3. deentxy   N1    60   224   dentex
 4. einrstz   1L    72   296   zeds
 5. aefioov   G7    30   326   fovea
 6. ?aiqrtt   3H    52   378   aquatint
 7. abiinsw  H11    38   416   swain
 8. cmnoruw   O6    27   443   unco
 9. acfgmos  F10    32   475   fags
10. aadeery   I7    30   505   yede
11. adegiru   N9    75   580   gaudier
12. acehntw  15K    45   625   whare
13. bilmnot  M11    29   654   mib
14. cginrty  12A    30   684   crying
15. abeoort   L8    36   720   rebato
16. hiloopu  A12    33   753   chop
17. eegiikm  E11    34   787   knee
18. loorttu   C8    20   807   trotyl
19. giilnor  K10    20   827   on
20. iiilmou   B6    29   856   ilium
21. giilorv   A8    24   880   go

Remaining tiles: iilrv

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6943 FileGLOBEMAN    7 17:55  -217  663     1.8044 MrIdanga   10 18:17  -248  632 
  2.8044 FileMrIdanga   10 18:17  -248  632            Group: advanced
  3.6016 Filetonikay     0 16:26  -424  456     1.7403 argomearns  4 11:45  -428  452 
  4.7403 Fileargomearns  4 11:45  -428  452     2.7357 sunshine12  6 17:54  -451  429 
  5.7357 Filesunshine12  6 17:54  -451  429            Group: intermediate
  6.6402 Filefaythe      1 12:42  -579  301     1.6943 GLOBEMAN    7 17:55  -217  663 
                                             2.6016 tonikay     0 16:26  -424  456 
                                             3.6402 faythe      1 12:42  -579  301 

On 1st draw, (C)AJONES H2 92 --- CAJON a steep-sided canyon [n]
Other tops: JOAN(N)ES H4 92, JOA(N)NES H4 92
Other moves: JOAN(N)ES H2 78, JOAN(N)ES H3 78, JOAN(N)ES H6 78, JOAN(N)ES H7 78, JOA(N)NES H2 78

On 2nd draw, POULARDE 5G 72 --- POULARDE a spayed hen [n]
Other moves: PENDULAR 6F 69, UNDERLAP 6G 69, UPLANDER 6D 65, PAROLED 5E 40, RAPED I3 34
JAPER 4H 28 tonikay

On 3rd draw, DENTEX N1 60 --- DENTEX a voracious Mediterranean fish [n]
Other moves: EX 6M 53, YEXED N2 40, YEXED G7 39, NEEDY 4K 38, YEX G7 36
EX 6M 53 argomearns, GLOBEMAN, tonikay, MrIdanga

On 4th draw, ZEDS 1L 72 --- ZED the letter Z [n]
Other moves: SIZER O5 63, SITZ O5 60, SIZE O5 60, SINTER O5 39, ZINS 6F 39
ZEDS 1L 72 MrIdanga, GLOBEMAN, argomearns
SIZER O5 63 tonikay

On 5th draw, FOVEA G7 30 --- FOVEA a shallow anatomical depression [n]
Other tops: AFOOT 4J 30, FOVEA I7 30
Other moves: FAVE G7 29, FIVE G7 29, FIVE I7 29, FEAT 4K 26, FOOT 4K 26
FOVEA I7 30 MrIdanga
FIVE G7 29 faythe
VIA 2J 25 argomearns
DOVE M5 21 tonikay

On 6th draw, AQ(U)ATINT 3H 52 --- AQUATINT to etch, using a certain process [v]
Other moves: Q(U)ARE 2J 46, Q(U)ATE 2J 46, TRA(N)Q L4 46, TRA(N)Q H11 44, Q(U)A 2J 42
Q(U)ATE 2J 46 MrIdanga
(S)ITAR O5 32 tonikay
Q(U)ART 11E 26 faythe
QAT(S) 3G 23 argomearns
QAT 3G 23 sunshine12

On 7th draw, SWAIN H11 38 --- SWAIN a country boy [n]
Other moves: BAWNS H11 37, WAINS F10 33, BAWNS 12C 32, WABS F10 32, WAINS H11 32
SWAIN H11 38 MrIdanga
WABS F10 32 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BAWNS 12C 32 tonikay
DAWNS M5 23 faythe

On 8th draw, UNCO O6 27 --- UNCO a stranger [n] --- UNCO strange [adj]
Other moves: OWN I12 26, OW I12 23, MOWRAS 11C 22, WO 4K 22, DOWN M5 21
OWN I12 26 MrIdanga, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DOWN M5 21 tonikay
WORM F11 21 argomearns
DOM M5 18 faythe

