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Game of June 27, 2013 at 16:42, 5 players
1. 672 pts GLOBEMAN
2. 635 pts naomiari
3. 432 pts sunshine12

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?jmrstu   H4    96    96   jumarts
 2. deilosx   I5    40   136   sox
 3. ?aeelov   8A    92   228   elevator
 4. aabhruy   7A    29   257   hay
 5. adehipz   J6    77   334   zep
 6. aegoorv  10A    66   400   voragoes
 7. eginrru   E6    72   472   rearguing
 8. aciiptu  A10    36   508   viatic
 9. bdinort   K5    40   548   nodi
10. eghorwy   L1    32   580   howre
11. abdgikt   1K    39   619   khadi
12. adeiltu  13D    61   680   untailed
13. aelmpty   8J    54   734   pimply
14. afinstt  14J    50   784   faints
15. beinouw  O10    39   823   nowise
16. acegqrs  D12    57   880   quag
17. acdenot  15G    48   928   canted
18. eeflost   3I    30   958   flews
19. benortu   6B    32   990   bourn

Remaining tiles: beeirt

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: expert
  1.6977 FileGLOBEMAN    7 19:59  -318  672     1.8060 MrIdanga    5  8:15  -601  389 
  2.6400 Filenaomiari    3 20:07  -355  635            Group: advanced
  3.7367 Filesunshine12  4 18:49  -558  432     1.7367 sunshine12  4 18:49  -558  432 
  4.8060 FileMrIdanga    5  8:15  -601  389            Group: intermediate
  5.6367 Filefaythe      1  0:16  -950   40     1.6977 GLOBEMAN    7 19:59  -318  672 
                                             2.6400 naomiari    3 20:07  -355  635 
                                             3.6367 faythe      1  0:16  -950   40 

On 1st draw, JUM(A)RTS H4 96 --- JUMART the supposed offspring of a bull and a mare [n]
Other moves: JUM(A)RTS H2 86, JUM(A)RTS H3 82, JUM(A)RTS H6 82, JUM(A)RTS H7 82, JUM(A)RTS H8 82
JUR(I)ST H4 40 naomiari

On 2nd draw, SOX I5 40 --- SOCK a knitted or woven covering for the foot [n]
Other tops: SEX I5 40, SIX I5 40
Other moves: EX I6 37, OX I6 37, EXOMIS 6E 33, OXIMES 6E 33, MIXED 6H 31
SEX I5 40 faythe, GLOBEMAN
MIXED 6H 31 naomiari

On 3rd draw, ELEVA(T)OR 8A 92 --- ELEVATOR one that elevates [n]
Other moves: LEAVE(N)OUS 5A 72, LOVESEA(T) 10D 70, VO(C)ALESE 10B 70, OVE(R)LATE 9B 66, LOVE(S)EAT 9A 65
LEA G7 20 naomiari

On 4th draw, HAY 7A 29 --- HAY to convert into hay (grass, cut and dried for fodder) [v]
Other tops: YAH 7A 29
Other moves: BRUSHY 5F 28, BAH 7A 27, BAHT 9E 27, BAY 7A 27, BAYT 9E 27
BAH 7A 27 naomiari

On 5th draw, ZEP J6 77 --- ZEP a long zeppelin shaped sandwich [n]
Other moves: ZED J6 76, ZEA J6 75, ZOEA G7 57, ZOA G7 54, ZO G7 49
ZED J6 76 naomiari

On 6th draw, VORAGOES 10A 66 --- VORAGO a gulf [n]
Other moves: GROOVE K1 35, OVERGO K1 35, VORAGO K1 35, GRAVE K2 33, GROVE K2 33
GAVE 6B 26 naomiari

On 7th draw, REARGUING E6 72 --- REARGUE to argue again [v]
Other moves: VIRGER A10 33, PINGER 8J 30, PURGER 8J 30, PURING 8J 30, PRUINE 8J 27
PURING 8J 30 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
MOZE 6H 15 naomiari

