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Game of June 26, 2013 at 16:16, 2 players
1. 145 pts MrIdanga
2. 28 pts GLOBEMAN

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?dennop   H4    74    74   pinnoed
 2. aabiltu   G7    25    99   alba
 3. emosttu   5G    68   167   timeouts
 4. ?aefiit   9G    65   232   beatifies
 5. aefghio   N1    42   274   fogash
 6. hilortt   1K    45   319   thoft
 7. eeiorst   2E    63   382   erotise
 8. abillno   1E    32   414   bani
 9. acdeelp   O8    42   456   escaped
10. adeirrv  14J    36   492   varied
11. aegikrs   3B    34   526   kaiser
12. ginoqrw  F10    36   562   wring
13. celorvy  12C    32   594   verily
14. egnorsu  15A    37   631   erugos
15. aelnoqu   J5    37   668   equate
16. cddlnoy   4A    38   706   yold
17. dimnouz  11J    43   749   dzo
18. iijlmnu   K4    24   773   join
19. cilmnux  13K    48   821   mux

Remaining tiles: cilnw

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.8071 FileMrIdanga    2  3:07  -676  145     1.8071 MrIdanga    2  3:07  -676  145 
  2.6965 FileGLOBEMAN    0  1:45  -793   28            Group: intermediate
                                             1.6965 GLOBEMAN    0  1:45  -793   28 

On 1st draw, P(I)NNOED H4 74 --- PINION to remove or bind the wing feathers of to prevent flight [v]
Other moves: P(I)NNOED H6 72, P(I)NNOED H2 70, P(I)NNOED H7 70, P(I)NNOED H8 70, P(I)NNOED H3 68

On 2nd draw, ALBA G7 25 --- ALBA the white substance of the brain [n]
Other moves: ABLAUT I7 23, ABULIA G2 22, BUILT G5 22, ALB G7 21, BALTI G9 21

On 3rd draw, T(I)MEOUTS 5G 68 --- TIMEOUT a brief suspension of activity [n]
Other tops: T(I)TMOUSE 5G 68
Other moves: MOT(I)EST 5E 32, MOTETS F10 28, MOTTES F10 28, MUTEST F10 28, OMS F9 28

On 4th draw, BEATIFIE(S) 9G 65 --- BEATIFY to make blessed [v]
Other tops: BEATIFIE(D) 9G 65
Other moves: FI(N)ITE 6J 40, NIFE(S) 6H 35, FETA 6J 34, NIFE 6H 34, FA(S)TIE F10 33

On 5th draw, FOGASH N1 42 --- FOGASH a fish [n]
Other moves: OAFISH N1 40, FEH 6J 37, FOH 6J 37, FIGO 6J 36, GEISHA N2 36

On 6th draw, THOFT 1K 45 --- THOFT a rowing-bench [n]
Other tops: LITHO 8K 45
Other moves: THRIFT 1J 39, HIT 6J 31, HOT 6J 31, NOH 6H 31, HILT F10 30

On 7th draw, EROTISE 2E 63 --- EROTISE to give a sexual meaning to [v]
Other moves: FESTIER L9 22, FOISTER L9 22, FORTIES L9 22, STRIPE 4D 22, I(S)OETES O8 21

On 8th draw, BANI 1E 32 --- BAN a monetary unit of Romania [n]
Other tops: BOLA 1E 32, BONA 1E 32, OBIA 1F 32
Other moves: ALBINO 1A 31, BALLON F10 28, BILLON F10 28, BAL 1G 27, BINAL F10 27

On 9th draw, E(S)CAPED O8 42 --- ESCAPE to free oneself [v]
Other moves: E(S)CAPE O8 36, PEALED 3B 36, (S)CALPED O9 36, APTED M3 35, PALED 3C 34

On 10th draw, VARIED 14J 36 --- VARY to become or make different [v]
Other moves: AVIDER 3B 35, ARIDER 3B 29, RAIDER 3B 29, VARIED 3A 29, VAIRIER M7 28

On 11th draw, KAISER 3B 34 --- KAISER an emperor [n]
Other moves: AKEE 13L 32, GRIKES 3A 30, KEG 13K 30, GRIKES 11B 29, KAE 13M 28

On 12th draw, WRING F10 36 --- WRING to twist so as to compress [v]
Other tops: QADI 10F 36, WRONG F10 36
Other moves: GOWN 4A 35, POWIN 4H 35, WINO 4A 34, WONGI F10 34, WORN 4A 34

On 13th draw, VERILY 12C 32 --- VERILY in truth [adv]
Other moves: COVYNE 13B 30, VEILY 12D 30, VERRY L11 30, CORNY 13C 28, CRONY 13C 28

On 14th draw, ERUGOS 15A 37 --- ERUGO a green film that forms on copper [n]
Other tops: ROUGES 15A 37
Other moves: ERGONS 15A 34, GENROS 15A 34, GONERS 15A 34, GRONES 15A 34, ORGUES 15A 34

On 15th draw, EQUATE J5 37 --- EQUATE to be regarded as equal [v]
Other moves: TEQUILA M5 31, QUARE L11 30, QUEP 12L 30, QUERN L11 30, QUINOA K7 30

On 16th draw, YOLD 4A 38 --- YIELD to concede [v]
Other tops: YOND 4A 38
Other moves: ODDLY 11I 37, COLD 4A 34, COND 4A 34, ODYL 11I 33, DOY 11J 31
YOLD 4A 38 MrIdanga

On 17th draw, DZO 11J 43 --- DZO a cross between a yak and a cow [n]
Other moves: ZO 4K 37, ODIUM 11I 33, NIZAM K11 32, UNZIP 12K 32, ZONED N11 32
ZO 4K 37 MrIdanga

On 18th draw, JOIN K4 24 --- JOIN to unite [v]
Other tops: MUFLON L7 24
Other moves: JIG 3L 22, JUG 3L 22, LUM 13K 22, JIN M13 20, JUN L4 20
JUG 3L 22 MrIdanga

On 19th draw, MUX 13K 48 --- MUX to spoil [v]
Other moves: LUX 13K 42, YUNX H12 42, MUX 14A 41, XI 12L 36, XU 12L 36
MUX 13K 48 MrIdanga

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