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Game of June 28, 2013 at 02:00, 2 players
1. 44 pts marigold
2. 16 pts faythe

Game board

 #  Draw                   Loc.  Pts  Total  Words played
 1. ?eillou   H8    64    64   rouille
 2. aeeghhs  15D    54   118   ghees
 3. bcelnow   G4    81   199   beclown
 4. fimorsy   H1    50   249   somy
 5. aadoqrs  11E    47   296   qasida
 6. efikotz  10J    67   363   zek
 7. aefiiru   1A    86   449   aurifies
 8. ?ahipsv   K5    82   531   heavies
 9. aennrtv   L1    86   617   vernant
10. cegmnop   J2    29   646   ponce
11. aabgnrt   4C    28   674   grabby
12. aeiiopr   M2    31   705   reap
13. aenrtwx   I7    48   753   wex
14. adiilnt   N1    36   789   daint
15. aeeiirt  12K    25   814   terai
16. dijmouu  12A    31   845   duomi
17. efnotuy   A7    39   884   foyned
18. diilort   2F    21   905   droop
19. gijlotu   C9    42   947   jigot

Remaining tiles: ilottu

Draw analysis of the game

    Rtng  Username  Tops Time Delta  Pts            Group: intermediate
  1.5407 Filemarigold    0  2:15  -903   44     1.6367 faythe      0  1:39  -931   16 
  2.6367 Filefaythe      0  1:39  -931   16            Group: novice
                                             1.5407 marigold    0  2:15  -903   44 

On 1st draw, (R)OUILLE H8 64 --- ROUILLE a peppery garlic sauce [n]
Other tops: (M)OUILLE H2 64, (M)OUILLE H3 64, (M)OUILLE H6 64, (M)OUILLE H7 64, (M)OUILLE H8 64, (R)OUILLE H2 64, (R)OUILLE H3 64, (R)OUILLE H6 64, (R)OUILLE H7 64
Other moves: (M)OUILLE H4 62, (M)OUILLE H5 62, (R)OUILLE H4 62, (R)OUILLE H5 62, ILLU(D)E H3 12

On 2nd draw, GHEES 15D 54 --- GHEE a kind of liquid butter made in India [n]
Other moves: HAHS 15E 51, HASH 15F 51, HEHS 15E 51, SHAH 15H 51, SHH 15H 48

On 3rd draw, BECLOWN G4 81 --- BECLOWN to cause to appear ridiculous [v]
Other moves: COWBELL 13C 32, OW 14E 31, COWBELL 13B 30, WEEL 14F 30, WEEN 14F 30

On 4th draw, SOMY H1 50 --- SOM a monetary unit of Kyrgyzstan [n]
Other tops: MIRY H1 50, RIMY H1 50
Other moves: ROSY H1 44, FORMYLS 13C 40, FORMYL 13C 36, FORBY 4D 34, OF 14E 31

On 5th draw, QASIDA 11E 47 --- QASIDA an Arabic poem of praise or mourning [n]
Other moves: BYROADS 4G 26, BYROAD 4G 24, DORSA I8 24, ODAS I1 24, SORDA I8 24

On 6th draw, ZEK 10J 67 --- ZEK a prisoner in a labour camp in USSR [n]
Other moves: ZITE 10J 64, ZIT 10J 63, ZO 10J 62, OZEKI 12A 49, ZEK I7 48

On 7th draw, AURIFIES 1A 86 --- AURIFY to turn into gold [v]
Other moves: AUF 14D 35, FAERIE 14F 34, FIKIER L8 34, FAKER L8 32, FAKIR L8 32

On 8th draw, H(E)AVIES K5 82 --- HEAVY a villain [n]
Other tops: VAHI(N)ES K5 82, VA(M)PISH M5 82, (S)HAVIES K5 82
Other moves: SHAVIE(S) K5 80, APHI(D)ES K5 78, HAP(P)IES K5 78, HA(P)PIES K5 78, HA(R)PIES K5 78
PIK(E)S L8 26 marigold

On 9th draw, VERNANT L1 86 --- VERNANT sprouting in spring [adj]
Other moves: REVENANT 14G 78, VERNANT J1 74, VARVE 8K 36, VANNER L1 32, TAVER 12K 31
VET L4 18 marigold

On 10th draw, PONCE J2 29 --- PONCE to solicit clients for a prostitute [v]
Other moves: COMBY 4D 28, OMEN I2 28, UPCOME B1 28, MENG I3 27, CEP I7 26
PRONG 3K 16 faythe

On 11th draw, GRABBY 4C 28 --- GRABBY tending to grab [adj]
Other moves: BRENT 14F 27, TANGA 12K 27, BRAG I6 26, GABBY 4D 26, AB 14E 25

On 12th draw, REAP M2 31 --- REAP to cut for harvest [v]
Other tops: PERAI 12A 31, PIRAI 12A 31
Other moves: REAP I6 26, OP 14E 25, PAIR 12C 25, PEER 14F 24, PREE 14F 24

On 13th draw, WEX I7 48 --- WEX to wax [v]
Other tops: WAX I7 48
Other moves: AWNER N2 47, WEX N4 47, WANTER N1 46, NEXT N4 42, RAX I7 42

On 14th draw, DAINT N1 36 --- DAINT dainty [adj]
Other moves: INLAID 12A 30, TIDAL 12K 27, NITID 12B 26, INTIL N3 25, INTI N3 24

On 15th draw, TERAI 12K 25 --- TERAI a sun hat with a wide brim [n]
Other tops: ARETE 2A 25
Other moves: AERIE 12B 23, RETIA 12B 23, RETIE 12B 23, TERAI 12A 23, EATERIE 14E 22

On 16th draw, DUOMI 12A 31 --- DUOMO a cathedral [n]
Other moves: MUID 12C 28, DIM 12D 27, JIAO N10 27, MIAOU N10 26, MID 12D 26

On 17th draw, FOYNED A7 39 --- FOYNE to thrust with a spear or sword [v]
Other moves: OFTEN 14E 36, EYNE 14E 35, UEY 14D 35, NEF 2D 34, TEF 2D 34

On 18th draw, DROOP 2F 21 --- DROOP to hang downward [v]
Other moves: DILATOR N9 20, DRAIL N10 20, OD 14E 19, DIE 5E 18, DOE 5E 18

On 19th draw, JIGOT C9 42 --- JIGOT a leg of mutton [n]
Other moves: JIGOT O11 39, GJU 3A 28, JIAO N10 27, GJU 14B 25, GAJO E3 24

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