On 8th draw, VIATIC A10 36 --- VIATIC pertaining to travelling [adj]
Other moves: CAP 6A 30, PAIR 6B 29, TAPIR 6A 28, PA 6B 27, CAPITAL B2 26
PAIR 6B 29 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12, naomiari

On 9th draw, NODI K5 40 --- NODUS a difficulty [n]
Other tops: BROD K4 40
Other moves: BOD K5 38, TROD K4 36, NOD K5 34, ROD K5 34, TOD K5 34
PROBIT 8J 33 MrIdanga
BO 6B 27 naomiari
BIRO K3 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 10th draw, HOWRE L1 32 --- HOWRE an hour [n]
Other tops: WHORE L1 32
Other moves: ROWTH 9E 31, WHEY L2 31, ZEPHYR J6 31, HENRY 13C 30, HONEY 13C 30
WHORE L1 32 sunshine12, naomiari, GLOBEMAN
WHEY L2 31 MrIdanga

On 11th draw, KHADI 1K 39 --- KHADI a cotton cloth [n]
Other moves: HAIK 1L 33, BAITH 1H 30, DINGBAT 13C 30, TAK 6A 30, BARK 6C 28
HAIK 1L 33 naomiari, GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BAITH 1H 30 MrIdanga

On 12th draw, UNTAILED 13D 61 --- UNTAILED not tailed [adj]
Other moves: DIOTA 2J 34, PITIED 8J 30, DAUTED N1 24, DIALED N1 24, DUTIED N1 24
DIAL D12 23 MrIdanga
DEAR 6B 23 sunshine12, GLOBEMAN
DEAL D12 23 naomiari

On 13th draw, PIMPLY 8J 54 --- PIMPLY covered with pimples [adj]
Other moves: MALTY 14J 45, MATEY 14J 45, MEALY 14J 45, MEATY 14J 45, MELTY 14J 45
PIMPLY 8J 54 MrIdanga
MELTY 14J 45 naomiari
YIPE H12 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 14th draw, FAINTS 14J 50 --- FAINT to lose consciousness [v]
Other tops: FITNAS 14J 50
Other moves: FAINS 14J 48, FAINT 14J 48, FASTI 14J 48, FIATS 14J 48, FITNA 14J 48
FAINTS 14J 50 MrIdanga, naomiari, sunshine12, GLOBEMAN

On 15th draw, NOWISE O10 39 --- NOWISE not all all [adv]
Other tops: UNWISE O10 39
Other moves: BOWSE O11 33, WINE H12 33, WINO H12 33, WISE O12 33, BOURN 6B 32
UNWISE O10 39 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
WISE O12 33 MrIdanga
WINE H12 33 naomiari

On 16th draw, QUAG D12 57 --- QUAG a quagmire [n]
Other moves: QUA D12 49, CARERS 6A 31, CARSE 15G 31, CAGES 15F 30, CIGS H12 30
QUAG D12 57 naomiari, GLOBEMAN, MrIdanga, sunshine12

On 17th draw, CANTED 15G 48 --- CANT to tilt or slant [v]
Other tops: COATED 15G 48
Other moves: ACTED 15H 45, COTED 15H 45, ANTED 15H 39, NOTED 15H 39, DOONA 2J 34
CANTED 15G 48 MrIdanga
CINE H12 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
DICE H12 27 naomiari

On 18th draw, FLEWS 3I 30 --- FLEW the floppy upper lip of dogs such as bloodhounds [n]
Other tops: FLOWS 3I 30
Other moves: HOWRES L1 28, LOOSE 2J 28, MOZOS 6H 28, SOOLE 2J 28, SOOTE 2J 28
FLOWS 3I 30 MrIdanga
HOWRES L1 28 naomiari
TES 9H 19 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12

On 19th draw, BOURN 6B 32 --- BOURN a stream [n]
Other moves: BRER 6B 29, BE 6B 27, BO 6B 27, BOURNE D1 24, ROUEN G7 23
BO 6B 27 GLOBEMAN, sunshine12
BE 12H 16 naomiari

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