On 9th draw, FAGS F10 32 --- FAG to make weary by hard work [v]
Other moves: FAG F10 31, FAS F10 30, FA F10 29, MACS F10 27, MAC F10 26
FAGS F10 32 GLOBEMAN, MrIdanga, sunshine12
FAGS 10L 19 tonikay
FEM 7G 11 faythe

On 10th draw, YEDE I7 30 --- YEDE to go or proceed [v]
Other moves: YEAD I7 29, YEED I7 29, YERD I7 29, YEAR I7 28, YA 2J 27
YEDE I7 30 MrIdanga
YEAD I7 29 sunshine12
DYER N9 19 faythe
YEADS 13B 18 tonikay

On 11th draw, GAUDIER N9 75 --- GAUDY tastelessly showy [adj]
Other moves: TURGIDER L3 24, GUIDER N9 23, DERIG J10 22, ARGUED J9 21, ADIEU J9 20
GAUDIER N9 25 MrIdanga
DERIG J10 22 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DIRGE J10 20 argomearns
TARRED L3 18 faythe
DEAR J10 16 tonikay

On 12th draw, WHARE 15K 45 --- WHARE a house [n]
Other moves: CHARE 15K 42, CHART 15K 42, CHERT 15K 42, HANCE J10 33, HARE 15L 33
WHARE 15K 45 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
CHARE 15K 42 MrIdanga
CHART 15K 42 faythe, argomearns
HAE M13 26 tonikay

On 13th draw, MIB M11 29 --- MIB a type of playing marble [n]
Other tops: MOB M11 29
Other moves: OBI 2J 26, BOIL M10 25, INTOMB J9 25, MOIL M10 25, MOIT M10 25
MIB M11 29 MrIdanga
MOB M11 29 argomearns, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
MOA M13 20 faythe
MO I13 16 tonikay

On 14th draw, CRYING 12A 30 --- CRY to weep [v] --- CRYING the act of weeping [n]
Other moves: CRY M7 26, GYRING 12A 26, ICY M7 24, TIDY 12L 24, TYRING L3 24
CRYING 12A 30 MrIdanga
TIDY 12L 24 argomearns
NITRY J10 22 sunshine12
Y*D 12L 14 tonikay, GLOBEMAN
GRITS 13B 12 faythe

On 15th draw, REBATO L8 36 --- REBATO a wide, lace-edged collar [n]
Other moves: BOOH L12 35, BOTH L12 35, *B* L11 32, BOATER L7 31, ABORTER B9 30
*B* L11 32 MrIdanga
ACERB A11 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
CARB A12 24 faythe
CRAB A12 24 argomearns

On 16th draw, CHOP A12 33 --- CHOP to sever with a sharp tool [v]
Other tops: CHIP A12 33
Other moves: HOLP J10 30, HOOP J10 30, OHO J9 30, UPCOIL A10 30, HIP J10 29
CHOP A12 33 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, argomearns
CHIP A12 33 MrIdanga, faythe
COHO A12 27 tonikay

On 17th draw, KNEE E11 34 --- KNEE to strike with the knee (a joint of the leg) [v]
Other moves: GRIME B11 33, KIERIE B9 33, RIME B12 29, GRIM B11 27, MEEK J10 26
KNEE E11 34 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
KIERIE B9 33 MrIdanga
MIKE J10 26 faythe
REM B12 23 argomearns
KI G14 14 tonikay

On 18th draw, TROTYL C8 20 --- TROTYL an explosive [n]
Other tops: UTES 13C 20
Other moves: TRYOUT C10 18, OTTO I12 17, PROUL 15A 17, ROO B12 15, ORT I12 14
UTES 13C 20 MrIdanga
YOU C12 12 sunshine12
LOOT J10 10 tonikay

On 19th draw, ON K10 20 --- ON the side of the wicket where a batsman stands in cricket [n] --- ON to go on [v]
Other moves: GIRONI(C) 2B 18, INTIL 8A 18, INTRO 8A 18, NITRO 8A 18, ORIGIN J9 18
GIRONI(C) 2B 18 MrIdanga
LINGO D4 17 argomearns
LI 2K 16 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
GOT 8A 12 tonikay

On 20th draw, ILIUM B6 29 --- ILIUM a bone of the pelvis [n]
Other moves: MIR B10 23, OM B9 22, UM B9 22, MOTI 8A 21, MOTU 8A 21
ILIUM B6 29 MrIdanga
MIR B10 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
OM B9 22 argomearns, tonikay

On 21th draw, GO A8 24 --- GO a Japanese board game [n] --- GO to move along [v]
Other moves: LO A8 18, GO 4K 16, LI 2K 16, RIVO C3 16, VOL 15C 16
GO A8 24 sunshine12, argomearns, GLOBEMAN
VIG A4 14 MrIdanga
GIT 8A 12 tonikay

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